1 '
<br />�1`l�n�. 1� ��;(:!;rt� rro`• •i �:;,r -1 r,,. i 200 0 0171 8
<br />A tract of land comprising ;i lrar•t oJ• 1.11c lnut:ica.,t Ouartrr (51:1) of Sectlrnz
<br />Five (5), 1'otrnship F;levc:n (1.1) North, ka:c,rc !•lira (:�) IVest of tl��o Gth.':-PJ1.
<br />in Hall County,' Nebraska, nx�ra Panic:! cl arty dasc:r� hcd as fo].J otrs
<br />Beginning at a point on the south J irrc or. Said ,
<br />point being Six Hundred Sixty ix (»6,) Sr -ction )'i1. (5) , stud
<br />of said Section Five 5 y p feet t;c:sr of tits southeast comer
<br />Section. Five 5 () thcnce.�arstcrly along the south line of said
<br />( ), a distance of t�rc Ilculdrod 711rirty (J3p.01 feat; thence
<br />northerly parallel to tl:e cart line of said Section five a distance of
<br />Four Hundred Thirty 11rree and Seventeen llLmdredths. (431.17) feet; thence
<br />easterly parallel to the south line of said Section Five (5), a distance
<br />of One Hundred Thirty (130,0) feet; thence southerly parallel to the cast
<br />line of said Section Five (5) , a distance of tour Hundred Thirty '17rree and
<br />Seventeen Htnrdredthc (a3?,,17) feet to thr l;l:u.� of l;��l�i�r,ri;,�, :L�ci coil acres more or less. •• g
<br />1.)'iGM. AI:,S(: I"I'lox - TRAM' NT). 2
<br />A tract of land comprising a hart of the ,;outlruast Quarter SI.1
<br />Five (5), Township Eleven (11) North, Rwlge Nine (n) West of tiro 6t1rSP rilort
<br />in Hall Cncnity, Nebraska, mor•c; part�.icul ru' o Nin�:ri.hed as: {Of the
<br />BeginJr3.119 at a point on tlic Southorl. • 1.1,�1rt. ,
<br />said point bei- g 'ce f.,.... , ) of -irwv litre of
<br />Eighty v n ►C'.:S Nuadred J�ilrieZ.y Six (796.0) J•(!( :t rr(`St and
<br />g y Eight and Seventeen lituidredths (�)1;$, { /) ('c0t north of. theysoutheasted
<br />corner of said Section Five (5) ; Xhcrrc:o sc�uthcrl;• l;ar;rTlcl to tlrG east litre
<br />of said Section Five (5), a clistarrcc� of l,.i�re iilurllre:c! fifty Five (555.0) feet;
<br />thence f Foerly;,parallel to the south line u{' jai cl Section' Five (5) , a dis-
<br />tance Of Four.Jiundred Fifty Five (45:i.0) frc,t.; tlie�rrcrs northc�rl;• par:�l -led to
<br />the cast line of said Section 1q%,c (5) ,
<br />,Ninety (2J0.0) feet, to thc� southerly •rig; distr;,,cc of approxi:;r1tely 11,•o Hwidred
<br />thence g y 1,Irt- erf. -t :�]• line of said Highway No.2;
<br />mm�in nortlnresterl.y along the :;rWrtljc�rl %, r•i�;irt- o{' -a�a]• line of. liigllw.ry
<br />:xr le to the place of befiinrrirr ; ancJ rl.mt:r.ini n•; ,r 1r)1.,:(ir,,;�tc•lY ; . C 7 acres more
<br />or less:
<br />'•-'�+nr � r:cr
<br />,: 1\.l 111 /• .)
<br />A tract of land comprising a part: of rlr� F„;;t,lr.,;cst tic,artcr 1
<br />Five (5) , Township )rlevrri (ll) Nortl►, l'Range ! Ninc• lr , , (Sl:a) of Section'
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska, more Dartic'trlarly describcdlVastfo lohs •6th P.Mr '
<br />