<br /> Payrner��af Principal and In�erest; ��her Charges.Borrotiver shal�promptly pay when due the principal o�and
<br /> interest an the debt owcd under�he Cont�r-a�t and Ia�.e charges flr any other fees and charges due under the�on�rac�. '
<br /> Applicab�e Law. As used in �hxs Secur�t� �ns�rument, the term "Applzcable Lavv" shali mean a11 c�n�rQlling
<br /> applicable federal, state and Iocal sfatutes, regulations, ordinances and administrative rules and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he effect af�aw�as vvell as aI�applicable final,nnn-appeaiab�e judicial opinions.
<br /> �harges; Lzens. Barrau�er shal� pay aIl �axes, assessmen�s, charges, f nes and imposi�i�ns a��ribut.ab�e to �he
<br /> Proper�y which may attain priari�vver th�s Se�urzty�nstrumen�, and�easehold paymen�s or ground rents, �f any.
<br /> At�he request�f Lender,Borro�ver shal�promp�ly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borravver shal�prompt�y d�seharge any��en vvhich has priority over this S�curity Instrument unles�Borravver: �a�
<br /> agrees �x� wri�ing �o �he payment �f th� a��igatian secured by th.e �ien in a manner ac�eptable ta L�nd�r; (b}
<br /> �ontes�s in good fa�th �he �ien b�, ar defends agains� enf�rcementi flf�he Iien in, iega�proceedings Which in the
<br /> Lender's op�nian opera�e to preven� �he enforcernent of�he lien; ar �c} secures from th� h�lder of the Iien an
<br /> a�re�ment satisfac�ory�o Lerider subordina��ng the lien to �his 5ecurity Ins�rurnen�. If Lender d�termines tha�any
<br /> part af the Propear�is sub�ec��fl a l�en whi�h may at�a�n priorifiy aver this Security�nstrumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Barroti�ver a no�fce ident�fyzng the lien. Bflrrawer shall sa�isfy the ��en or take one or more af t.he ac�ions set for�h
<br /> above within ��days�f�he giving of no�ice.
<br /> Hazard �r Property Insurance.Bo��rower sha��keep the improvemen�s n��r existing or h�reafter erected on the
<br /> Prflperty insured a�a�ns����s by�re,hazards inciuded w��hin the�erm"extended cov�rage" and any ather hazar�s,
<br /> inciudiri� f�oods ar floodin�, for which Lender re�uires �nsurance. This insurance shall be rnai�tained in the
<br /> amoun�s and for the peri�ds that Lender requires.The insuran�e carraer prov�ding the�.nsurance shall be chosen by
<br /> B�rra�ver subj ect to Lender'� approval tivhich sha�I n�t be unreasonably withheld. If�3orrower fai�s �o main�ain
<br /> co�rerage described abave, Lende� may, at L�nder's optia�i, ob�a.i�� caverage �� prot�ct Lender's rights in the
<br /> Proper�in accordance with sec�ion titl�d PrQtecti�n of Lender's Rights in the Property.
<br /> Al� ir�surance pn�ic�es and renewals shall be acceptable to L�nder and shall include a standard mortgage �lause.
<br /> Lender�ha��have�he right to ho�d�he policies and renevvals. �f Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to
<br /> Lender aIl receip�s of paid premiurns and renewal nv�i�es. �n th.e event of lass, Borrawer�ha��give promp�n���ce
<br /> �o the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender rnay make p�oof�f�oss if not made p�romptly by B�rrower.
<br /> Unless L�nde� and Borrativer o�hen�rise agree in writ�ng, insurance pr�ceeds shai� b� app��ed to res�ara��on ar
<br /> repair af the Property damaged, �f, in Lender's sole discre�ion, the restoratian or repaxar �s econ�mically feasxb�e
<br /> and Lender's securi�y is no��es�emed. If, in Lerider's sole dxscretifln, th� res�tarat��n �r repair is not econom�cally
<br /> feasi�le�r Lender's securi�r would be I�ssened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to�he sums secure�by thzs
<br /> S e curity �ns�rument, �v�rh�ther or ��� then due, wi�I� any ex�ess paid to B arroWer. �f B arrotiver aband�ns the
<br /> Property,ar�oes nat ansu�er vvi�hin�he number of days prescribed by Applicable Law as se�far�h in a natice fr�m
<br /> Lend�r t�o Borrower that�he insurance carrier has offered t� se�tle a��aim, �hen Lender may collect the insurance
<br /> proceed�. Lender ma.y use the pr�ceeds to repair or res�ore �he Prop�rty ar ta pay sums secur�d by this 5ecu.�it�r
<br /> Ins�rurnen�,whe�her or no��en due.The period of��me for Barrower to ansWer as se�forth in the notice wi1�begin
<br /> when the natice is given.
<br /> Un�ess Lend�r and Borro�ver oth�rw�se agree in writing, any application of pro�eeds ta pr�ncipal sha��no�ex�end
<br /> or pa�tpone�he due date of tihe payments due under the �ontrac�or change the amount af�he payments. If und�r
<br /> the section tit�ed A��eleration; I�em�dies, the Property�s acquired by Lender,Barro�rer's righ��a any insurance
<br /> po��c�es and proceeds resul�ing fram damage ta th.e Pr�perty priar t� �he ac�uisiti�n sha�l pa�s to Lender�a the
<br /> exfex�t of the sums secur�d by�his Security Ins�rurn�nt irnmediate�y prior ta the acquis��xan.
<br /> Preservat�on, Ma�n�enance and Prot���ion af the Prapert�; B�rrovti�er's Loan App��cati�n; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrawez shall na�destro�r, dama�e or�mpair the Proper�y, a��ova the Pr�per�y ta deter��rat�, ar camrnit�waste Qn
<br /> �he Property.Borrow�r sha��b�rn default if any farfe�ture ac�ian or proceeding,urh�th�r civil or criminal,is be�un
<br /> that in Lender's g��d faith judgmen�could result in farfeiture af the Prop�rfiy ar o�he�-vsrise rna�erial�y impair the
<br /> Iien created by �his 5ecur��y Ins�rumen� or Lender's security Interest. Borrower.may cure such a defau�� and
<br /> r�ins�ate, as pravxded in sectznn titled Borro�vver's Right to Reinstate,by causing the aG�ron or prflceeding to be
<br /> dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's good faith deterrninatian,pre�ludes farfeiture of the Barrotiver's�nterest in
<br /> the Praper�r or a�her materiai �m.pairment of the �ien created by �his Se�uri�y �nstrumer�t or Lender's security
<br /> zn�er�s�.I3orrower shall a�so be i��default if BorrvWer,dur�ng the�oan application pracess,gave mater�al�y false or
<br /> inaccurate information or statexnen�s �o Lender �ar failed �a provide Lender wz�h any material information� in
<br /> connection wi�h the �aan ev�denced by�he �antract. �f�his 5ecurity Ins�rumen�is an a leasehold,Barro��r sha�l
<br /> comply��th a�l the pravisi�ns af the�ease.If Borro�wer acquires fe�t���e�o the Proper�y,�he�ea��hfl�d and the f�e
<br /> �itle sha�l nat merge uniess Lender agrees to t�ae merger�n writzz�g.
<br /> Prot�c��on vf I.,ender's R�gh�s in �h� Property. If B�rrower fails to perfarrn the covenants and a�reem�nts
<br /> �Qn�air�ed in this Security Instrument, or�here is a legal pr�ceedin�tha�may signif�ant�y aff�ct Lender's rights�n
<br /> the Proper�y �such a� a praceedtng in bankrup�cy, pr�ba�e, for condemnat�on or f�rfez�ure or�a enforce �aws or
<br /> regu�a�i��s}, then Lender may do and pay for vvha�ever is necessa�y ta protec� fhe valu� of the Property and
<br /> Lender`s rights in�he Prflp�rty. Lender's actiQns ma�iz��Iude paying any surns secured by a lien v�hich has priority
<br /> over this 5e�urity Instrurnent,app�aring in court,paying reas�nable a��orneys'fees and e�t�ring on the Property t�
<br /> make repairs.A�thaugh Lender rnay take a�t�an under this secti�n,Lender d�es not have to do s�.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by L.ender under �his sec��on shal� become addrtiona� debt �f Bor�-ovver s�cured by this
<br /> SeGurity �nstrument. Un�ess Barr�tiver and Lender agree to o�h�r �erms of payment, �hese arnoun�s shal� bear
<br /> �2004�-2a15 Complian�e 5ystems,Inc,ASHC-9328-�415.3.S.i464
<br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security Instrument DL�Q35 Pa�e Z of 5 www,corr�pliancesystems.com
<br />