��1 5��7�3
<br /> �b}the payment of all other sums,with interest,ad�anced under paragra�h 5 to pro�ect the secur�ty of
<br /> �his Security Instrument or othervvise due under the terms of this Security Instrument;and�c�th�
<br /> performance of Barrower's cavenants and agreements under this Security Instrumen.t and th�Note.The
<br /> full debt,including amounts described in�a�,�b�,and�c�abo�e,if n��due earlier,is due and payable on
<br /> Sep�em ber 3,z498. Far thi s purpo se,B arrawer trre���ably gran�s and c�n�ey s to Trustee,i n�rust,
<br /> with�awer of sai�,the fo�lowing described property located in HALL County,I�EBRASKA:
<br /> See Zegal description as ERhibit A atta�hed hereta and made a part hereof for a�I intents and
<br /> pu rpo�es
<br /> which has�he address of
<br /> ��2g Greenwa�d Dri�e,�rand Island,Nebraska 58gU3,�"Property Address"} �
<br /> T�GETI�ER WI TH a11 the i mpro�ements nov�or hereafter erected an the praperty, and all easements,
<br /> rights,appurtenances,and fix�ur�s now ar hereafter a part of the property.All replacements and
<br /> additians shall also be cavered by this Security Instrument.All of th�f�regoing is referred to in this
<br /> 5ecuri�y Instrument as the"Pr�perty."Borrower und�rstands and a�rees that 1V[ERS holds only legal tit�e
<br /> �o the interests granted by Borrower in this 5ecurity Instrument,hut,if necessary ta camply with law or
<br /> cu�tam,MERS�as nominee far Lender and Lender's success�rs and assigns�has the right: ta exercise
<br /> any or all of thase interests,�ncluding,but not limit�d to,th�right ta foreclose and sell the Praperty;and
<br /> to take any act�an required of Lender includ�ng,but nat limited�o,releasing and�ance�ing this Security
<br /> instrument.
<br /> B�RR��'ER C�VENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised af the es�ate her�by canveyed and has the
<br /> right to grant and conve�th�Praperty and that the Property is unencumbered.Borrower warrants and
<br /> will d�fend gen�ral�y the title to the Property against all clairns and demands,subject ta any
<br /> encumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> THIS SE�U�ITY I1�STRUMENT�ornbines uniforrn cavenants for natiana�use and nan-uniform
<br /> ca�enants with limited variations by j urisdiction to cons�itute a uniform security instrurnent co�ering
<br /> real praperty.
<br /> UNIF�RM CDVENANTS.Barrower and Lender�ovenan#and agree as fallaws:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal and Interest.Borrower shall pa�when due the principal of,and inter�st on,
<br /> the debt e�idenced by the Nate.
<br /> �.Paymen#of Property�hargcs.Borrower sha�1�ay all property charges consisting af praperty ta�es,
<br /> hazard insurance premiums,flaad insurance premiurns,ground rents,condominium fees,planned unit
<br /> de�elopment fees,home�vvner's associatinn fees,and any other special assessments that may b�required
<br /> b� Iacal nr st.ate�aw in a timely manner,and shall pro�ide evidence of payment ta Lender,uniess Lender
<br /> pays c�rtain property charges as pro��ded for and in accordance with the Loan Agreement unless Lend�r
<br /> pays propert�charges as provided for and in a�c�rdance with the Loan Agreement.
<br /> 3,Fire,Flnod and �ther Hazard Insurance. Borro�er shall�nsure a11 impro�ements fln the Prop�rty,
<br /> vvhether novv in�xis�ence or subsequ�ntly erected,against any hazards,casualties,and cantingencies,
<br /> including,but not lirnited to,fire and flood,f�r which Lender requires insurance. 5uch insurance shall
<br /> be maintained�n the amounts,and for the periods that Lender requires; Lender has the discretian to
<br /> increase ar d��rease the arnount of any insurance required at any time pro�ided th�amount is equal to�r
<br /> �r-eater than any minimum required b_y the Secr�tar.y of Housin�and Urban De�ela�ment�"Secretary"}.
<br /> PAge �nf l4 HECM F irst Deed Qf Trust-2�l S
<br />