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<br /> DEE1D �3F T�lJST �
<br /> ���ntinued� �age �
<br /> CvmplianGe With Envirvnrrdenfa[ Laws. Trustor represen#s and warranfs to Lender that: �'1} During�he period of
<br /> Trus�vr's awnership of the Proper�y,there has been no use,generation, manufac�ure,starage,tr�atrnent,disposal,
<br /> release vr�hreatened refease vf any Hazardaus Substance by any person ❑n, under, abvut or frvm #he Prc�per-ty;
<br /> ��} Trustor has no knowfedge of, ar reason fo he[ie�e fhat there has heen, exGept as pre�ivusfy discEvsed�� and
<br /> a�knaw�ectged by Lender in wr�ting, �a) any brea�h vr �io[atian n� any En�ironrnenta� Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> generation, manufacture, stvrage, treatment, dispasal, release or threatened release of any Ha�ardvus 5ubstance
<br /> on, under, abou�ar from the Properry by any privr owners �r occupants v�the Proper�y, �r �c} any aci�ua] ❑r
<br /> threa�ened Citigation ar cla�ms ❑f any kind by an}�person rel�ting tv such matters; an�€ ��} Except as pre��ously
<br /> disc�osed fa and a�know{edged by Lender in wri#ing, �a} neither Trus�or n4r any�enant,cvntra��o�, agent or�ther
<br /> au�hori�ed user of the Praperty shall use,generate, manufacture,store,�reat,dispose af or reiease any Hazardous
<br /> Substance on,under,about vr�rvm�he Proper�y;and (b) any suGh a��ivity shall be cvnducted in cornpliance with
<br /> all applicable federaf, sta�e, and lacaf laws, regulations and ordinan�es, including withaut limitation ali
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws. Trustvr authori�es Lendsr and its agents tv enter upon the Property ta make such
<br /> inspectians and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem apprvpriate ta determine compliance of the
<br /> Property with this section o�the C3eed a�Trust. Any inspectEons ❑r tests made by Lender shall he for Lender's
<br /> purposes only and shaf� nvt be can�trued to crea�e any respansibility❑r�iability❑n the part af Lender tv Trustar or
<br /> to any vther persan. The representa�ions and warranties cantained herein are based on Trustvr's due diiigance in
<br /> inves�igating the Prop�rty for Nazardous 5ubstances. Trustar hereby ��} releases and wai�es any future clairns
<br /> agains� Lender for indemni�y or contr�bution in the e�ent Trustor becvmes liable far c�eanup❑r other costs under
<br /> any su�h�aws; and (2} agrees t❑ Endemnify, defend,and h�ld harmless Lender against any and a�l cfairns,[osses,
<br /> fiabi�ities,damages,penalties,and expenses which Lender may dire�tfy ar indirect�y sustain or suf�er resulting frorn
<br /> a b�-each af this sec�ion ❑f�he D�ed o�Trust or as a Gonsequ�nce of any use, genera��an, manufaGture, storage,
<br /> disp�sal,release or threatened�elease occurring priar to�'rust�r°s vwnership or interes�in the Pr�perty,whether ar
<br /> nat the same was or shQuld ha�e been knvwn ta Trusfar. The prv�isiQns o�this section af�he �eed vf Trust,
<br /> includ�ng the❑bligat�on tv indemnify and defend,shal�survi�e the payment af the lndebfedness and the satisfac#ion
<br /> and recon�eyan�e of the Iien vf this G�ed vf Trus#and shal! not be af#ecfied by Lend�r's acquisitiqn vf any interes�
<br /> in�he Propertyr whether by�orecfasur�or vth��-vvise.
<br /> Nuisanc�, VtiTast�. Trustor sha[� nat c�use, condu�t ar permit any nuisance nar cammit, permit, vr suffer any
<br /> s�ripping af or waste an ar�v #he Prape�y Qr any partifln af th� Praperty_ Without limi�ing �h�generality❑f�he
<br /> foregoing, Trustar wi�1 nvt rernove, vr grant to any athsr party�he right to rem��e, any timber, minerals��ncluding
<br /> oil and gas},�oal,G�ay,scaria,sai�,gravel vr ro�k prvducts without Lender's prior w�itten consen�.
<br /> Remaval of lmpravements. Trustor shall nat demalish ar remo�e any lmpro�ements from the�eaf!'roperty withvu�
<br /> Lender's prior written cvnsent. As a canditian to�he removal❑f any lmpro�ements,Lender may require Trus�vr to
<br /> make arran�ements satisfactvey t❑ Lender tv replace such lmprv�ements with lmprvvemen�s ❑f a� least equal
<br /> value.
<br /> Lender's �igh#ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and repr�sentatives may en�er upon�he ReaE Pr�perty at all
<br /> reasanable times to attend fo Lender's interests and tv insp�ct the Real Property for purposes of Trustor's
<br /> camplianGe with th�terms and �vndi�ions�f fhis❑eed a�Trust.
<br /> Cvmplianc� with Gorrernmental Requi�-ern�nts. Trustvr shal� pramptly comply wi�h al1 faws, ordinan�es, and
<br /> regu�a�ians, now or hereafter in eff��t, of al1 g��ernmenta� authorities app�iG�b[e to the use ar accupancy of the
<br /> Praperty, inc�uding wi�hau��imita#ion,the Americans With Disabiiities Act. Trustor may contest in good�aifh any
<br /> such law, �rdinanc�, �r regu[ativn and withhald c�rnpliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appea�s,
<br /> s❑lang as Trustor has natified Lender in writing prior�o doing so and so long as, in Lender's so�e❑pinion,Lender's
<br /> in�eres�s in the Pr�perty ar� na��eopa�di��d. Lender rnay require Trus�ar ta pos� adequa�e secur�iy or a surety
<br /> band,reasanak�ly sa�is�act�ry tv Lender,to prote�t L�nder's int�rest.
<br /> Duty to Pratect. Trustor agrees ne��her fio abandon or lea�e unattended the Property. Trustor shafl do al� other
<br /> acts, in add��ion to thase a�ts set�rorth aba�e in this se��ion,which from the charac��r and us�❑f the Prvperty are
<br /> reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the Property.
<br /> TAKES AND L�ENS. The f�llvwing pro�isions rela�ing �o the taxes and li�ns on the Pr�per�y are part of this Deed of
<br /> �'ru s�;
<br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when due�and in a[1 e�ents privr�o de�inquency}ali taxes,special taxes,assessments,
<br /> charges (including water and sewer},fines and impnsitions levied against�r on a�caunt�f#he Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all �la�ms fc�r warl�c done an or for ser�ices render�d or materia[furnished�v fhe Properfy. Trustar
<br /> shall maintain the Prope�ty free af all liens having privrity o�er ar equai to�he interest af Lender under this Deed vf
<br /> Trust, ex�ept fo� �he [ien a� taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise pro�ided in this D��d of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right to Confest, Trustvr may withhoCd payment o�any tax, assessment,Qr c�aim in connec�ion with a good faith
<br /> dispu�e n�er�he obligation tv pay,sa fong as Lender's interes#in the Praper[y is nvt jeopardized. !f a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result af nonpaymen�, Trus�vr sha[[ within fif��en �15} days a�ker the lien arises or, if a [ien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �'!5} days af�er Trustor has notice af the ffing, s�cure�he discha�ge ❑f the lien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender,de�asf�with Lender cash or a suffc�ent co�para�e surety hand❑r othe�'securiLy satis�'acl�ry to Lender in an
<br /> amoun�suf���ien�to discharge the lien plus any costs and attorneys'f��s, ar other charges�hat couid ac�rue as a
<br /> result a�a�oreclosure or safe under�he lien. In any con�es�,Trustar shall defend i�se[f and Lender and shall satis�y
<br /> an�ad�erse judgrnen�before enforcemen�against�he Prop�rty. Trustar shall name Lender as an additivnal ob�ig�e
<br /> under an�surety bond furnished in the cant�st proceedings.
<br /> Evidence af Payment. Trustar shall upan demand furnish ta Lender satisfactary ev�dence of payment af the taxes
<br /> �r assessments and shall auth�ri�e the appropriate ga��rnmental o�fcial tv deliver to L�ndsr a�any#ime a written
<br /> statement of the taxes and assessm�nts against the Property.
<br /> Nofice vf Construction, Trust�r shaE� natify Lender at least fifteen �'�5}days befare any wark is�ommenced, any
<br /> servi�es are furnished,ar any materials are supp�ied ta �he Praper-ty, if any me�hanic's lien, materia�men's lien, or
<br /> a�her[ien �auld be asserked on account v�the wvrk, �ervic�s, a�rna�erials. Trus�or rrvil[ upon r�quest of Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory ta Lander that Trus#or can and wifl pay �he cos� �f such
<br /> improv�ments.
<br /> PRORERTY DA1I�IAGE INSURAhiCE. The fo[[ow�ng provisions relating to insuring#he Properfy are a par�o�fhis Deed❑f
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 11Aaint�nance vf lnsurance. Trusfor sha[l pra�ure and ma�ntain poli�ies af��re insurance with standard ex�ended
<br /> cv�erage endorsernents on a#air value basis fvr the full insurable vaEue co�ering a[1 lmpro�ements on �he Reaf
<br /> Pr�perty in an amount sufficien� to a�oid appl�cati�n vf any cainsurance clause, and with a standard martgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or of L.�n�er. Trustor shall also pracure and mainta�n�arnprehensi��general f iabili#y insurance in such
<br /> coverag� amaunts as Lender may request�vith Trustee and Lender being narned as additianai insureds in such
<br /> �iab�lii�y insurance palicies. Additivna�ly, T�-ustvr shal[ rnaintain suGh other insurance, inc�uding bu� not limi�ted �o
<br /> ha��rd, business in�ern.�ptivn,and b�iler insurance, as L.ender may reasonab�y require. Palicfes shali be written in
<br /> f�rm, amoun�s, ca�erages and basis reasanahly aG�eptab�e tv Lender and issued by a company vr �vmpanies
<br /> reasanabfy accep�ab�e tv Lender. Trustar, upon request of Lender, wiff d�1Ne��a Lender�rom fime �� time the
<br /> �aalicies❑r certifi�a�es af insuranoe in�a�-m satis�a�tory ta Lender, inc[ud�ng stipulations that co�e�ages wilE nofi be
<br />