��1 5�63�9
<br /> B. Al� futur� ad�an�es from Ben�ficzary tfl Trustar ar other future �b�i�at��ns of Trustor �o Beneficia�y under any
<br /> promissor�r nfl�e, contract, guaran�y, oz� athe� e�idenee af debt executed �y Trustar in favar of Beneficiar� �xecu�ed
<br /> after th�s Se�uri�� �nstrument whether �r nat th�s S�curi�y �ns�rument is specifically refer�nced. If more t�xan one
<br /> person sx�ns�h�s S�curit� �nstrumen�, eaGh Trustar a�rees that this Secur��y Znstrumen�v�rll secure aii futur��dvanGes
<br /> and fu�ure obiigations that are g�ven to or incurred by any one flr more Trus�or, ar any ane or more Trustor and
<br /> o�hers. A�� future ad�ances and a�her future obliga�ions are secured by th�s Security �nstrumen� �wen th�u�h ai� or
<br /> par�may not �e�be ad�anced. A�� future advance� and o�h�r future obl�ga�ions are s�cured as �f rnade on th� date of
<br /> thzs Securzt� Ins�rurn�nt. No�hing in this Securi�y �ns�rument shal� cons�itu�e a cammi�ment �o make addi�iona� or
<br /> futur�loans o�ad�ances zn any amount, An�such�omm�tmen�must be agreed�o in a s�parate�r���ng.
<br /> C. A�1��x�gat�ons Trustor o�e�to Beneficiary, vvh��h may Iater aris�, �a the extent nat prah�bit�d by�aw, incluci�n�, �ut
<br /> no��imited ta, �iabilities for�ver�rafts re�at�n� to any dep asi�accaunt a�reement bet�een Trus�or and Benefic�ary.
<br /> D. All additzonal sums ad�anced and ex ens�s �ncurr�d b Benef c�a far rnsurin , rese�-�vzn or otherw�se ro�ect�n
<br /> �he P�o ert and xts�ralue and an a�her sums ad�anced and ex enses incurred� Beneficia..r under th�tern�s af�h g
<br /> a
<br /> Y P Y Y
<br /> S�curi�y Zns�rument.
<br /> This Se�urit� �nstrument v�z�l no� secur� any other d�b� if Ben�f���ary faz�s to give any required not�ce of �he r��ht of
<br /> �'ESGISSIQ�].
<br /> 5. PAYME�ITS. Trustor agrees that all payments unde�r the Secured Debt will be pa�d �hen due and in acc�rdance w��h the
<br /> ��rms of the Secured Debt and th�s Secur�t�Instrument.
<br /> G. 'WARRANTY aF TITLE. Trust�r �var�an�s �ha� Trustor i� or «�11 b� lawfull�r s���ed af the es�ate can�eyed b� th�s
<br /> SecurYty Instrument and has the�r�gh�ta irrevoca��y grant, cQnWe�, and se�� the Prop�r�y to Trustee, zn trust, wi�h po�er af
<br /> sa�e. Trus�ar aXso warrants that th�Propert�is un�ncumbered, exc���far encumbrance�of record.
<br /> 7. PRI�R S�CURITY INT�REST�. W�th re�ard to any oth�r mor�gage, deed �f trus�, �ecurity agre�men� or o�her Iz�n
<br /> document that created a prior s�curzty interest or encurnbrancc on the Proper�y, Trus�or agrees:
<br /> A, T�rnake a11 paymen�s when due and t�perf�rm or�omply with aII covenan�s.
<br /> B. To prarnp t1y deliver to Benef���ary an�no�i�es�ha�Trustor receives fr�m the ho�der.
<br /> �. N�t t� a�Zov� an modifi�ation or extensian �f, nor �o �re ues� an future advances under an nn�e ar a reement
<br /> secured b the Iien do�um�nt��thaut Benef�cia �'s �ri�r wr�ten con�ent. y �
<br /> Y � p
<br /> 8. �LAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trust�r �i�� pa� all taxes, assessmen�s, ��ens, �ncurnbrances, lease pa�men�s, ��flund rents,
<br /> u�ili�ze�, and o�her charges �e�atzng �� the Proper�� when du�, Benef�c�ary ma� require Trustor �� prov�de to Bex�efxcxary
<br /> copies of a�� na��ces �hat such amflunts are due and �he rece�p�s ev�denczng Trustor's payment. Trustor w��� defend tit�e t�
<br /> �he P��per�y agaxns� any claims tha� wouZd impazr �he lzen of �his �ecurity Ins�rument, Trustar ag�ees �v assign to
<br /> Benefic�ary, as re�ues�ed by Benef�c�ar�, any rzgh�s, claims o�defenses Trus�or may have aga�ns�parties �rho supFly lab�r
<br /> �r ma�eria�s to maznta�n or�mprave th�Property.
<br /> 9. DUE aN' SALE C]R EN�ITMSRANCE. Beneficiary ma�, at r�s op��on, declare�he entire ba�ance of�he S��ured Debt�a
<br /> be irnmediatel�due and payable upan!he creation of, tiransfer ar sale of alI �r any part of the Pr�p�r�y. Thi�ri�ht i� subje�t
<br /> t4 �he restri�t�ons impased by federa� �aw ��� C.F.R. S91}, as applicable. This c�venan� sha�� run w�th the Property and
<br /> shall r�main in�ff�c�un�i� the Se�ured Debt is paa.d in full ancT thi�Secur�ty Instrurn�nt is reteased.
<br /> l�. PRQPERTY C��DITIDN, ALTE�ATI�NS A�INSPE�TI�i�. Trustor wzll�ee� �he Para�er�y zn good condi�ion and
<br /> rna.�e a�i repairs that are reasonab�y necessary. Trustor shall not�ammzt or a��ow any waste, zmpa�rment, ar deteriara�ion of
<br /> the Prap�r�y. Trustor will �eep �he Prop�r�y free of noxious w�eds and �xas��s. Trus�o�r agrees that �he natur� of �he
<br /> occupancy and us� wi11 nat subs�aza.��a��y cha.n�e without Beneficia�y's pr�or wr���en consent, Trus�ar wii� na� p�xmi� any
<br /> change in any license, res�ric�zve covenan� or easement w�thaut Benef�c�ary's przor written cans�nt, Trus�or vvi�1 no�zfy
<br /> Bene��c�ary o�a�l dernands, proceedzn�s, claxms, and acti�ns a�ainst Trustor, and of any l�ss or darnage to the Prop�rty,
<br /> Beneficiary ar Benef�c�az-y's agents ma�, a� Benef�czar�'s option, enter th� Praper�y at any �easanable time f�r the purp�se
<br /> flf inspect�n� the Prope�y. Ben�f�ciary shall give Trustor no��ce a� the time �# or b�for� an znspec�ian spe��fyznb a
<br /> reasonable pur�ase for the xnspection. An� inspec��an of�he Proper��shatl be en�ire��r for Benef�ciary's b�ne��and Trus�or
<br /> w�ll in na�vay re�y on Benef�c�ary's inspec�z�n,
<br /> 11. AUTHURITY T� PERFC)RM. �f Trustor fax�s �o pexfarrn any duty ar any of th� ca�enants contained in �his Se�u�z�y
<br /> �nstrument, Ben�fi��ary may, wzthout natice, perform o�- cause them ta b� perfarmed. Trus�or a�p�in�s Beneficzary as
<br /> at��rne in fact ta si n Tru�tar's name ar a an amount necessa for erfarmance, Beneficiar s r� ht t� erforrn far
<br /> Y � P5' Y rY . P Y g p
<br /> Trus��r shalX not create an �bli�a��an �a perfarm, and Bene���ary's fa�lure ta perfarm vv�ll not preGlude Benefic�ary from
<br /> exercis�n�an.y�f B�ne�i�;iary`s a�he�r r��ht�under�he Iaw o��his �ecurity Instrument. �f any canstxuction�n�he P�o�erty is
<br /> dzscontinued o� no� �arried on in a r�asonab�e manner, Benef�c�ary may take aIi s�eps necessary to pro�ect Benefz��ar�'s
<br /> secur�ty inter�st in the Praperty, �n�iuding comp�etion of�he�ans�ruct�on.
<br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT �F L�AS�S AI�TD RENTS. Trustor irrev�cab�y assigns, grants and conveys, �� Trustee, in trus� for the
<br /> benefit of Benef�czary as additional s�cur��y all the right, t�t�e an� �nterest in �h� fallow�ng �a�� referred to as Praper�y}:
<br /> existing �r fu�ur� Xeases, subleases, ��cens�s, guarant�es and any other written �r �erba� agreem�n�s far the u�e anc�
<br /> occupancy of the Pa�aper��r, including any extens�ons, ren�v�a�s, modxf��at�ons or repla�ements �a�l referred to as Leases};
<br /> and r�nts, �ssues and profxts �all referred �a as Rents}. In �he event any �tem listed as Leases or Rents is d�term�n�d �a be
<br /> pers�nal property, this Ass�gnm�nt v�ri�� a�so be regarded as a secur�ty agreement. Trus�or w���p�-omptly pravide Beneficiary
<br /> w�th copzes of the Leases and v�zil cer�if� these Leases are true and correct copies. T`he ex�sting L�as�s w�ll be pra�ided an
<br /> executzon�f the Assi�nment, and ail future Leas�s and any other informa�zon w�th �respe�� to these Lea�es�vil1 b�prav�ded
<br /> rmmed�ately after the� are executed. Trus�or may co1�e��, �recei��, enj�� and use �he R�n�s s� lang as Trustor i� nc�t �n
<br /> defau�t.
<br /> Upan defau�t, Trustor will recei�e any Rent� in �.rus� for Bene�c�ary and vvzll n�t �ommrn��e �he Rents with a��� ��her
<br /> funds. Trustar agrees that this Securi��Instrumen�is Immed�a�e��eff�ctive betv���n 7`rustar and Benefic�ary and effecti��as
<br /> to third par�ies�n the r�cordinb of this Assignment. As l�ng a��his A�signment�s in effec�, Trustar War�ants and r�pzesents
<br /> that no defaul�ex�s�s under the Lea�es, and the par�ies subj��:�ta the Leases have nat vzo�ated any appl�cab�e�aur on Ieases,
<br /> ����n�es and Iand�o�d� and tenan�s.
<br /> 13. LEASEH�LDS; �QND�MI�IIJMS; PLANN�D UNIT DE''�EL�P�VIE�TS. Trustor ag�-ees to comp�y v�ith the
<br /> provis�ons af any I�ase if th�s S��urit� �nstrumen� is on a��asehold, �f the Proper�y include� a un�t in a condom�n�um or a
<br /> p�anned un�t de�elapmen�, Trustor v►rz�� perfarm aII of Trustar's du�zes und�r the covenant�, b�-�aws, or re�u�a�zo�s of the
<br /> condominium�r planne�uni�de�relopment.
<br /> ���� �pa�e 2 af 4�
<br /> � 1�94 Walters ELluwer Financial Ser�ices-Bankers Systems�F� Form RE-�T-NE 121��12��8 �'.
<br /> VMP�W�'[BS�NE} �a�a�� �
<br />