��l 5��41 3
<br /> sa��sfaction, provided that such insp�ct�on shall�e undertaken promptly. L��der may pa�far the r�pai�s
<br /> and rest�ration in a singl�dis�ursement or in a seri�s of progress payment� as th�work is camp�eted.
<br /> L�nless an agr��m�nt�s made in�vrit�ng or App�ica�ie Law r�quires interest ta be paid an such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proce�ds, Lender shail not be required�o pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on su�h
<br /> Miscellane�us ProG��ds. �f the res�oration ar repai��s na�econ�micaily feas��le or Lender's security wou�d
<br /> be l�ssened, the Miscellaneous Fr���eds shall be applied ta the sum�secured by this Securit��nstrum�nt,
<br /> vvhe�her�r no��hen du�, w��h�he ex��ss, �f any, paid�a Barrower. Such Miscel�aneaus P�roceeds shall be
<br /> app��ed �n�he order pr�vzded f�r in Se�tzon 2.
<br /> �n the e�ent af a tatal taking, destructiQn, or loss in value�f the Praper�y, the Miscellaneous Pr�c��d�shall
<br /> be app�ied to�he sums secured by this Se�uri�y Ins�rument, whe�her or not th�n due, with the excess, zf an�r,
<br /> paid tn B�rrower.
<br /> �n the even�af a par�ial�a�ing, destruc�ian, or las� in value af the Property in which the fair market vaiue af
<br /> �he Prapert� irnmediately befnre the par�ial taking, dest�uction, or�oss in�aiu�is equal to or gre�t�r than�he
<br /> arnount of�he sums secured by this Securi�y�nstrumen�immed�ately before the par��a��akin�y CI�S��'L1C��Qn, o�
<br /> I�ss �n va�ue, un�ess Borrflwer and Lende�atherw�se a�ree�n wxiting, the sums secured by thzs S�cur��y
<br /> �nstrum�nt shal�be reduced by the arnount of the M�sce��aneous Proceeds mu��xp��ed b�r�he following
<br /> fract�on; (a� the to�a�amtiunt of the sums secur�d imrnediate�y befare th�part�al taking, des�ruet�on, nr�oss
<br /> in value di�id�d by�b}th�fair market va�ue of th�Proper�y immedia�ely befar�th�partia��a��ng,
<br /> destruct�on, ar�ass�n va�u�. Any ba�ance sha��be pa�d ta Borrow�r.
<br /> �n the e�ent of a par��al tak�ng, des�ru���an, �r��ss �n va�ue of the Proper�y�n whzch the fair market value of
<br /> �he Praper��irnmedia�ely hefare th�partial�aking, destruction, ar loss�n va1u�is less than the amount❑f the
<br /> sums se�ur��i imrne�.ia�ely befor�the par�iat taking, des�ruction, ar�oss in valu�,unless B�rrawer and
<br /> Lender o�herw�se agree xn wr�t�ng, the M�sce��aneou� Pr�c�eds shall be appl�ed tfl the sums secured by thi5
<br /> Se�ur�ty�nstruxnent w�.��her ar n�t the sums ar��hen due.
<br /> �f the P�opert�is abandoned by Borrowe�, ar�f, af��r not�ce by Lender�a Borrower tha�th��pp�sing Part�
<br /> �as def�ned in th�nex�sente�c�}offers t❑rnake an award to settl�a c�airn f�r damag�s, B�rrawer fa�ls to
<br /> respond t�L�nder�within 3�days after�h�date�he not�c��s g�Wen, L�nder is au�hori2ed ta c����c�and app��
<br /> th�Mi�c�ilan�aus Proceeds e�ther t❑ z�s��ra��on or repazr af th�Praper�y�r ta�he sums secured by�his
<br /> S��uri�y�nstrument, whether ar nat th�n due. "4p�oszn�Par�y rr means�he th�rd par�y that awes Borrower
<br /> N�isce��aneaus Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a righ�of ac�ion in regard�o Miscellaneous
<br /> Proce�ds.
<br /> B�rrower shall be�n d�fau�t�f any acti�n ar proce�ding, wheth�r civil ox crim�nal, is begun�hat, �n Lender's
<br /> �udgment, cou�d z��su�t in forfei�ure af the Prflper�y or ather mater�a� xmpa�rmen�of Lender's interc�t in the
<br /> Praper�y or rights under this Security Znstrument. Borrov�rer can cur�such a defau�t and, if acce�eration has
<br /> accurred, reinstate as provided in Sec�ion 19, by causing the ac�ian or proceed�ng to be dismissed v�rith a
<br /> ruiing tha�, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture af�he Proper�y or other ma�er�al impairrnent of
<br /> Lender's interest in th�Proper���r rights under th�s Securit� Ins�rumen�. The proce�ds af any av�a�d o�
<br /> c�aim for dama�es�hat ar�a�t�r�butab��to the zmpa�rment of Lender's�n�erest in the P�oper�y are hereby
<br /> ass�gned and sha�l be paid to Lender.
<br /> AIl Mi��eliane�u�Proc��ds that are na�appli�d to res�oration or repair af the Pr�perty sha�i b�app�zed�n the
<br /> nrd�r pro�ide�for in 5e�tion�.
<br /> NEBRAS�CA-5ingfe�amily-Fannie MaelFredtfie Mac UNI�DRM INSTRUMENT �arrn 3n�8 11�1
<br /> VMP Q VMP6tN�}��3�2!
<br /> Wotters Kluwer Financial Ser�'rces Pag��D��17
<br />