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��1 5�6�48 <br /> C[�VE1�A�TS <br /> 1. Payments. Bonawcr agrees to make all payments on the sccured deh�when d�e. UnIess Borrow�r and Lender a�ree otherwis�, any <br /> paym�nts Lend�r recei�es �rom Barrawcr or fc�r Borrawer's b�nef��vilt b� app�ied f rst ta any amounts Borrower owes on th�s�Gur�d d�bt <br /> �xclu�iwe�f interest or princ�pal,second to interest,and th�n to principal. If partia[pr�payment af`the sec��red debt occurs for any r�asan,it wi11 <br /> nat reduce or excus�any sck�edul�d paymen�until the s�cured dcb��s paid in ful�. <br /> 2. Cl�im�Again�t Titie. �3arrower w�il�pay all tah�s,assessments,and otl��r c��arges attr��utabIc io tne properry���her�du�and�vilt de�end <br /> title to t��e praper�}����ainst ar�y claims w�ich waEiid impair�n�tien af this de�d of tru�t. Lender rnay require Sorrc�tivc;r ta assign any r��hts, <br /> claims�r defe��s�s which Borrov��er ma�navc a�ain�t part�e�who supnly labor or maierials ta imprav�:or maint�in th�pr�rperty. <br /> 3. �nsuran�e. Bor�ower will keep the proper�y in�ur�d ii��der tcrms acceptahle�o���nd�r at narrow�r's expense and�ar Lender's benefit. All <br /> �nsurance po�icics shall include a standard mar��a�c clause in fa�ar of Lender. Lender wi�l��named as Ioss payce ar as���c ins��red on any su��� <br /> insuran�e p�li�y. Any�insuran�c praceeds may be applied,within Ler�d�r's discr�fiian,to either the restoration or r�pair af t}�c dama�ed praper�y <br /> or to�he secured debt. If Lendcr rcquires mort�a�e insurance,Barrawer a�r���to rn�intain such insuranc�for a�lon�as Lendcr requ�res, <br /> 4. Pro�erty. Sorrower w�ll keep the property in�Qod�ondition and�nake a�l r�pairs reasanably nccess�ry. <br /> 5. Ex�enses. Sorro�ver a�rees�o pay ali Lender's e�p�ns���inc�ud�n�r�asanabie attom�ys' fe�s, if�orrc�wcr k�re�ks an}�cnven�nts in tl�is <br /> deed af trust or in any nbii�atinn secured by�his dced nf�rust. Barrawe�-will pay�h�s�amounts to�,cndcr as pra�ided�n��venant 9 of thi�d�ed <br /> nf trust. <br /> f. Priar Security�nterests. Unt�s4 Barrvwer�rst c�btain�LLndc:r's writt�n cant�st,Borrawer will nat ma�.e or per�i�it any chan�es to a��y <br /> prior sec�rity inte�-es�s.Borrower wil�perfvrrr�aI1❑�Btir�-aw�r's ob�i�ations under�ny�rior mort���e,deed of trust ar o��aer security a�,reement, <br /> inctudin�Barrow�r's co��r�ants ta n�ake payments wh�n due. <br /> 7. Assi�nm�n�o�'Rcnts�nd Profts. Borrnw�r assi�ns to Lendcr t}�e r�nts and profit�af���e prope�y. Unlcss Barrower and Lend�r��a�e <br /> a�reed other��ise ir� writ�n�, Borrow�r may c�ll�ct and retain the ren�s as lon��.� Barrvw�r�s n�t in default. If�3orrower dcfau�ts, L�r�der, <br /> Lender's a��nt,�r a court ap�oint�d re��iWer may take passession and managc thc praperty and collect ttae r�nts. �ny rents L�nder callects s�all <br /> be applied f rst to the casts af mana�ing t�7e property, includin�court costs and a�torneys' fe�s, commissions to renta[ a��nts, and any nther <br /> neccssary r�lat�d cxp�nscs, T��e remainin�arnaunt o�`rent�will then app���to paymenfis on the secur�d debt as pravidcd in Coven�nt i. <br /> 8. �.�eas�holds; Cnndaminiums;P��nned�1nit Develnpmen�s. Borrower a�r��s to comply w�t1�the pro�isions af any leas�if t�7is de�d flf <br /> trus�is�n leasehold. If this de�d of trust is on a uni�in a candom�nium ar a planned unit d���e�oprn�nt,I3�rrowcr wi�l perform a�i❑f Bonower's <br /> dtiti�s under the���enan�s,b��laws,or r��ulations of t��e condt�mini�m or plann�d unit dcvelapm�:n�. <br /> 9. .A►uth[�rity�f Lenc�er�o�'erfo�'m�'�r�3orrvw�r. If Borrow�r fails t�perfonn,any of Barrt�tiver's dutics und�r tl�is decd of trust,Lender <br /> may perform the duties ar cause tl�em�o bc p�rfflrrned. Lcnder may si�n�3flrrawer's name or pay any arno��nt i�ncccssary for performan�c. If <br /> any constructian on ihe property is disc�ntincaed ar not carried on in �reasc�nable rnanner, Lender may do �vhate��er is necessary fo pro�ect <br /> Lcnder'�security interest in the pro�erty. This may�n�lude cornpletin�the construction. <br /> Lender's�'�ilure ta per�orm wilI not preclude L�nd�r from cxcrcising any af its at}�er ri�hts under the law or�his deed oftrust. <br /> �ny amaunts pa€d hy L�nder to pratect Lender's seeurity in�eres�wili be sc�ur�d by this dccd af'tr��st. 5uch arr�a��nts�vill�e du�nn d�rnand and <br /> wili b�ar interest frQm�}�e dat�n�tf�e paymcnt u��t�l paid in�ull at tl�e interest rate in�Ffect nn th��c�urcd deht. <br /> �D. De�'ault and Acc�l�ratian. If Borrower fails to rnak�any payment when duc or�reaks any c�rvenants under tl�is d�ed of trust or any <br /> obli�ati�n s�cured by�h�s deed of trust or an�pr�or mc�r��age vr de�d�f trust,Lc�ndc;r may accel�rat�;th�matt,rr�ty oi'th�securc�d debt and d�;rnand <br /> imm��liate payrnent and may ir�voke the power af sal�ar�d any otla�r x������d�es permi�ted by appl�ca�}le law�. <br /> I�. Request far Nntic�af Defaul#. It is hereby requested t�aat copies of the notices o��efault and sale�e scnt ta cach person v��1�o i5 a party <br /> I�er�ta,at the address of ea���such�aerson,as set fortt��7erci�. <br /> I2. Powcr vf Sa�e. If the Lender in�akes�he power of sa3e,th�Truste�sha�I f€rst rEcard in th�office af the r��ist�r of decds af cach county <br /> wherein the�rust property or same part�r parce�tl��reof is si�uated a nati�e af defaui�can�ainin�th�informa�ion requir�d hy lav��. The Trust�e <br /> sh�ii a�so mail copies o��the no�xec of de�auit to the Barrower,to each per�on ��ha is a party hereto, and to other persons as prescribed hy <br /> �ippticable laur. Not �es� Yhan ❑ne mnnth af�er th�Tr��s�e� r�cards �he notice �f default, or�wo mant��s �f the tr�st pr�p�rty is not in any <br /> incorporated city or vilIa�e and is us�d ir�farn�ing operati�ns carried an by the tr�stor,the Truste�s�all�i�e public notic�of sale to the persQns <br /> and in the manner prescrib�d by app�icable taw. Trus�ee,without demand an Bor�o�ver,shall sell the property at pubIic auctian t�the highes� <br /> bidder. If r��uired by th�Farm�-�omes��ad Prote�tion l�ct,Trus�ee shall flffer the p�aperty in��o separate sa�es as r�quired hy applicable Iaw. <br /> Tr�stee may pastpoz�e sa[�of aIl or arly parcel of t�e praperty hy public annauncern�n�at the tirnG and place af any previou�ly scf�eduicd sale. <br /> Lender ar its desi�nee may purc�ase t�e pr�peny at any Sa�e. <br /> Upc3n rcceipt of paymcn�af�he price bid,Trust�e shaI�de[iWer��the purchas�r Truste�'s deed canvcyin�the prap�rty. T}�e recitiais contained in <br /> Trustce's decd shall b�prima faci�c�idi�n��af the�ruth of the stafi�m�nts c�ntained t�}erein. Trust�e s��ali�pply thc proceeds of����sale in t��e <br /> fo�lowin� order: �a} ta ali expenses af t�ze sa�e, inc�udin�, �ut not lirx�ited tn, r�asonab�e Trustee's f�es, reasnr�a�le attar�ey'� fe�s and <br /> reinstatcm�nt f�es;(b}to all sums s�cured by�t��is deed o�trust,and(c}tMe balance,i#'any,to�h��e�rsons Ie�ally enti�tcd to recci�e it. <br /> I3. Torerlasure. �t Lender's optic�r�, th�s d�cd o#trust ma� be l-or�c�osed in t��e manncr pro�ided by appiicab�e la�v for farec�o�ure �f <br /> mnrf�a;es on real rrn�erty. <br /> I4. Inspectinn. Lender ma�enter tne prflperty to inspect i�if Lender�i��s I3orro��er notice be�ar��and. The notice mus�s�ate the reasanahle <br /> �ause t'or L�nd�r's ins�ectio�. <br /> I5. Condemnatian. B�F-raw�r a..ssi�ns ta Lender the praceeds of any a�vard ar cla�m for damages cannected wit�7 a cor�demnation or at���r <br /> taking of all ar any part af the prape���. Su�h praceeds will be applied a�pro�vided in Covenant l. T1�is assignmcnt is sub�ect tfl the terms af�ny <br /> prior security a�r�ement. <br /> �6, ti'4'aiv�r. B�exercisin� any rernedy available ta Lender, Lender does not �iWc up any ri���ts to �ater usc any c�ther rem�dy. By nat <br /> exercisin�any remedy upon Borrawer's defauit,Lender dacs not w�ai�e�ny ri�ht t❑later cansider the event a de��aul�if it I�appens a�ain. <br /> 17. .�oint and S�vera! Liabilify;Co-signers;5uccessars and Assign��.3ound. Ald duti�s under fhis deed of�rust are.joint�nd se�eral. �ny <br /> 13�rrawer ���ho cn-si�ns this deed nf tr�isx hut dn�s nat c�Ws��n thc ��r�d��r�yin�, d�bt anstrum�nfs�s} do�s s❑ an[y t� �rant �nd con�ey fha� <br /> Sorr�wer's in��rest in the prop�rty to�ne Truste�under th�terms of'this d��d af�rust. In addit�on,s�ch a Borrnwcr agr�cs that th�I�ender and <br /> any oth�r Sorrow�r under this de�d�f trust may extend,madif�nr make an��ot��er chan�es in the t�rms af thi�d�ed of t�ust�r tne secur�d debt <br /> wit���ut�hat Bvrrower's Gc3nsent and without�r�le�5ir��t��at Bt��rower fram the terms a�thi�deed of trust. <br /> The duties and�enefiis��this deed nf trusf sl�alt bind and�enefit th��uccesso�-s and assibns of Lcnder and Barrower. <br /> 1$. h�otice. C]nless �therwise required by 1a�v, any notice to �orr�wer shail be �iven by� deliWerin� i�or by mailing it by ccrtifed mai� <br /> addressed to Barrower at the praperty address or any other address that Borraw�r}�as giv�n�a Lender. Borrower wiil�ive any notice to Lender <br /> by certi�ied mai�t�L�ndcr's addr�ss an pa�e� of�his deed�f trust,or�o any�ther address,��hic�Lcndcr has desi�nated. Any o�}�e�natice ta <br /> Lende�r sha�]b��ent to Lender's address�.�stated an pa�e X af fhis d�ed o�trust. <br />