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��1 5��7�3 <br /> alsa notify Lender whene�er any of the e�ents listed in Paragraph l��b�and�c}occur. <br /> {e}No�ice to Secretary and Borrower. Lend�r sha�1 natify the Secretar�and Borrower�vhene�er <br /> the�oan becomes due and payable under Paragraph 1�(b}and(c}. Lend�r shail not ha�e the right <br /> to commence foreclosure until Borrower has had thirty�30�days after notice ta either: <br /> �i}Carrect the matter which resulted in the Secur�ty Instrument coming due and payable;or <br /> �ii}Pay the balance in ful l;or <br /> �iii}5e11 the Property far the�esser of th�balance or ninety-five�95%}vf the ap�raised�alue <br /> and apply the net prac�e�s of the sale�o�vard the balance;ar <br /> �iv}Pra�ide the Lender with a deed-in-lieu af fareclosure. <br /> �f}Notice tv Secretary and Eligible Nan-Borrowing Spvuse. Lender shall nottfy the Secretary <br /> and any Eligible I�on-Borrowing Spouse whene�er any e�ent listed in Paragraph 10(b}and�c} <br /> occurs during a Deferral Period. <br /> (g�Trusts.�on�eyance of a Borrower's interest in the Praperty ta a trust�vhich meets the <br /> reauirements�f the Secretary,or can�e�ance�f a trust's inter�sts in the Praperty to a Borrower, <br /> shall not be cansidered a con��yance for purposes of this Paragraph I�.A trust shall not be <br /> considered an occupant ar he cons�dered as having a Principal Residence for purpases of this <br /> Paragraph �Q. <br /> �h�Mor�gage Not Insured.Borrower agrees�hat should this�e�urity Instrum�nt and the I�1ote n�t <br /> k�e eligible for insurance under the l�ational Ho�sing Act with�n eight�8}month�from the date <br /> hereof, if permitted by app�icable�aw Lender may,at its aptrton, require immediate payment-in-fu1l <br /> af a]1 sums secured by�his 5ecurit�Instrurn�nt. A wri#ten sta.tement of a.r�y authorized agent�f th� <br /> Secretary dated subsequent ta eight{$�month�frvm th�date here�f,d�clining to insure this <br /> Security Ins�rument and the Nate,shalt be de�rned canclusi�e proof�f such ineligibi�it}�. <br /> Notwithstanding�he faregoing,this option may not be exercised by L�nder when the unavailability <br /> of insurance is sole�y due to Lend�r's failure to remit a mortgage insuranc�premium�a the <br /> Secretary. <br /> 11. No Deficiency Judgments.B�rrovv�r shall ha��no personal liability for payment of the d�b# <br /> secured t�y this Security Instrument. Lender may enfarce the debt onl�through sa1�of the Property. <br /> Lender sha�l nat be permitted ta�bta.�n a d�ficiency judgment against Bvrrower if the S�curity <br /> Instrument is foreclosed. If this S�curity Instrument is assigned ta the Secretary upon demand by the <br /> Secretary, B�rr�wer shall not k�e�i abl e for any di fference b�tween th�mortgage insurance benefits paid <br /> to Lender and the❑utstanding indebt�dn�ss,including accrued interest,owed by Sorrower a#the�ime of <br /> the assignment. <br /> lZ.Reinsta�ement by Barrawer. B�rcower has a ri�ht to he reinstated if Lender has re�uired <br /> immediate payment in full. This right applies e�en after fareclosure proceedings are instituted. To <br /> reins�ate this Security Instrument,Borrower shall c�rrect th��onditian which r�sulted in the re�uirement <br /> for immediate payment in full. Foreclosure costs and reasonable and�ustamary attarney's fees and <br /> �xpenses pr�perly asso�iated with th�far��iosure proceeding shall be added tv the Principal Balance. <br /> Upon reinstatement hy Borrawer,this 5ecurity Instrument and the obli�ations that it secur�s shall <br /> Page G of 14 HECM F irst Deed Qf Trust-2�15 <br />