��1 5�6498
<br /> ful� of a�l sums secured by �h�s SeCUr1'� TnSf�l.lin�n�. Ho�vever, �h�s ap�ion sha�l nat be e�erc�sed by Lender xf
<br /> exercise is prohibited b�r federal Ia�v as of the date of this SeGurity�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this opt�on, Lender shall g�ve Borrovver not�ce of accelera�ion. The notice shall provide a
<br /> peria� of nat less �han�he m�nirnurn nurnber�f da�rs es�abi�shed by App�ic�t�le Law frorn th� date the na�ice is �
<br /> delivered or mail�d wi�hin which Borro�ver must pay a�� sums secured by tlz�s Security Inst�rumen�. If Borrav�er
<br /> fa�ls ��pay these sums prior to the expira��on of this p�r�od, Lender may in-voke any rernedies permit�ed by�h�s
<br /> Security�n��rumen�withou��her notice ar demand on B�rrower.
<br /> BorrQwer'� Right to Reins�ate. If Borrourer rnee�s cer�ain conditio�s, Bo�zrav�rer sha1l ha�e the right �� have
<br /> enfarc�rnent Qf this Securit��ns�rument discontinued at any tirne prior�a ��e� earlx��r of �a} S days �flr such other
<br /> per�od as Appl�cab�e Law may spec�fy for reinstat�ment}before sale of th�Property pursuant�o any p�vv�r❑f sale
<br /> con�ained in �h.�s Security �ns�rurnen�; ar �b} entry af a �udgme�at enforc�ng �his Security �nstrument. Thas�
<br /> �onditi�ns are that Barraurer: �a) pays Lender all sums u�hich th�n v�ould 1��� due under�his Security �nstruxn�n�
<br /> and the�on�rac�as if n�acce�erat�on had nccurr�d;�b}cures an�defautt of ar�y ather covenan�s or agreemen�.s;€c}
<br /> pays alI expenses�ncurred in enforcing this Secur�ty Instxumen�,in��udxng,�ut nat limi�ed to,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�ent permi.tted b��ativ; and�d��akes such ac��on as Lender ma�reasonab�y requ�re�a assure tha�the
<br /> lien❑f�his Security�ns�rument,Lender's r�gh�s in�he Proper�y and Bonrow�r's oU�igation to pay the sum.s secured
<br /> by this Secu.rity Instrument s�.a�� continue unchanged. U�nn reinstatemen�b�,�Borrower, this Security Insfirum�nt
<br /> and the ab��gations secured hereby shal� rema�n fu��y effective as if no acc��.era�i�n had uccurred. Hov�rGve�; �his
<br /> rxgh�to reinstate shall�ao�apply in the case af accelera�ion under the sect�an tit�ed Transfer vf�he Prvpert3T or a
<br /> �er��ficia�Interest in Borr4wer.
<br /> Ha�ardaus 5ubstan�es,Borrower shall na�cause ar perm�t the presence,us�., d�sposal, s�arage, �r rel�ase af any
<br /> Hazardvus Subs�ances an�r i��the Property.Barrau•er sha.l.�no�do,nar alio�v anyone else t�do,any�hin�aff�cting
<br /> t�ae Prap�rtiy tha� �s in �.o�atzan of any En�ir�r}m�n�al Law. The pre�eding �t�o se�t�nces shall nat app�y to �he
<br /> presence,use,or s�ara�e on�he Property of smali quan�i�i�s of Ha�ardous Sub stance�tha�are generally recogni�e�i
<br /> to be appropriate to normal reszdentia�use�and to ma�ntenance of the Praperty.
<br /> Barro�er sha1�prflmp�ly give Lender v�rrit�en nflt��e of any�nvestzgation,c1a�r:�,dernand,lativsuit or other actian by
<br /> any�overnmenta� ar regulatory agency ar private part�y invalving �he Frape:r�y and ar��r�a�ard�us Sub��ance ar
<br /> E�Zviron�nenta� Law of ,which Borr�wer has actual kx�.otiv�edge. �f Borr���ver learns, or is no�if ed b� any
<br /> governmen�al or regulatory auth�rity,�hat any remaUal or oth�r remed�a�aa�af any Hazardous Substance aff�Cting
<br /> �he Property �s n�ces�ary, Borrav�r�r sha�I prampt�y ta�e a1X n�cessary re:medial actions �n acc�rdance w�th
<br /> En�riranmenta�La�r.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "HazardQus Subs�ar�ces" are�h�se substances defized as taxic �r ha�ardous subs�ances
<br /> b� Env�r�nm�n�a� Law and the fnliowing substances: gasaline, �er�sene, ��ther flammab�e or t��ic pe�roleum
<br /> praducts, tox�c pes�xcides and herb�c�des, volatile solvent�, ma�erials cantaining asbestos ar formaldehyd�, and
<br /> radivacti�re materials. As used ir��his�aragraph, "Environmental Lativ"mear�s federa��a�vs and Iavvs of the st�.te of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate�fl heal�h,safety or envir�nmental pro�ec�zon.
<br /> A�celeration; Remedies. Lender shal� give notice �n �orr��ver prior �a accelera��on fallow�ng Barrfl�wer's
<br /> bre�.�h�f any covenant or agreement in this Secur�ty Instrurnen�or�he t�on�ract under vvhich accelera�ion
<br /> is permit�ed �but nut prior�o accele�ra#ivn under the sec�ion ti�Ied Tra�sfer of the Property or a B�nef�cia�
<br /> In�erest fn Borrower,unless Appizcab�e Law prov�des o�her��vis�}. The no�ice shali spe�ify; �a� �he de:fault;
<br /> �h} the a��ion required to cure the defaul�; ��} a da�e, no� less �han �he mfnimum numher �f days
<br /> esta�lished�y App��cable Law frarn the date the natice�s g��en to B�rra��ver,by wh�ch the�lefauit mx�st be
<br /> cur�d; and �d� �ha� fa�ilure �v �ure the default vn ar before �he date specified �n the not��e may resul� �n
<br /> a�ce�eration �f the sums se�ured by this S�cur�� Ir�strument and sa�e �f �he Property. To �h� ex�en�
<br /> per�ni�ted by law, the natice shai�further inform Borrower of th�righ�to reinsta�e after accele�atian and
<br /> the right ta bring a court ac��on t�assert the non-existenc�af a defauit���any ather defense of Barrav�er t�
<br /> a�c�lera�ion and sa�e.If the defau��i� na�cured on or before �he date���ecif�ed ira the notice,Lender a��ts
<br /> option rnay r�quire �mm�d�a�e paym�nt in fu�l nf alI sums se�ur�d by t�is Security Instrumen� w�thau�
<br /> further demand a�d �aay �nvoke�he power flf sa�e and any o�her remec�ies perrnit�ed by Appl��able Lavv.
<br /> Tv the extent permitted by Ia�v, Lender sha�I. be ent��led ro collect ail �y�penses �in�urred �n pur���ng �he
<br /> rern�ed�es provid�d in�his Section,in�iuding,bu�not li�nited t�,rea�ona���e attorn�ys'fees and cost� oiF t��ie
<br /> . ev�denc�,
<br /> If the poVver of sa��fs�.nvoked,TruSt�e�hall recard a notice af defau�t�r.�each c�un�y in which any par�of
<br /> �he property is loca�ed and Shall ma�l capxes af such not�ce fn the rnann��r prescribed.by Applicable Law�o
<br /> Borrower and �o t�e other persons pres�ribed by Appiicab�e Law. After the �im� required by App�i�ab��
<br /> Lavv, Trus�e� sha�� gxve public nat�ce �f sa�e to �he persons and �n �he manner prescribed by Appli�able
<br /> Lav��.Tru�tee,without demand on Borr�wer,shall sel�the Prnper�y a�p�ub�.�c au�tzan t��he h�ghes�h�dder
<br /> at��e time and pla�e and under the terms designated in th�not��e of sale in one�r more parcels anc�in any
<br /> order Trustee determunes. Trustee may pos�pvne 5a�e of all vr any ��arce� of the Pr�perty by publiC
<br /> annaun�ement a�the time and pla�e of any previously schedu�ed sale.Lender or�ts d�s�gne�may pur�ha�e
<br /> the Pr�perty at any s�le.
<br /> Up�n rece�pt of payment�f�he price bid,Trustee sha�l deliver�Q the pur�haser Trus�ee's �Qed �anv��ing
<br /> the Property. The reci�ai�in�he Trus�ee�s deed shall be pr�ma facie evi�ier�ce of the�ruth vf the statements
<br /> made therein. Trustee �hall apply the proceeds of �he sale in the fv��Eowing order: �a} to al� c�s�s and
<br /> e�p�nses of exercising the pawer of sale, and the sale,including the pay�n�n�of�he Truste�'s f��s a��ually
<br /> Q?404-2415 Com�tiance Systerns,Inc,A6BC-�372-2015.3.5.1064
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Ins�rezment IJL2436 Pa�e 4 of 5 WWW.CO171p]3�I1C�5y5�EII75.CQ171
<br />