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<br /> �Cont�nued� Page 7
<br /> shall �perate as a v►rai�er of su�h right or any ather right. A wai�er by Lender❑f a pravisian vf th�s aeed o�Trust
<br /> sha�� not prejudice or �onstitute a waiver ❑# Lender's right atherwise tv demand 5t1'EC� cvmpliance with that
<br /> prv�ision or any other pro��sion of �his CJeed af Trust. Na privr wai�er by Lender, nor any course ❑f d�aling
<br /> �etween Lender and Trustvr, shail �onstitute a wai�er ❑f any o� Lender°s righ�s �r❑f any of Trustor's o�ligatians
<br /> as ta any future firansactions. Whene�er�he consent�� Lender is r�quired under�his Deed of Trust, the granting
<br /> of such consent f�y Lender in an}� instance shall not ��nstitut� con�inuing Gansent�o subsequent instances where
<br /> such�onsent is required and in all cases such cansent rnay he granted ar withheld in the sale discretion of Lend�r,
<br /> Se�erability. 1f a caurt af�ompetent�urisdictian finds any prv�isian �f this D�ed of Trust to be illegal, in�alid, vr
<br /> unenfor�eable as to any circumstan�e, that finding shall nvt make the offending provision illegal, in�alid, ar
<br /> unen�or�eabfe as to any vther circumstance. If feasible, the offending pro�isivn shafl be cons�dered mvdif�ed so
<br /> that it be�orne� �egal, �alid and enf�rceable. If the offending pro�ision cannat b� sa mvdified, it shall be
<br /> consid�red deleted �From this Deed �� Trust. unless otherwise required by law, the illegaiity, invafidity, ❑r
<br /> un�n�or�eahi[ity ❑f any pro�ision of this Deed af Trust shall n�t af�ect the I�gal�ty, �aiidity vr en�orc�ability of any
<br /> other pro�Esion of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> SuGcessars and Ass�gns. Subject t❑ any limi�a�ions stated in this �eed of Trus�C an transfer of T�us�Car's interest,
<br /> this Deed o#Trust sha!! he bin�ing upon and inure ta the bene�it of the parties, their successors and assigns. I�
<br /> ❑wnership vf the Pr�perty becomes �ested in a person ❑the��han Trus�vr, L�nder, wi�haut notice to Trustar, rnay
<br /> deal with Trustor's successvrs with reference to this[Jeed❑f Trust and the [ndeb�edness by way of farbearance or
<br /> ex�ensivn without re�easing Trustar from�he obliga#ivns of this D�ed of Trust�r liabili�y under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is v�the essen�e in the perfrormance af this Deed afi Trust.
<br /> Wa��e Jury. All par�ties to this Deed of Trust her�by wai�e the righ�tv any jury trial in any a�tian, proceeding, ❑r
<br /> �ounterc�aim brough�by any par�y against any ather par#y.
<br /> Wai�er 8� Hornestead Exemption. Trus�ar her��y releases and wai�es all rights and benefits of the homestead
<br /> exemptian laws af the State�fi Nebraska as to all Indeb�edness secured by this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> ❑EFINITI�NS. The fol[vwing capitalized words and terms shall have the foflowing meanings when us�d �n this aeed o�
<br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated to the �ontrary, all references t❑d�[�ar amounts sha�1 mean amaunts in law#ui mvney
<br /> a� the U nited 5tates of America. Vllords and terms used in #he singular shall includ� th� plu�al, and the plura� sha!!
<br /> include the singular, as the context may require. Vllards and t�rms not otherwise defined in th�s �eed af Trust sha11
<br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Code:
<br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Ben�ficiary" means Ex�hange Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "gorrower" means June M. F�ank Re�Qcable Trust and includes all cv-signers and cv-makers
<br /> signing�he Nvte and all�heir successvrs and assigns.
<br /> ❑eed v# Trust. The wards "ae�d of Trust" mean this Deed af Trust arnong Trustor, L�nd�r, and Trustee, and
<br /> inc[udes wi�thout lirnitatian all asSi�nment and se�u�ity interest prvvisians refating to the P�rsona[ Praperty and
<br /> Rents�
<br /> �efault. The word "Defau[t" means the ❑efault set far�h in this Deed of Trust�n th�se�tian titled "�efault".
<br /> Enviranm�ntaf Laws. The w�rds "En�i�onmental Laws" m�an any and a11 state, federal and Iocal statutes,
<br /> regulations and ardinan�es reiating t� the pratection of human health or the en�iranment, �n�luding withvut
<br /> limitatian the C�mprehensi�e En�ir�nmental Respanse, �vmpensation, and L'+abili�y.�ct-.vf-1.98�, as amended, 42
<br /> L1.S.C. 5ectivn 9��1, et seq. t"CERCLA"�, �he Superfun� Amendrnents and Reauthorizatian.-Act of 1986, Puh. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 t"SARA"y,the Hazardo�rs Materials Transportatian A�t,49 U:S.�: Sectian '�8D1;:et seq., the Resaurce
<br /> 4
<br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery A�t, 42 U.S.C. S�ction 69�1, e�seq., or ather applicable sta�+e�vr�ed�ral �aws, rules,
<br /> flr regulativns adop�ed pursuant thereto. ����� � � � � �
<br /> E�en�of❑e#ault. The wards "E�ent af�efiault" mean any of the��ents❑f default set forth in this Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the e�en�s of defaul�se�tion of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guaran�or, endarser, surety, ❑r accvmmadation party t❑
<br /> Lender, in�luding without limitation a guaranty af a!�or part of the Nate.
<br /> Hazardous 5uhstances. The wards "Hazardous Substances" mean materia[s that, because of their quantity,
<br /> concentration or phys�cal, Ghemical ❑r infectious characteristi�s, may cause ❑r pose a present or pvtentia[ ha�ard
<br /> to human health ar the enviranment wh�n imprvperly used, �reated, s��red, dispased of, generated, rnanufactur�d,
<br /> transported or o�h�rwise handled. Th� wards "Hazardaus 5ubstanc�s" are used in their �ery brvades�sense and
<br /> includ� w�thaut I�mitatian any and all hazardous �r t�xic su�stances, materia�s or waste as defined hy ar listed
<br /> under the En�iranmentaf Laws. The te�m "'Ha�ardous Substances" aiso includes, withaut limitatian. petroleum and
<br /> pe�roleum by-produ�ts or any�rraction thereof and asbest�s.
<br /> Irnprvvements. The tirvord "Impro�emen�s" means a�� existing and future impro�em�nts, �ui�dings, structures,
<br /> mo�ile hames affixed on the Real Proper�y, facilities, additians, repla�ements and vther construct�on on the Real
<br /> Prvperty.
<br /> �ndehtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means a�f principal, int�r�st, and vther amaun�s, casts and expenses
<br /> payable under the No�e or Related Documents, together with all renewals af, extensions of, modi�Fica�ians ❑f,
<br /> consolidations of and subs�itu�ians for the Nate ar Related Documen�s and any amaunts expended ❑r ad�anced by
<br /> Lend�r t❑ dis�harge Trustar's obligations �r �xpenses incurred by Trus�e� ar Lender ta enforce Trus�tor's
<br /> obfigations under this Deed af Trust, tagether with interest on su�h amaunts as prvvided in this D�ed af Trust.
<br /> 5p�ci�i�al�y, without limitation, lnde�tedness includes the future ad�ances set forth in the Fu#ure Ad�ances
<br /> pro��sion, together with all interes� therevn and all amounts �hat may �e ind�reGt[y secured �y the
<br /> Crass-Cvliateralizat�on provisian of this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word '"Lender" means Exchange Bank, its successars and assigns.
<br /> No�e. The word "Nate" means the promissory note dated July 21, 2�15, in the maximum obligat�vn amvunt of
<br /> �25Q,�Q�.Q� from Trustor t❑ Lender, �agether with a�! renewals o�, extensians of, mad�ficati�ns v�, re�inancings
<br /> af, �ansvlidativns af and suhstitutions far the promiss�ry n�te vr a�reemen�.
<br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal Pr�perty" mean ail equipm�nt, fixtures, and vther articles of personal
<br /> property no►rv nr hereaf�er awned by Trustor, and now ar hereafter a�tached or affixed tv the Real Praperty;
<br /> together wi#h all accessions, parts, and add�tions to, a!1 replacemen�s of, and all substitutions for, any of such
<br /> p�operty; and tagether with all proceeds �including withaut limi�ati�n all insuran�e pro�eeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums�from any sal�or ath�r dispvsition o�F th� Property.
<br /> Proper#y. The w�rd "Pr�perty'" means collecti�ely th�Real Property and the Personal Property.
<br /> Real Praper#y. The words "Rea� Prvp�r�ky" mean the real praperty, inter�sts and r�ghts, as further des�ribed in#his
<br /> ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> Rela�ed Docum�n�s. Th� wards "Relat�d ❑ocumen�ts"' rnean all pr�missory nates, �redit agreements, laan
<br /> agreement�, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, se�ur�ty agre�ments, mvrtgages, deeds vf �rust, security
<br /> deeds, cvlla�eral mvrtgag�s, and all ather instruments, agreements and do�uments, whether naw �r hereafter
<br /> � �
<br />