��1 5��51 1
<br /> A I)eed af Trus� was made and en�ered int� on ar ab�u� Noven�ber �8, ���5, �by and between
<br /> Gregory A Roan and M�chelle A. R�an, as Trust�r�s}, and Mort�age Ele�tronic R�gistra�i�n S�stems,
<br /> Inc., as naminee for�i�mington Finance, a �3i��sian of AI� Federal Savings Bank its su�cessors and
<br /> ass�gns, as Ben�f�ciary, which Deed �f Trust v�as recorded an December 5, �4U5, Dacument No.
<br /> 20�511�36 in the records�f the Register�f Deeds of Hall C�uflty,Nebraska.
<br /> Edward E. Br�nk, was app�in�ed successar�ruste�pursuant to an Appointme��of Successar Trus�e�
<br /> wh�ch was recorded�n June 22, Z��.5 �n the recards af the Reg�st�r af I]eeds of Hall�aunty,�t�braska.
<br /> Edvvard E. Brrnk, Successor Trustee, referred to as Grant�r, in cons�deration of $293,�6�,2� and
<br /> a�her valuab�e consideratian received from U,S. Bank National Assaciat�on, as Trustee far Specialty
<br /> Underwri�ing and Residential Finan�e Trust M�r�gage Lnan AssetwBacked Certif�cates, Series����-BC2,
<br /> Benef ciary, da�s grant, bargain, sel�, c�nWey and confirm unto U,S. Bank Natiana� Assacia�ian, as
<br /> Trustee far Spec�a�ty Underwriting and Residentia� Finance T`rust Mar�gage Loan Asset-Backed
<br /> Certifi�ates, Ser�es Z���-B�2,�he fol�owing described real propet�y in Ha�l County,I�Iebras�a:
<br /> L��TwentywSeven�27}, SAI�DLE�LU�3 SUBDIVISI��T,Hall �ounty,Nebraska,
<br /> B�ing the same pr�rnises �onveyed to Gregory A, Roan and Michel�e A. Roan, hushand
<br /> and wife as j oint tenants from T�rry L. �Valter by �arranty Deed �ated 101171�0�1 and
<br /> recorded 1U12812q�1 in as Instrument��DU11Q582 �n Hall County��erkts Off ce.
<br /> comm�nly knov�n as 3�23 Bronc�Road,Grand.Island,�IE 588�1.
<br /> Ta have and t�ha�d the abo��-described premises together with ai�tenernen�s, hered�ta�nents and
<br /> appurtenances be�ar�ging unto U.S.Bank Nationa�Assaciatian, as Trustee for Specialty Underwri�ing an�
<br /> Resid�n�:ial Finance Trus�;M�r�gage L�an Asse�-Backed Cert�f�ca�:es, Ser�es�006-BCZ,fore�er.
<br /> �RANT�R makes the fo�lowing cov�nants wi�h U.S. Bank I�atior�al Ass�ciation, as Trustee for
<br /> Specialty Underwriting and Reside���ial Finance Trust Mortgage L�a�� Asse�-Bac�.ed C�rtificates, Series
<br /> �oa�-���:
<br /> 1. Gr�go�-y A Roan and Michelle A. R�an, as Trus�or�s], failed �o pay �he Beneficiary payments
<br /> which were Contractualiy due, and �he Grantor, at the r��uest �f �he Ben�fciary, e�ected to
<br /> deciare th� ent�re unpa.id prine�pa� balance, �ogether with in�er�st �t onc� immed�ately due and
<br /> payab�e.
<br /> �. A NotiGe of Default vvas recorded by Grantor on lune 22, 2D�5, in th� rec�rds of the Regrster of
<br /> I]eeds of HaII �aunty, Nebraska, as Instrument ��15�4144. �ith�n �� days thereafter, a co���f
<br /> the recard�d Nati�e of I]efau�t was �naile� by cer�ified mail, postage prepaid, to al� parties
<br /> enti�led to natice, pursuant to the Deed of Trust and in cnmpiiance with Neb. Rev. Stat. §7�-1��5
<br /> �Reissue 2�D3},
<br /> 3. Gr�g�ry A R�an and Michelle A. Roan failed to �ure the defaul� ref�renced in the Notic� �f
<br /> Default wi�hin thirty�3 D}days after recording�f the N�ti�e of Default.
<br /> 4. A N�tice of Trustee's Sale was execut�d�y�rant�r. At Iea��Z� days priar�o the scheduled date
<br /> of sale, a co�y af the N�tice of time and place of the Trustee's Sale vvas mailed by c�r�if�ed n�ail,
<br /> pastage prepa�d, to all par�ies entitied to notice, pursua��.t�a the Deed ❑f Trust and i�z compliance
<br /> with Neb.Re�. Stat. �76w 1�D8�R�issue���3�.
<br /> 5. Gran�ar published the IVotice of Trus�ee's Sale, which was held on Septem�er 15, Z�I 5 a� I Q:��
<br /> AM, a�: �:he Lnwer Lo��y �f ihe Ha�l �ounty Courthouse, �rrand Island, Ha�l �nunty, �ebraska,
<br /> Fiie�1a. 158651
<br />