��1 5��41 3
<br /> All �nsurar�c�policies requir�d by Lender and renevvals of such policies sha�� be�ubje�t�o L,ender's right to
<br /> disappro�e such polic�es, shall �nclude a standard mortgage claus�, and sha�l nam�Lende�-as martgagee
<br /> andlor as an additional Ioss payee. Lender shall ha�e�he right to h��d the po�iGies and renewal�ertif�cates. If
<br /> Lender requi�es, Barro��er shall promptl�gi�e�o I.�nder all receipts af paid premiums and renewal notices.
<br /> If Bo�-row�r ob�ains any form af insurance coverag�, nat otherwise requ��ed by I.ender, for damage to, or
<br /> des�ructian of, �he Praperty, such pol�cy shall include a standard martgage clause and sha�l name I,ender as
<br /> mor�gagee andlor a�an addi�ia�a�Ioss payee.
<br /> In�he��ent of l�ss, Sarrawer sha11 g�ve pr�mpt no�ice ta the insuran�e carrier and Lender. I.ender rnay
<br /> make praof of loss�f not made prompt�y by Borrower. Unless Ilender and Borr�wer atherw�se agree in
<br /> writing, an� insuranc�proce�ds, vvheth�r ar not the underly�ng insurance was requir�d b�r L�nd�r, s�.all be
<br /> applied ta r�storation�r r�pa�r af the Prtiper�y, �f the restorat�on or repa�r is ec�nomically feasihle and
<br /> Lender's securi��is no�le�sened. L7ur�ng such r�pair and rest�ration pe�r�ad, I.�nder shall ha�e�he�ight to
<br /> hold such insurance proc�cds until Lender has had an flpportuni�y to i�spect such Property to�nsure�he
<br /> vvork has been comple�ed�o Lender's satisfac�ion, prav�ded tha�such�nsp�cti�n shall be undertaken
<br /> pramptly. Lender ma�disburse proceeds fflr thc repairs and res�ora��on�n a single payrn�n�or in a series of
<br /> progress payments as�he work is campleted. Unless an agreernen� is rnade�n v�r�t�ng or Ap�i�cabie Lav�
<br /> require��nteres�t�he paid an such insurance proceeds, L.�nd�r shail not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> in�erest a�r earnings on such pra�eeds. Fees for pub�ic ad�usters, ��ather third par�ies, re�ained�y Borro�er
<br /> shall nat be pa�d ou�of the insurance proce�ds and shaii be the sole ob��ga�i�n of Borrower. �f the rest�rat�on
<br /> or repair is na�econornica�ly feasib��or Lender's security wauld be less�ned, t�e insuranc�proGeeds shall be
<br /> app�ied to the sum� secured by�his Security�nstrument, whether or not�he�due, wi�h th�excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrou�er. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied�n�he order p�ro�ided for in Sec�ian 2.
<br /> �f Borr�wer abandons the Property, �..�ender may f�le, negotiate and s�ttle any a�aila�le insurance ciairn and
<br /> rela�ed rnatters. If Borraw�r d�es not respond vvithin 30 days ta a natice from Lender�hat�he insurance
<br /> �arr��r has offered to settle a c�aim, then L�nd�r ma�negot�a�e and se�t��the�laim, The 3�-day period wi11
<br /> begin vvhen the natxc��s g�ven, in e��her event, or if Lender acquires the Pr�perty under S�ct�fln 22 ar
<br /> othervvis�, B�rro�er hereby ass�gns to Lender�a�Borrower's rights to any insuran�e proceeds in an amoun�
<br /> no�to exc�ed the amaun�s unpaid under the N��e or this Security Instrum�nt, and (b} any ather of
<br /> Borro�rer's r�gh�s�oth�r than the right ta any refund vf unearn�d premiums paid by Borrower3 und�r a�i
<br /> insuran��polic�es covering�he Praperty, ins�far as such righ�s are applica�le ta the��verage of the
<br /> Property. Lender may use the insuran�e proceeds e�ther to repair or r�s�ore th�Praperty o�to pay am�unts
<br /> unpaid und�r�he Na�e or this Security Instrument, whether ar not th�n due.
<br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrower sha��accupy, estab�xsh, ar�d use the Praper��as Borrower's principai res�dence
<br /> w��hin 60 clays after the e�ecuti�n�f this Security Instrurnent and sha�� c�nti�aue to occup�the Property as
<br /> Borrower's principal re�idence for a�least one year after the date�f occupancy, unless Lender o�h�rwise
<br /> agrees in writin�, which consent shall not be unr�asonably wi�hheld, or unless extenuat�ng circurns�ances
<br /> �xis�wh�ch are b�yond Borrower's cantrol.
<br /> 7. Preservatian, Maintenance and Protect�on Qf the Property: Inspections. Borrower shall not de�troy,
<br /> damage ar�mpai�the P��per��, allow the Proper�y�o ��teriorate or c�rnm�t v��aste on the Propert�. Whe�her
<br /> or na�Borraw�r is r�sid�ng in the Property, Borrovver shall ma�ntain the Property in arder�o pre�ent the
<br /> Proper�y fram de�er�orat�ng or t�ecreasing in�alue due to its condition. Un�ess �t is det�rmined pursuant to
<br /> Sectian 5 �hat repa�r o��restorat��n�s not e�an�rnicaily feasib�e, Borro►uv�r shall promp�ly repair�h�Pr�per�y
<br /> if damaged ta a��id further de�eriora�ion or damag�. �f insurance or condemnat�on proceeds are paid in
<br /> connec�i�n vwi�h d�ma�e�o, or the ta�in�of, �he P�operty, Borrawer shall be r�spo�.sib��for�r�pa�ring or
<br /> res�orin� the Property o��ly�f Lende�has re�eased proceeds fo�r such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> NESRASKA-Sing�e Farnily-�annie Ma�l�reddie Mac UNIFQRM 1N5TRUMENT Forrn 3�28'i!n'I
<br /> VMP� VM�6{NE3{7 3�2y
<br /> Wvft�rs Kiuwer Financiat Ser�ices Page 7 of�7
<br />