��1 5�6441
<br /> DEEI� �F TRUST
<br /> {�vntinued� Page �
<br /> au�horized user of the P�operty shall use, genera�e, manufactur�, st�re, treat, dispase o#❑�release any Hazardaus
<br /> Substanc�an, under, about or from the Property; and {by any such acti�ity shall be condu�ted in�omplian��with
<br /> all app�icabfe federa�, state, and Ivcal faws, regulations and ardinances, includin� withaut limita#ian all
<br /> En�ironm�ntal Laws. Trustar authori�es Lender and its agen�ts �a enter upon the Pr�perty to make such
<br /> insp�ctions and tests, at Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem apprvpriate to determine c�rnpfiance of the
<br /> Property with this s�cti�n �f the Deed a'�Trus�. Any �nspe�tians or tests mad� by Lender shali be far Lender's
<br /> purposes vnly and shall nvt�e c�nstrued ta create any responsibility ar liabiiity an the part of Lender ta Trustor o�
<br /> �o any vther p�rson. The rep�esentations and warran�ies cvntained herein are based an Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> in�estigating the Prvperty for Hazardous SubstanGes. Trustar hereby 4�� re�eases and wa�ves any �uture claims
<br /> agains� Lend�r far indemnity vr cantributian in the event Trustvr becomes liable for cleanup or other costs under
<br /> any such laws; and 42} agrees tv indemnify, de�fend, and hold harm�ess Lend�r against any and all claims, Iosses,
<br /> �IaE71IIfilESr damag�s, penaities, and expenses which Lender may directfy or indirectly sustain or suffer resu�ting frorn
<br /> a breach of this se�tian af the Deed of Trust o�r as a c�nsequenc� �f any use, generati�n, manufa�ture, storage,
<br /> dispasal, release ar threatened rel�ase occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in�he Property, whether or
<br /> not the same was ❑r should ha�e been known to Trustor. The pro�isions �� this sectian of the Deed of Trust,
<br /> including�he a��i�ation tv indemnify and defend,shall sur�i�e the payment o#the Indebtedness and the sa�isfaction
<br /> and recon�eyan�e�f the lien o��his Deed of Trus�and shall not be af#e�ted �y L�nder's acquisition of any interest
<br /> in the Pr�perty,whether by for�clasure vr atherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustor shall nat cause, cvndu�� o� permit any nuisan�e nvr Gammit, perrnit, or suf�er any
<br /> stripping a�or waste on or to the Property vr any portion o�th� Property. Wi�houfi limiting the generality �f the
<br /> �oregoing, Trustar will not remo�e, or grant ta any other party�he right to remo�e, any tirnber, minerals �incfuding
<br /> ❑il and gas�, �aal, clay,scaria, soil, gra��l ar rack products withaut Lend�r's priar written Gonsen�.
<br /> Rema�a��f Impror�ements. Trustor shal� n�t dema�ish or rerno�e any lmpro�ements f�om th� Real Property v►rithou�
<br /> Lender's Qrior written cansen�. As a cnndition to the remo�al of any Impra�ements, Lender rnay requir�Trustar�tv
<br /> rnake arr�ngements satisfactory to Lender ta repface such Improvements with Imprv�ements o� afi least equal
<br /> �a�ue.
<br /> Lender`s Right to Enter. Lende� and Lender's agents and representati��s may enter upon the Real Praperty at a[I
<br /> reasonable times to att�nd tn Lender's in�erests and to inspect the Real Prvper�y far purposes o� Trustor's
<br /> �ampliance w�th the�erms and conditians of this D�ed o�Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Governmental Requirements. Trustor shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinan�es, and
<br /> regulations, nvw �r hereafter in efif�ct, o# a�i gv�ernmental authorities applica�le to �h� use vr occupancy vf the
<br /> Property, in�luding without limitation, the Americans With Disabilities Act. Trustor may contest in ga�d faith any
<br /> such law, ordinance, or regulation and withhold carnpliance during any praceeding, incfuding apprvpr�ate appeals,
<br /> so�ong as Trustar has notified Lender in w��t�ng prior to doing so and sa long as, in Lender's sal�vpinEan, Lender's
<br /> int�rests in the Prop�rty are not j��pardized. Lender may r�quire Trustor to post adequa�e securEty vr a surety
<br /> band, reasanably satisfactary ta Lender,to pra�ect Lender"s int�rest.
<br /> Duty ta Prvtect. Trustor agrees neither �v abandon vr lea�e unattended the Praperty. Trustor shall do a�� oth�r
<br /> acts, �n additian�a those a�ts set forth abo�e in this sec�k�on, which frvm�he chara�ter and us� ofi the Pr�perty are
<br /> reasonably necessary�a protect and preser�e the Property.
<br /> DUE❑N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENQER. Lender r-�nay, afi Lender's option, declare immediately due and payahle afl surns
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upon the Sale or trans�r�r, wi�khaut Lender's prior v�rrit�en cvnsent, ofi all or any part vf the
<br /> Real Praperty, ar any interest in the Real Property. A "sale ar transfer" means the can�eyance of Real Praperty vr any
<br /> righ�, title or interest in the Real Property; whether legal, beneficial or equitable; whether ��lunta�y or in��luntary;
<br /> wheth�r hy ❑u�right sale, deed, �nstallment sale contract, land contrac�, contra�t for deed, l�aseho�d int�rest with a
<br /> term greater than thre� t3f years, [eas�-optian c�ntract, nr by sale, assignment, Qr trans�er�f any ben��icial in�erest�n
<br /> �r t❑ any fand trust holding title ta th� Real Property, ❑r by any other method �f cvn�eyanGe of an interest in the Rea�
<br /> Prop�r�y. Hvwe�er, this option sha�� nat be exercis�d by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by f�deral law ar by
<br /> Nebraslca law.
<br /> TA3CES AN❑ L�ENS. Th� following pro�isivns relating to the taxes and liens on the Property are part �f this ❑eed vf
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor sha11 pay when due �and in a11 e�ants prior t�delinquen�yy all taxes, speGial taxes, assessmen#s,
<br /> charg�s ��ncluding wat�r and sewer], fines and imp�sitivns le�ied against or vn account of the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims far work don� vn or fvr ser�ices rendered or material furnished to the Property. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain th� Prvperty�ree vfi all liens ha�ing priarity v�er❑r equal to th� interest❑f Lender under fihis �eed ofi
<br /> Trust, ex�ept far the lien of taxes and assessrnents nat due and except as otherwise pravided in this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right tv Confest. Trustar may withhvld payment of any�ax, assessment, ar c�airn in connection wEth a goad �aith
<br /> dispute oW�r the vbfigation ta pay, so long as Lender's inter�st in the Prvperty is nv�jeapard��ed. 1f a iien arises or
<br /> is filed as a resuft of nonpayment, Trustor shall within �ifteen �1�} days after the lien arises or, �f a lien is fiied,
<br /> within fifteen �15y days after Trustvr has notice of the �iiing, secure the discharge o� the lien, ar if requested by
<br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash❑r a sufficient cv�pvrate sur�ty bvnd or vther security sa�isfactory ta Lender'rn an
<br /> amaunt su��icient tv discharge the lien plus any costs and attvrneys' ��ES. ❑r�$hGr Cha��ES�ha��DUIf� aCCCUE a5 8
<br /> result ofi a�are�losure or sale under�he lien. Ir�any c�ntest,Trustor shall defend itse��and Lender and sha[f sa�isfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment before enfa�cement against the Property, Trus�or shall name Lender as an add�tional obligee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest proGeedings.
<br /> Evidenc�af Payment. Trus�or shali upan demand �urnish tv Lender satisfactv�y e�iden�e of payment of the taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authorize the apprapriate g��ernm�ntal �f�icial to deli��r ta Lender at any time a written
<br /> s#atement of the taxes and assessments against�he Praperty.
<br /> Notice of Gans#ruction. Trustvr shall notify Lender at I�ast �iffieen �15� days before any vvork is �ammenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, ar any materials are supplied to the Praperty, if any mechanic's lienr mat�rialm�n's I�en, ar
<br /> ❑ther lien cou(d be asserted an ac�aun�of the work, servi�es, or materials. Trus€or will up�n request o� Lender
<br /> furnish to L�nder ad�ance assurances sa�isfactary ta Lender �hat Trust�r �an and will pay �he GDS� o� such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY D►4MAGE[NStJRANCE, The fallawing pravisians relating to insuring the Property are a par�a�this Qeed vf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> MaintenanGe ❑� lnsurance. Trustar shali pracure and rnainfiain policies of fir� in�urance with s�andard extended
<br /> couera�e endvrsem�nts on a replacement basis far the �ulk �nsurable value co�ering af� �mpro�emenfis on the Real
<br /> Pr�perty in an amount suffi�ient to av�id app�icat��n af any cainsurance clause, and v�rith a stan�ard mar�gagee
<br /> ciause in fa�or af Lender. Trus�ar shail also procur� and maintain cvmpreh�nsi�e gen�ral liability insurance in su�h
<br /> co�erage am�unts as Lender may r�quest with Trustee and Lender being nam�d as additional in�ureds in such
<br /> liabi�ity insuran�e pol'rGies, Addi�iona€�y� Trustor shall maintain such a�her insurance, including but not limi�ed to
<br /> ha�ard, business int�rruptian, and bo��er insurance, as Lender may reasanably r�quire. Pvli�ies shall be wri�t�n in
<br /> form, am�unts, �oWerages and basis reasanabfy acceptable �a Lender and issued by a company v� companies
<br /> reasonably a�ceptable tv Lender. Trust�r, upon reques� of Lender, ►►vill deli�er to Lender �rom tirne ta time the
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