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<br /> Loan N�: '��'I�89Z�3 t Ca nti nu ed} Page 2�
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Ex�ep� as o�herwise provided in this Assignrnen�or any Re�ated Dacuments, Grantor �
<br /> shall pay to L�nder all amoun�s secured by �his Assignrnent as they become due, and shall s�ric�ly perform all af
<br /> G�-an�ar's ❑bjigations under�his Assignrnent. Unless and un�il Lender exercises its righfi�ta cof�ect the Ren�s as pro�ided
<br /> � bel�vu and s❑ Iong as�her� is no de�ault under th�s Assignrn�n�t, Grantor may remain in possessEon and c�ntrol ❑�and
<br /> ❑pera�e and manage the Prope�ty and collect the Rents, provided that the gran�ing af�the right to �ollect the Rents shall
<br /> na�c�ns�ifiute Lender's consent t❑the use o�cash cvllatera[in a laankruptcy proceeding.
<br /> GRANTOR'S REPRESENTATIDNS AND WARRANTtES. Grantar vvarran�s that:
<br /> �wnership, Gran�or is enti�led t❑ recei�e the Rents free and c�ear ❑f aIl rights, laans, liens, encumhrances, and • �
<br /> claims except as disclosed to and ac�epted by Lender in writing. - �
<br /> �
<br /> Righ##❑Assign. Gran�ar has�he full right� power and author;ty�❑ enter into this Assignrnent and to assign and
<br /> con�ey the Ren�s�o Lender.
<br /> No Prior Assignment, Grant�r has no�k pre�ious�y assigned or �on��yed the Rents ta any ❑ther person by any
<br /> ins�rument naw in farce.
<br /> No Further Trans�er. Grantor wif[nofi se[�, assign, encumber,or otherwiss dispose af any o��rant�r's rights in the
<br /> Rents ex�ep�as pra�ided in this Assignment.
<br /> LEN�ER'S RIGHT Ta RE�EIVE AN❑ C�LLE�T F�ENTS. Lender-shal� have the right at any time, and e�en though n❑
<br /> de�faul�shall ha��❑ccurred under this Assignrnent,-�o co[[e�t and recei�e�he Ren�s. For�this purposer Lender is hereby
<br /> given and granted the tollowing righ�s,pawers and autharity:
<br /> Nvtice #a Tenan#s. Lender may send notices tv any and a�l tenants ❑f the Property ad�ising thern af this
<br /> Assignrnent and direc�ing all Rents t❑be paid direc�ly�o Lender or Lender`s agen�.
<br /> Enter the Praperty, Lender may en��r upan and tak�possessi�n af the Proper�y; demand, callect and re�eive from ,
<br /> the tenanfis or�r�m any ❑ther persans lia}�le therefor, all of the Rents; institute and carry an a!� legal proceedings
<br /> necessary far the pro�ection o� the Property, including such proceedings as may be necessary to reco�er :
<br /> possession�t the Property;collec��he Ren�s and r�mo�e any tenan�or tenan�s ar❑ther pers�ns fram�he Praperty.
<br /> Mainfain the Prvperty. Lender may enter upon the Prvperty t❑ ma�ntain fihe-Praperty and k�ep�he same in repair;
<br /> ta pay the casts thereof and❑f all services of all employees, including their equipmen�,�and of all cvntinuing C�5�5
<br /> and expenses o�maintaining fihe Prop�r�y in proper repair and condition, and also t� pay a�l taxes, assessments and
<br /> wa�er utilities, and fihe prerniums on�ire and other insurance ef�ec�ed by Lender on�he Praperfiy.
<br /> Comp�iance with Laws. Lender may do any and alf things �o exscute and cornply with the �aws ❑fi the Sfia�e of
<br /> Nebraska and alsa all other laws, rules, ord�rs, ardinanc�s and requir�rneri�s of al� ather go�ernmen�af agencies
<br /> � a��ec�ting the Proper�y. -� .
<br /> Lease�he Property, Lender may rent ar lease the whvle vr any par�❑f�Che Property for such fie�m or terms and on
<br /> such�andifiians as Lender may deem apprapriate.
<br /> Emplay Agents, Lender may engage su�h agent v�- agen�s as Lender rnay deem apprapriate, ei�her in Lender's
<br /> i
<br /> name❑r in Grant�r's narne,to ren�and manage�he P�-oper-�y,inGluding the co�[ection and application o�Renfis. '
<br /> Dther Ac�s. Lender may do all su�h o�her �hings and acts with resp���t �v the Property as Lender may deern �
<br /> appropriate and may ac�exclusively and solely in fihe place and stead ❑��rantar and fiv ha�e all of�khe powers ❑f `
<br /> Grantar�or the purpases s�a��d above. '
<br /> �
<br /> No Requirement�o A��. Lender shall no� b� �equired t� d� any af the faregoing a�ts or thin�s, and the fa�t that �
<br /> Lender shall have perfvrmed one ar more of�he foregoing ac�s or things shall nvt require Lender t❑ d❑ any ❑ther ;
<br /> speci�i�ac�❑r thing. � �
<br /> APPL[CAT14N �F RENTS. A�f casts and �xpenses incurred hy Lender in connection with �he Property shall be far
<br /> Grantor's ac�vunt and Lender may pay such costs and expens�s �frorn �h� Renfis. Lender, in its s�[e discretion, shall �
<br /> determine the ap�liGat€an of any and all Rents received hy ifi� howe�er� any such Ren�s receiWed by Lender which are '
<br /> not applied ta such casts and expenses shall be applied to the lndebtedness. All expenditures made hy Lender under �
<br /> �his Assignrnent and no� reimbu�sed �rom �he Ren�s shall becorne a part o� the lndeb�edness secured by this
<br /> Assignment, and shall be payable❑n demand,wi�h in�erest at the No�e rate fram da�e af expenditure until paid.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. [f Grantar pays all of the Indeh�edness when due and o�herwise performs all the abligations
<br /> imposed upan Gran�or under this Assignment,�he IV�te,.and th�Re�ated❑ocuments, Lender shall execute and deliver tv
<br /> Granfior a suitable satisfactian of fihis Assignmen�and suita�[e sfia�temen�s o�termination of any financing sta�ement on '
<br /> file e�idencing L�nder's security interest in the Rents and the Property. Any terminatian fee �required by �aw shal� be
<br /> patd hy Grantor, if perm��ted 1ay appl�cable law.
<br /> LENDER'S E�CPENl7[TURES. lf any action or praceeding is commenced�khat would mat�rially affect Lender's interest in
<br /> the Property❑r if Grantor�ails�C❑ �omply with any p�-o�ision o�this Assignment or any R�lated Documents, in�ludin�but
<br /> not limited tv Grantor's failure�❑discharge❑r pay when due any amvunts G�antor is required fio discharg�ot'pay under
<br /> �his Assignmen� or any Rela�ed I�ocuments, Lender on Grantor`s behaff may �but sha�[ nv� be ❑bligated �o} �ake'any
<br /> �
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