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��1 5�659� <br /> �EE� �F Tl�I��T <br /> ���n N�; �7������� ����ti�[.[��� R��� � <br /> ��w��s�f Trust��. Irt ��i�i�ti�n���ll ���nrers�f Tru�t�� �ri�ing a�� rnatter�#fa�nrr Trus�a��h�ll h����h���w�r�� <br /> t�k�th�� �a31�v�r i�� a G�io ns vtirith r�sp��t t�tl�� Pr���rt����n t�i� w rit��r�r���i�st�f L�r�tl�r��d Trust�r_ (�} j�i r� �n <br /> �r�p�ring an� f[1in� a �ap �r plat a�th� F€�al �rap�rtyf i��I��in� �h� ��€�icatiar� o��tre�t� ar ath�r ri�ht� t� �h� <br /> �u�li�: ��� j�i� ir� �ran�ir�g any �as�m�nt �r �r�atin� any r���ri�ti�r� �n �h� ���I Fra��rty: and �c� j�ir� it� �n�r <br /> �u��rdin��Qrt�r o���r��r��m���affectinq thi� a��d o-�T�us�or the inter����f L�nder un�er thi� ��ed af�`r�st. <br /> Tre��t��. Trr��t�� �hal[ m��t all �ua[i�i�a�io�s req�ir�ci ��r Trust�� u��er app�i�abl� law. ln �d�ition t�th� rig�t� <br /> a nd r�rn�di�s s�t f�r�� ����r�, ��rE�h r��p���t�a al l �r a�y�art�f th� Pr�p�r�r the T�-ust�� sl��l l h��� th� ri�l�t t� <br /> ��r��l�s� I�y n�tic� �r��] s�l�, �n�! L�r�d�r �+ill ha�� th� right�o �or��la�� b�r ju�li�i�l f�r��l��ur�, in �i�h�r ���� in <br /> �G��rd�n��with an�ta the f�ll�x��r�t�ar��ri���������i��t�l�]�w. <br /> �u�ee���r Trust��. L�n��r, �t te��er'� ��ti�n�may�r�m ti�n���time ap��int a�u�c��s�r Truste�ta.any Trust�e <br /> app�ir���d u��er�t�i� De�� �f Tru�� �y ar� ir�str�rn�nt �x��u��d ar�d ��kr��vv[��g�d �y L��d�r �r�d r���r��� ir��kt�� <br /> off€�� af t�� r���r��r �f H�L� �Q�antyr �t��� �� [���r�sl��. �T�� in�tr�m�n� ���I[ ���t�in, in ���ii�i�n �Q all �th�r <br /> rnatt�r� r���ir��i b}r ��at� lav�r� t�� r��rri�� �f tf�� �ri�i��l L�r�d�r, Tr�����r �r��i Tru�tarr tl�� ���[� �rid ��g� ��r <br /> �����rt�r �yst��n re��r�r,��� wh�re thi� a���i �f Tr��� i� re��rd��lf �n�l th� n�m� �n�] �d�r��� �f�h� su�c�ss�r <br /> tr�ast��, �n�th�in��r�am�n�sl��Cl C������Ut�� ��d��kr���rvl�d���f�y�I�tl��b�n�fi�i��i�� U��i�r tl�is ���d�f Trust�r <br /> th�ir su���ssor� ir� ir�t�r�st. �h� ������s�r trust��, �rith��t��r���y�n�� Qf�h� Pr-�p�r�}�r sh�ll ����e�d t� �I[the <br /> titl�r p�v3r�r, �nd d�tie���n�Fe��ed �p�r�t[��Trust��ir��h�i������f�rus�k�r�� �����li���l�lavtir� T�is�r����ur�f�r <br /> su�s���u�i�rr�f Truste�shall�av�rn to th���€clu�i�n af all vth�r pra�isi�n�f�r�ubstitution. <br /> N�TI���. Any n�ti�� r����r�� � ��gi��n un��r thi� D���2 a��`rusfir in�ludsng �vs�tl�ou�t lir�ita�ti�n �r,� na�ti�� a��i��autt <br /> �nd ar�y nati�� c�f s�l���lal1 t�� �iv��� ir� xr}rritir7gr �r�d ����ll ���#����iv� �nr�-ren ��t��lly d�li�r�r��, ��f��r� �ctu�Ily r���i�r�� <br /> ��t�l�f���im�l�{�r�[e���therwi��r���ir�d by���v}, �rh�n d��a�it�cl v�rith a natianal[y�����n�z�d ��rerni�ht��uri�r, arf i� <br /> m�il��f,wh�r�dep�site�in th� l��ti�k�� �t�t��m�il, ���irst�I��sr ��rtifi�c��r re�ist�r��i r��i[ ���t��� �r���i�F�€r��t��l�a <br /> tl�� ��i�r����� �h�wn r�e2�r th� ���ir�ni n� �t��i� a���l ��Trust. A[1 c��i�� ��f n��i��� ����r��[��ur��r�m tl�e hasd��o� <br /> �n� li�n �hi�h has p ri�rit�r ov�r tC�is a���i �f Trust�}���1 f�� s��t �� L�r�d�r's ���1�-���, �� sI�ow n r���r tk�� k���ir�ni t�� �f <br /> tl�is ���d �f 3rU�t. Any p��o� may �h�n�� his �r he��d�re�� tor rtoti��s ur�d�r�h�s �e�� ❑fi �r�st by gi�in� ��rrnal <br /> v�rit��n n�tir:� tn t�� oth�r ��rs�r� �r p�r�ar��, �p��i�ir�� th�t �he p€�r���� �f �h� n�ti�� is t� �h�r��� �h� p�rs�n's <br /> ��dr�s�. F�r r�ati���urp���sf Tr��t�r��r����� k��p Len��r irtformed at�ll tim���f Tru��or`s curr�nt�d�r���. �Jnle�s <br /> ��f��rv�ri�� p�c�vici�� r�r r�yuir�d �� I�vtirr if�l��r� i� ir��r�tl�a�� �i7� Tru�t�rr any r��ti�� �iv�r, �y L�r�der t� arn,r Trus�t�r is <br /> d��rn�d����n�ti���iv�;�tQ��l Tr�st�rs. It�vill ��Yrust�r'�re��ao n�i�;li��r t�te Il�the flthe����the r��ti�e�r�rn L�nd�r. <br /> IuIIS�E�.i.�1NE�U� RR�VISl�C1l�. Th���ll�wvir��mi����l�rr�����r�v��i�n��re� p�rt����i� ae���f Trust: <br /> Am�n�rri�r�ts. V4lI��t i� v�s��tt�n i r�th�i� �eed ��Tr����r��i i r� �h� R�[�t�d ao��m�r�ts i� Tr����r's �n�ir���r��m�r�� <br /> �nrith L�nd�r��n��rnin�th� rrt���r� c�ver�� by tl�i� ���d �f Trust. T� �� eff�cti��1 �n�ch�ng��r���r��m�rtt t� <br /> ��i� �e�d�f Trust rrti�s��� ir� ���itin� an� r:�u�t ��si�n�� �y wh��u�r v�ril[ �� ���n� �r��I����t�� ���th���an���r <br /> �rn�n�m�nt_ <br /> �aption H��tJiri��. ���ti�n �eadin�� in this ���d �� Tr�st �r� f�r ��nv�ni�n�� ��rp�s�� or��y ar�� �re r���t� �� <br /> u��d t�an��r�r�t ar define the provi�i����f�I�i� ���d�f Tr�ast. <br /> lVl�r��r. Ther��h�Ci i�e r�a rry�rg�r�f tl��ir�t�r�st�r���at��r��t�d ��r�his a���of Tr�ast�nritF�ar�y ath�r i€�ter�s�ar <br /> �st�t� [r�th�Pr�p�rt��t�ny tim���l�i by��f�r the b�r��fst�f L�nder in any Ga�aGityr v�riXha�r��he�vri�t�n ��n��n� <br /> �f L�rtd�r. � <br /> Gaverr�ing L�rr�. �his ���� �f'�rt��� wll� #�� ���►�rn�� 1������r�� I�w ���Iz��bI��C� L�n�l�r �n�i. �C��h� ���rr# n�� <br /> pree�pfied�y��deral I�v�r�t��I�w��f�h��t�#�af�et�r�s��rrvi�F��ut r���rci�a i�ts��r���c�ts��I��r►r�r��i�i�r�s. TI�`� <br /> �eed�f Trust k����e�r��c���t���y L�nd�r in the�tate�f N��ra�ka. <br /> �#�ai�� nf 1l�r���. If tl��r� i� a l�v�rsuit� Tr�a�t�r ��re�� ���r� L�r���r's r����s��� ��bmi�t� th��uris�i�ti�n o���� <br /> c�urt�a�r Hall���nty, �t������[��r�sk�. <br /> ,J�ir�� �r��l Se�er�l Lia�i�ity. A II �bl i�ati�rrs �f ��rr�w�r a nd T���t�r �an��r th�i� a��� ���ru�t �h�If �� j�int �n�l <br /> se��ra[, �n��II r���ren���to 7t�s��r shall m��n��CI� �r�d�v�ry Tru����{��� �Il r�f�r�r����t���rr�w�r�hal� r���r� <br /> each�n� �v��-y��rrou��r. TI�[s r��ar��tha��a�l�Trust�r si�rtin���law is r�s��nsibl�for aIl �bli��rti�n�ir�th�� D��� <br /> of Trust. <br /> �i�ll��iv�r k��r L��d�r. "!"r��t�r un�i�r�tand� L��c�er vtiri�l r��t giv�u��r�y��L�r�d�r'� rig ht� u���r th�s a��d af Tr��t <br /> �r�l�s� L�r�d�r d��s �� in writin�. Th� f�et�that L�n�1�r �el�ys �r �mit� ta ��c���;�� ar�y ri�h� v�ill n��t rn��r: �ha� <br /> L�n�]�r h�� �iv�n �p�ha� ri�C�t. �� L�r�cl�r�i��� ��r�� i� �ri�ir,� t� �ive �� ��� af L�r�d�r's ri�k�tsr that d�es ��t <br /> rry��r� Ti rust�r v�ili r��t h��e t� ���p�y vvith tl�e �ther �r��isi�n� �#�hi� �eed af Trust. Trust�� �rl�� und�rst�r�d� <br /> that if ��n��r �Q�s �ar���ri�t� � req u���f ��r at�o�s r��� rn ea�r t�at Trustor w il[ n�� h��re �a ��t L�nd�r's c�r�s ent <br /> ���ir,if th��i��a�tion h��p�n� ���in. Tr��t�r f�rth�r����r��an�t5�C�a��u�����au�� Len��r��r,s�r��s�t�or�e�r rn�r� <br /> �f Tr�st�r'� r��u�s�, �h�� ���s n�� m�an Lender will be r�quir�� t� ��ns�nt t� any of Tr�star`s�utur� requ���s. <br /> Trust�r�nr�i�e��re��ntrn�nt,d�r��nd fvr��yment, prat��t� �nd n��i��o�disl��r���. <br /> ���r�rabiIity. lf a ���rt fFn���h��any �rovisiar� ��'��is ���� ��Trust �� rr��valid ar sha�l� n�t 1�� �n��r���f fih�t <br /> faGt!�y i�s�lf�rill ���r���n���t th�r�st��this �e�� �t�r��t will n�-�k�� v�li�l�r�r�f�r�ed. �i h�r�f�r�r� caurt vtirill <br /> �n�a r����e r�st��#���r��i�ac�n5 af this a��� a�Tru��t���n if a pr��is i�n�f t[�is ���cl��Tr�st rn ay be���n�t�b� <br /> ir���r�li�i�r ur�er��or���b��. <br /> ��t������rs a�d As�i+�r�s. �ut����t t� ��y limi�a�i�n�������1 in this €�eed ��Tru�t�r�tran�f�r af Trust�r'� znt�r��t� <br /> thi� I���d �f Tr��t��al� �� bind�ng upon �nd �r�ur��� �he b�ne�i��f th� parti��r �h�ir�������vr� �r�d a��igns. 1# <br /> �vxrrr�r�hip �f th� Pr���rty I����m��v��t��l in � ��rs�ri�tl��r th�.n Trust�r� Lerrder, vxri�h�ut n��i�� ��TrU�t�r� ma� <br /> ���I v�r i�C�Trust�r's su���s��r� witf� r�f�r�n��t�th i�D���2��Trust���th�1 n�l�b���ln��s by way a=fa rb��r�r����r <br /> ��€t�n�ian v�ith��t r�l���ir��Tru�tc��'fr�r�th���li��ti�r�s����tis���d�f Tru���r liab�lity un��r th�Ind��tedr��s�. <br /> Tir��is�f th�E���r���_ Tirr��is ��tl���ss�t��� [r�th����f�rm�n���f this����1 �f Trus�. <br /> �1faiUe.��ry. AI���rti�s to�his ���d �f�rU�t h�r�hy r��iv��th� righ�t�ar�y jUry tri�l in��y��ti�r�� �r��e��l�n�, �r <br /> ��un��r�[aim br��t�ht b�anY[��Y�A�in���n�at��r�a�y. <br /> �faiv�r of ti�rr���t��� Exerripti�r�. Trustar h�r�by r�l�as�� �rtd v��iv�s all ri�hts �n� b�n�fi#� ���I�� h�rr������� <br /> e��rr7pti�r,I�v�+s of th��tat���N��r��l�����o�11 I r����t���r�ss�e�ur�� ��r t;�i�a�����Trust. <br /> ��FINITi 1�11��. Th���Il��rir�g w�r��s��l[I���r��I�e��Il�v�rin� rr���nir���when u��d ir�tF�i�I�e�d v#Tr�s�; <br /> ��r��fi�i�r�. T?te�rv�r�l ;��r��fici��" m���s Equita�l� Bar�kf �n�l i��s���ess�rs�n��s�i�n�_ <br /> �arr��r�rer. Tt�� wdr� "B�rr�vlr�r" means CF�A[G A S�H�#L�l�and�ETH A��HULEF��n� in�lud�� ��I��-si�n�rs�n� <br /> �a-rnak�rs�i�nin�ti���r�di�Ac�r��ment an�l�IC���ss�rs and�ssi�n�. <br /> �r��1it Agreem�nt. Th� �r�rd� "�r�dit A�re�rner��" m�an the �r�dit agr��ri��nt����� ��p��r���r ��r ���5{ �vi�I� <br /> �t'��iit lit�[t �f �������.�� fram g�rr��,r�r t� �r��i�r, t����I��r v�rit� ��1 ��n��va�� �fr ��-t��si�ns �fr <br /> modifica�i��s �f, re�irrar��ir�gs aff ��r,s�li�ati�ns afr an� ��t�sti��,�i�r�s f��-t�e �r�rni���ry r��t� �r ��r��m�r��. Th� <br /> �rtaturi�y�at��f thi����d�f Tr���i s ������k��r 1�r ��'I�. <br /> �]���I ��F�r�st. �h� wor�� "Q��c� ��Tru�t" rn�ar� this ���d ��Trust arrr�n� �rt����r� L�nd�rf �r��l Tru�t��r �r�d <br /> �n��ud�� �rvi���u� limitatian alI as�i�r�rn�n� and ���urit� ir���r�st pr��rls[�rrs r�latir�� t� tf�� P�rs�nal �r��er�y ar�d <br />