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��1 5��831 <br /> �C� "L�nder" is Hom� Federal Sa��i ngs and Laan Assn of Grand Is�l and <br /> Lend�r is a Sa�i ngs and Loan <br /> organized and existing under�he law�af The Stat� of Nebraska . <br /> Lend�r's address is 221 South Locust 5t �rar�d I sl and NE 688fl1 <br /> . <br /> Lender is the beneticiary under this Security In,strum�nt. <br /> 4D� "Trustee" xs Arend R Baack, Attarney <br /> �E} "N�te" means the pram�ssory not�signed by Barrower and dated S�ptembe r 29, 2�1� , The N�te <br /> stat�s that Borrower owes Lender SEVENTY FI11E THUUSAND THREE F�UNDRED SE1lENTY <br /> ANa 0011�q <br /> D�l�ars �U.S. $�5,370.OD }plus interes�. Borr�w�r has p�rax�n.�se�to pay this de�t in regu�ar <br /> Periodic Payments and�o pay the debt in fu�l not lat�r than N��ember 1, �03a . <br /> tF� "Prope�#y" m�ans�he property that is described belou�under�he h�ading 'tTransfer of Rights in the <br /> �roper�y." <br /> 4G} "Lc�an" m�ans�he debt e�id�nced by the Nate, plus interes�, any prepaym�n�charges and Iate charges due <br /> under the Note, and alI sums due under this Security�n�trument, plu��nterest. <br /> tH3 "Ride�s" means a�� R�ders ta�hxs Se�urity Instrumen�that are executed by B�rrower. The fall�wing Riders <br /> are to be executed��Barrawer[che�k box as appl�cable�: <br /> 0 Adjustab��Rate Rid�r 0 Condominium R�d�r � Second Hom�Rider <br /> 0 Balloan Rider 0 P�anned Un��Deweloprnen�Rider � �-4 Family R�der <br /> �VA R�der 0 Bi�veek�y Payment Rider � ��her�s} �specif�� <br /> 41� "Applicable Law" means al�c�ntroll�ng applicable federal, sta�e and lacal statut�s, regula�ian�, ordinance� <br /> ax�d adm���strat��e ru��s and arders �that ha��the effect�f 1aw} as w�il as ali applicable final, non�appeaiable <br /> judiczal opinians. <br /> �J� "Cornmun�ty Associativn Dues, Fees, and Assessments" rneans all dues, fees, assessments and�ther <br /> charges that are impased on Borrawer�r th�Proper�y b�a condarnin�urn�.as�oci�t��n, home�wners <br /> associat�on or sirni�ar organizati�n. <br /> 4Kj "Electranic Funds Transfer" m�ar�s an�transfer of funds, oth�r than a transactian ari�inated by check, <br /> draft, or si�r.�lar paper instrument, v�hich�s �n�txated�hrough an electronic tern�nai, te�ephanic�nstrume��, <br /> compu�er, or magnetic tape sa as to�rder, �nstruct, or autharzze a financ�a� inst�tut��n to deb��ar���dit an <br /> acc�un�. Such term in�ludes, but is nat l�n�ited ta, point-of-sale transfers, au�or��ated�e�ier mach�ne <br /> transac�ions, �rans�ers initia�ed by telephone, wire transfer�, and au�ama�ed�learinghouse transfe�rs. <br /> �L.} "E�crow ltems" means�hose items that are des��ibed in S�ctian 3. <br /> 41VI� "Miscellane�us ProGeeds" means an�campensat�on, settlement, award of damage�, or proceeds paid by <br /> an�r�h�rd party�ather�han insuranGe prfl�eeds paid und�r th�covera�es d�scribed�n�ection 5} for: ��} <br /> damage t�, �r destruc��on�f, the Prnp�rty; �ii� condemnat�on or a�her ta.king af all o�an�part of the <br /> Proper�y; ��ii}conveyance in lieu af condemnation; or�i�r}misrepre�entatians�f, or omis�ions as�a, the <br /> �a�u�andlor canditzon of th�Pro er� . <br /> NEBRASECA-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFrecfciie Mac UNIFQRM[NSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3D28 1I�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6fNE]413QZ2 <br /> Wotters Kluwer Finan�iai Ser�ices Rage 2 af 17 <br />