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��1 5��7�� <br /> in�eres�of the Se�ured Far�y�Q t��e ex�en�af the principal s��m ye�ov�r�ng ta SecUred Par�y in respec��o the <br /> indeb�ed��ess described�n Paragrap���along wi�h�nterest and cas�s alIoca��e�her�to,hawever��idenced. <br /> �. So�ong as any por��on of the described obliga��on to Secured Par�y is ou�s�a�ading a��d u��paid,��le <br /> prov�sians�f the Deed of Trust af ather instrumen�of securi�y befi�veen�h�Deb�or and�h�Secu�•ed Far�y are <br /> c�ntrollin�as�o the�ol�at�t•al in whic�Secured Party is ta have a f rs�securit�y in�eres�s�ncluding any���ne�hcre is <br /> a confli��hetween it and the pro�isions of an}�li�n�nstruri��n��ran��d to�he Subordina�in�Creditor by the�lehtox•. <br /> 5. This Agre�n�en�is a cant�nuing,absalu�e and uncond��ianal a�r�ement❑f subordina�ian�i�h�u��•��ard <br /> �o the vaiidity or enforceabili�y of�he Promissory Na�es or other in�trum����s of i��debtedn�ss be�vveex����e D��tor <br /> and the 5ecured Par�e�idencing sums due or documents granting a securi��interes�in the�aila#eral,irr�specfi�e <br /> of the time or arder❑f attachment or perfection of�he security in�erest�n fihe�allat�ral or th�o�•der flf fiiin��he <br /> I]eeds Qf T�ust o�•other�n��r��rnents af securi�with respec�tn the Col�a�eral. <br /> 6. This Agreemen�shall remai�it�ful�force and eff�ct and is b�ndin�upon the Subardinatix�g��•editor and <br /> upon i�s successo��s an�i assi�;ns,so lon�as any partion of�he sum�secured a�de�cribed ir�Paragraph 3 a��e <br /> ou�s�andin�and u�paid. <br /> 7. The Subardina��ng�red�tor a�r�es�hat fihe Pramissory I�1o�e�ar other�nstrurnents of indeb�edness�f�he <br /> I3ebtar e�idencin��he�bligation b�tvveen the D�btor and the Secur�d Par�y may fram tim�to�ime be renevved, <br /> extend�d,modif ed,compr�rnis�d,acGele�•ated,se�t�ed or re�ease�,withou�notice to nr cflnsent by�he Subordinating <br /> Credi�or. <br /> � <br /> i'M-�-�-----�- <br /> J " <br /> i <br /> �f <br /> � <br /> S�eve K.unzman,Pres�dent and�E� <br /> ��ME FEDERAL SAV�NGS AND LDAN <br /> ASS���ATI�N�F GR.AND�SLA�II� <br /> "Subordina��ng Creditory' <br /> � <br /> Steve unLman,Presiden�and CE� <br /> H�ME FEDERAL SAV�NGS AND L�AN <br /> ASS�CIATI�N QF�RAND ISLANI� <br /> "Secur�d Far�}�" <br /> STATE QF NEBRASKA } <br /> �ss: <br /> ��tJNT"�''�F�AI��_. } <br /> Befo��e me, a �a�a�y Public qualified in said Caunty, persona�ly �ame S�eve �unzman as Presiden� and <br /> CE� of�-3�ME FEDERAL SAV�NGS AND LflAN ASSa��ATI�N, known�o me ta be the identical person wha <br /> signed the fore�oing Subordina�iot� Agreernen� on behalf Qf su�h �n�ity, and a�know�edged fio ex�cu�ion�hereof tn <br /> be his Waiun�ary act and d�ed�n behaif of such en�i�y. <br /> �it��ess�n}�hand a��d Nata�-�a�sea�o��this���d day of�ctobe�•,�0 I 5. <br /> __�_____._ u�_ _.w� m___.�. .._. � <br /> G�NERAL N��'A�Y�5t��e t�N���ask� Notary ubl i� <br /> �AhICY 5.��ARP � <br /> My Comm.Exp.A�g�st�S,�019 <br /> Su�hf�ohf 5111 <br />