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<br /> Loan Nv: 'I❑���92�3 {�vntinued} Page 4
<br /> �he name vf Grant�r and tv neg�tiate the same and �allect fihe proce�ds. Payments by�kenants vr other users�o
<br /> Lender-in response�o Lender's demand shal� satisfy�he obfigafiivns for which the payments are rnade, whether❑r
<br /> not any prvper grvunds far the demand existed. Lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph either in
<br /> person, by agent, or•thr�ugh a recei�er.
<br /> D�her Remedies. Lender shal! ha�e a�[ o�her rights and r�medies pro�ided in this Assignrnent ar�he Nate or 1ay
<br /> law. 1
<br /> Election of Remedies. Election by Lender to pursue any rernedy shall nat exclude pursuit❑�any o�ther remedy, and
<br /> an election to make expenditures ar tv take acfiion fi�perform an abligation❑�Grantor under this Assignrnent, after
<br /> �rantor's�ailure to p�rfvrm,sha[I no�affeGt Lender's right to dsclare a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the t�rms ❑f this Assignment,
<br /> Lender shall he enti�led fi❑ reca�er such sum as the court may adjudge raasanab�e as attvrneys' f�es at trial and
<br /> upon any appeal. VIlhether or not any evurt ac�tion is inWolved, and t� the extent not prohihited by law, alE
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's ❑pinion are necessary at any time �vr fihe p'rotection of its
<br /> interest or the enfarcernent of its rights shaff became a part❑f�he fndebtedness payable ❑n demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at�he No�e ra�ke�rvm the da�ke vf�he expendi�ure un�i�r�paid. Expenses co�ered by�his paragraph include,
<br /> withaut limita�ian, however suhje�t t� any �imi�s under app�ica�le law, Lender's attorneys` �ees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, wh�ther ❑r not there is a lawsui�, inc�uding attorneys' ��es and expenses �or bankrup�cy proc�edings
<br /> {inc�uding efforts to modi�y ar�acate any automatic s�ay or injunction), appeafs,and any ant�cipated post judgment
<br /> �vlleGtion ser�ices, �he cost a�searching rec�rds� ❑b�aining title reparts �inc[uding �orecfosure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br /> repor�s, and appraisai fees, �itle insurance, and �ees �ar the Trustee, �o the e�c�en� permit�ed by applicabfe law.
<br /> Grantor alsa will pay any court casts,in additian to all❑ther sums prvvEded�ay law.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�VI5I�N5. The�all�wing miscellanevus pra�isions are a part of this Assignrnent:
<br /> Arnendments. This Assignment, together with any Refa�ed Dflcurnents, c�ns�ifutes th� entire unders�anding and
<br /> agreement of �he parties as to �he matte�s se� fvrth in �his Assignmen�. No alfierativn of or amendrnent to �his
<br /> Assignment sha[[ be effec�i�e unless gi��n in writing and signed by the party or parties s�ughfi ta b� charged or
<br /> hound 1oy the alteration or amendm�nt.
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in this�4ssignment are tvr�on�r�nience pu�poses❑nly and are no�tv be used
<br /> �ka interpre�❑r define the prv�isions❑f this Assignrnen�. •
<br /> �a�rerning Law, This Assignrnent wi11 be ga►rerned by -�ederal taw applicab�e to Lender and, t❑ #he extent no�
<br /> preemp#ed hy federa[law,#he laws of the State of Nehraska withou�regard to i#s��nfl�cts vf law prvvisions. This
<br /> Assignrnen�has been accep�ed hy Lender in the S�a�e of Nebraska.
<br /> Chvice af Venue. l�there is a lawsui�k, Grantor agrees upon Lender's request ta submit t❑ the jurisdi�tion of the
<br /> cour�s of Hall Caunty, State�f Nebraska.
<br /> Mer�er. There shall be n� merger❑f the infie�esfi❑r estate �reated by this assignrnent wi�h any other interes� ar
<br /> esta�e in�he Proper�y at any time he�d by❑r for the benefi�k of Lender in any�apa�ity, without the written consent
<br /> �f Lender.
<br /> In�erpreta�ion. 4�) ln all cases where �here is rnore than �ne Borrawer ar Grantor, then all words used in �his
<br /> Assignrnen�in�he singu�ar sha[[ be deemed to ha�e been used in�he plural where the conte�c�and cvnstructi�n so
<br /> require. {Z� If more than one person signs this Assignmen�t as "Grantor," the obligations of each Grantar are jvint
<br /> and se�eral. This means tha� i� Lender tarings a lawsuit, Lender ma� sue any ❑ne ar m�re af the Grantars. If
<br /> Barrower and Gran�fiar are na�the same persan, Lender need no�sue Barrawer first, and�hat Borrower need not be
<br /> jvined in any fawsuit. {3} The names gi�en t� paragraphs ❑r s�ct�ans in th�s �4ssignmen� are fvr canWenience
<br /> purposes❑n�y.They are nafi fia f�e used to interpret vr define the pra�isivns❑f this Assignment.
<br /> No Waiver by Lender. Lender shall no�be deemed�o have wai�ed any rights under this Assignment unless such
<br /> v+iaiWer is g�Wen in wrifiing and signed by Lender. No delay❑r omissi�n on the part of Lender in exercising any right '
<br /> sha�I aperate as a wai�er of such rfght or any o�her right. A wai�er by Lender of a provisian o-��his A�signment
<br /> sha[l no�t prejudice �r constitufie a waiWer of Lender's right otherwise �o demand stric� ��mp�iance wi�h that �
<br /> provision or any other provision of this Assignment. No prior wai�er by L�nder, nar any course ❑f dea�ing between
<br /> Lender and Grantar, shall consti�ute a waiver of any❑f Lender's rights or vt any❑f Gran�or's ob�igations as�o any
<br /> fufiure �ransa�tians. VIlhene�e� the consent o� Lender is required under this Assignmentr the granting ❑f such
<br /> cansent by Lender in any ins�ance sha[I nofi cans#i�ute continuing consen�t t❑ subsequent instances where such
<br /> � cansent is requ�red and in alf cases such cansent may be granted or withheld in the sale discretian❑f Lender.
<br /> Nati�es, Any natice required t❑ be gi�en under �his Assi�nment shall be gi�en in writtng, and shall be e�fect��e
<br /> when actually delivered, when a�tually recei�ed by teletaesimi�� {unless o�herwise required by �aw�, when
<br /> depvsited wifih a national�y recagnized o�ernigh�cour3er, or, if ma�led, when depasited in�he Uni�ed States mail, as ;
<br /> firs�class, �ertified ❑r regis�ered mail pas�age prepaid� direc�ed�a�he addresses shawn n�a�the beginning of�his
<br /> Assignrnen�. Any party rnay Ehange its address for nv�ices under this Assignmen� by giving fiormal written nafiice
<br /> ta the other parties, specifying tha� �he purpose of the no�ice is to change �he parCy's address. For no�tice
<br /> purposes, Grantar agrees to keep Lender infvrmed at a�I times ❑� Gran�or's current add�ess. �nless ❑�he�'wise
<br /> pra�ided ar required by law, �� th�re is m�re than one Gran�or, any notice gi�en by Lende� t� any Gran�or is
<br /> deemed to be natice given to all Gran�ors.
<br />