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��15��7�5 <br /> B4RR�WER C�VENANTS that B�rrow�r is lawfully seis�d af the estate hereby con�eyed and has the right�❑ <br /> g�rant and can��y�he Praper�y afld that th�Pr�p�rty is unencurnber�d, except far encumbrances of recoxd. <br /> Borrovver vvarrants an�w ill defend generaily the tztl�to�h�Proper�y again�t a��c�aims and demands, subj ect�o <br /> any encumbrances of recard. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�T��I�STRUM�NT cambines uniform covenants for natianal use and nan-uniform cov�nants wi�h <br /> �imi��d variati�ns by jurisc�iction to�ons�itu�e a uniform se�urity ins�rum�nt cover�ng rea�property, <br /> LJ nifarm C��enants. B�rro�ver and Lender�ovenan�ar�d agree as f�llavvs: <br /> �. Payment vf Principa�. Ir�terest, Escrow ft�ms. Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges. Borrower <br /> sha��pay when due�he principal of, and�n���est Qn, �he debt eWxd�nced b�r th�N�te and an�prepa�ment <br /> charges and �a�e charges due under the��te. Borrower s�.a��a�s�pay funds f�r Escraw�tems pursuan�to <br /> S�ct�on 3. Payments due under th�I�'�te and th�s Securi�y�ns�rument shal�be made in L�.5. currenc�, <br /> Hav�ever, if any ch�ck or�th�r instrument rece�v�d by L�nder as pa�ment und�r the No�e or�his Securit� <br /> �ns�rum�n�is returned t� Lender unpaid, Lender ma�require�hat any or all subsequ�nt payment�due under <br /> th�Nate and this Secur�ty�nstrument be made in one or more of�h�fo��avving forms, as s�iected by Len��r; <br /> �a}cash; �b�m�ney order; �c}certified cheGk, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, pravide�an�r <br /> such check�s drawn upan an�nstitution,whase deposits ar�insured�y a federal agen�y, �nstrumen�ati��, or <br /> en�ity; �r�d} El�c�ranic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are d�emed rec�ived hy Lender when rec�ived at the�aca��on des�gnated �n the Nate�r at such <br /> other�o�at��n as rnay be designa�ed b�r Lender in acc�rdance wi�h�he no�ice pro�isions in�ection �5. <br /> Lender rnay return any payment ar partia�pa�ment if the paym�n�or part�a� paym�nts are insuffic��nt�� <br /> bring the Loan current. Lender may acGep�any pa�ment flr par��al payment insuffi�ient ta bring �he L�an <br /> �urrent, wxthout�sn�ai�er af any rights h�r�under�r pr�judic���its rights t�refuse such payment or par�ia� <br /> payments in the fixtur�, but L�nder is n�t o�i�ga�ed�o app�y such paymen�s at th�time such pa�ments are <br /> accepted. If each PeriQdic Fa�m�n� is app�ied as�f�ts s�h�duled due da�e, �hen Lender need n�t pay interes� <br /> on unapplied funds. Lend�r may h�ld such unapplied funds unt�� Borraw�r makes paxmen�s ta brin�the <br /> Loan current. If Borrower d���n�t do��vvithin a reasor�ah�e peri�d of t�rne, Le�der shal� either app���uch <br /> funds or return them to B�rr�w�r. �f not app��ed ear���r, such funds v�v�il�be app�ied ta the ou��tanding <br /> pr�nc�pa�ba�ance u�der�he Nate immedzate�y priar to farec�osure. No offset or c�aim which Borro�ver m.�g�t <br /> have now or in�he futur�again�t Lender sha��r�iieve Barrawer fr�m rnaking pa�ments du�under the N�te <br /> and this�ecurity�nstru�m�nt ar performing the cavenan�s and agreements secured by this�ecur�ty <br /> Instrument. <br /> �. Applicatian ❑f Payrnents vr Rr�ceeds. Exe�pt as�therwis�descr�bed�n�his�ection�, ali pa�rments <br /> ac�:epted and app�ied by Lender shal�be applied in�he foli��ing order af priarity: �a}interest�iue und�r the <br /> N�te; �b}pr�nc�pa�du�under the Na�e; �c} amounts due under Sect�an 3. Such pa�ments shall be app��ed to <br /> �a.�h Periodi�Payment in the order in which it became due. Any r�maining amoun�s sha�l�e applied f�rs�to <br /> �ate charg�s, second to any ather amoun�s due under th�s Security Instrument, and�hen tfl r�duce the <br /> princ�pa��alance of the Note. <br /> If Lender receives a paymen�frorn Borrawer for a d�l�nquent P�r�odi�Payment wh�ch�n��ud�s a suf�cien� <br /> arnount to pay any late charge due, �he payment�may be app��ed to t��de��nquent payment and the la�e <br /> �harge. �f more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lend�r rna�r app�y an�paymen�recei�ed frorn <br /> Barr�w�r to�he repa�ment of the Peri�d�c Payments�f, a.nd �o th�extent that, each payment can be paid�n <br /> fu1�. To the exten��hat an�excess exists after the payment is app�ied ta the ful�payment of ane or more <br /> P�riodxc Payments, such excess ma�be applied to an�late charges due. Volun�ary prepayments shall be <br /> app��ed �rst to any prepayment charges anc���en a��escribed zn th�Not�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac IJNIFdRM INSTRUMENT Forrr�302$11�7 <br /> VMP Q VMPfitN�]f130�� <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices Page 4 a#1 7 <br />