<br /> in�he Property and righ#s un�er�his Securi�y�.nstr�m�nt; and�d}�akes such action as L.�nder may
<br /> reasonably require t�assure t��a�Lender's�nterest i��the Property and rights under this S�cu�it��n�trurn�n�,
<br /> and Barrower's ab�i�a�ion t�pay the surns secured by thi�Security�ns�rumen�, shall�on�inue unchanged.
<br /> L�nder rnay require tha�Barrflwer pay such reinstatement surns and e�penses in ane or rnore af th�fo��ov�ing
<br /> f�rms, as sele��ed by L�nc�er; (a} cash; {b}money arder; �c} cer��fied chec�, bank ch��k,treasurer's c��ek or
<br /> cashxer's ch�ck, pr�v�ded a��y such Ghe�k is drawn upon an ins���ution v�rhose depasi�s are insured by a
<br /> f�deral agency, ins�rum�ntalit�or�ntity; or�d}E�e�tron�c Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatem�nt by Borrowe�,
<br /> �his 5��ur��y�ns�rumen�and obl�gations se�ured he�reby sha��remain ful�y effec��ve as �f no acce�eratian had
<br /> accurred. Hawe�er, �h�s right to re�ns�ate sha11 not appiy in the cas�of acceierat�an under Section 1$.
<br /> ��. Sale of Nate; Change of Loan Se��icer; Natice of Grievance. The No�e�r a partial inter�st in th�
<br /> Note�together with this Secur��y�nstrumen�}can be s�ld one or more t�mes wi�hou�pri�r nat��e�o
<br /> Barrovv�r. A sale migh�resu�t�n a change�n the ent�ty(knov�n as the "Laan Servicer"}tha�calie�ts Periodic
<br /> Paymen�s du�under�he No��and th�s Secur��y Ins�rument and performs o�her mortgage Iaan serv�cing
<br /> obliga�ions under the No��, this Securi�.y�nstrument, and Applicable Law. The�re als�rnight be one ar rnore
<br /> changes of the Laan Serv�cer unrelated�a a�ale af th�Na��. �f�here is a�hange�f the L,oan S�rvic�r,
<br /> Borr�v�er w�ll be g�Wen wri�ten notice of�he change which will state the narne and addr�ss of the new Loan
<br /> 5ervi�er, the addres�to�vh�ch paymen�s shau��i be made and an�a�her�nf�rmat�an RESPA require� �n
<br /> c�nnec�ian v�ith a natic�of transf�r of serviGing. If�he Nate is sold and thereafter the Laan�s ser�ic�d b�a
<br /> Loan 5er�i�er other�han�he purchaser of�he Nate, the mor�ga�e loan�er�icing obliga�ions to Barrawer will
<br /> remain v�i�h the Laan Servicer or b��ransferred�o a succe�sor Loan Servic�r and are not assum��by the
<br /> �a��purchaser un�ess o�herwise pr���ded��the No�e purchaser.
<br /> N�ith�r Barrower nar Lender�na�commence,j o�n, or be j o�ned to any judicia� ac�ion�as either an
<br /> �ndi�idua��itigant or�he m�mh�r of a class��hat arises fr�m the other party's ac�ions pursuant�a this
<br /> Se�uri�y Instrument ar that alteges tha�the oth�r party has breached any pravisi�n af, or any du�y owed b�
<br /> reas�n�f, this Security Instrument, un�x� �uch Bnrrgwer or Lender has n��if�ed�:he�ther party�with such
<br /> n��ice given �n complianGe wi�h the requirernen�s of S���ian �5}�f such a�leg�d hreach and afforded�he
<br /> �ther par�y here�o a r�as�nabl�period after�he g��ing af�uch no�ice to take corrective act�an. �f Appl�ca��e
<br /> Law p�rav�des a time p�ri�d�rh��h must elapse bef�re certain action can be tak�n, that�ime period wi��be
<br /> deemed ta h�r�as�nabl�fo��urp�s�s of�h�s paragraph. Th�n�t�ce of ac�elera�ion and app�rtunity to curt
<br /> g�ven ta Borr��ver pursuant ta Section 2�and�he natice�f acce�era�ian given to B�rrower pur�uarit to
<br /> Section 18 s�all be deemed ta satisfy th�n�t��e and apportun���to take corrective a�;ti�n pravisions of this
<br /> S�;ct��n��.
<br /> 2'�. Hazardous Substances. As used in th�s 5ect�on�l: �a� "I-�a,�ardous Sr�hstances"ar��hose substances
<br /> dei"�ned as �oxic ar harardous subs�ances, poliutants, or waste��y�n��ronmerita� Lavv and the following
<br /> sub�tane�s: gasoline, ker�sene, ather�lamrnab�e or�axic petra�eum products, to�ic pesticides and herb�c�des,
<br /> vola�:i�e so�ven�:s, materials conta�ning asbes�os or f�r���a�deh�de, and radioactiv�materials; �b�
<br /> "�nv�r�nrnenta�L�xw"rneans federa��aws and laws�f th��ur€sdictian wh�re�he Praperty is located�hat
<br /> re�ate ta health, safe�y or envir�nmental pro�ec��on; ��} ".��vironment�al�'�eanup"includes any response
<br /> actian, rernedial aC�ion, or rem�val action, as defined in En��rnnmenta�Lav�r; and�d) an "Enviror�mental
<br /> �otzdition"means a condition that can cause, contribute ta, or otherwxse trigger an Environmen�al C�eanup.
<br /> Borrower shal�n�t cause or permi��he pre�ence, use, disposai, storage, or re�ease of any Hazardflus
<br /> Subs�ances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in the Prop�rty. Barrow�r sha��not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone eise�o da, anything affecting the Prapert� �a} �ha�is�n vioiat��n of any Environmental
<br /> Lav�, �b}whi�h crea�es an En�ir�nm�ntal�andi�ion, nr�c} vvhich, due�o the presence, use, or rel�ase af a
<br /> Hazardaus 5ubstance, c:reates a canditian that�dversely affec�s the va�ue of the Property, The preced�n�two
<br /> NEgRASKA-Singl�Family-Fannie MaelFre�'Sdie Mac llNIF�RM INSTRLJMENT �arm 302$i 101
<br /> VMP Q VMP�tNEy(1 3q�f
<br /> Wolters K�uwer Financial$er�ices Page 13�f 7 7
<br />