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��1 5�6� 1 5 <br /> AS�I�N i�1 E�f T �7F F�EIVTS <br /> �C��t��u�d} ��g� � <br /> calle�t the Ren�s, incEuding am�un�s past du� and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds, av�r and abv�� Lender`s <br /> cos�s, agains�the Indeb�edness_ ]n furtherance af#his r�ght, Lender sh��� ha�e a�l #he rights pr��ided �or in the <br /> Lender's Ri�h�to Receive and �oC�ect Rents Section, abn�e. !f the Rents are cal�ected by Lender, then �rantor <br /> irre�oGably d�signat�s Lendsr as Grantar's attarney-fn-fac�tv endorse instrumen�s re�ei�ed in payment there�f ir� <br /> the name of Granto�and t❑ negvtia�e the same and c�ll�ct�he proceec.�s. Payments by tenan�s❑r o�her users�a <br /> Lender in response t❑ Lender�s dernand shall satisfy�h�abli�ations for which the payments are made,whether ar <br /> n��any praper grounds for the demand�xisted. Lend�r may exer�ise its rights und�r this subparagraph either in <br /> person,hy agent,❑r thraugh a recei�er. <br /> �ther Remedi�s. Lender sf�all have a�l other�-ights and remedies proWided in th�s Assignm�nt ar the Nofe vr by <br /> �aw. <br /> Elec�ion�f Remedies. E1�ctian by Lender ta pursue any remedy sha11 nvt exclude pursuit o�any Qther rernedy,and <br /> an�lec�ion ta rnake expendi�ures❑r tv take action to perForm an�bligation��Grant�r und�r this Assignmen�,after <br /> Grantor"s failure#o perform,shal[nat affe�t Lender's righ�to declar�a defau�t�nd exercise�ts rem�dies. <br /> Attorneys' Fees;Expens�s. �f L�nder ins�itutes any sui#or action�o enforce any af the�erms vf this Assignment, <br /> Lender shall be enti���d�o rero�er�uch sum 2s#he caur�may adjudge reasvnab[e as att�rneys'fees a�#�ial an� <br /> upvn any appeal. 'U1lhether or nat any cvurt actian i� inva[�ed, and #o th� exten� not prohibifed by �aw, ai! <br /> re.asanable expenses Lend�r incurs �ha� in Lender"s op�nian are n�oessary at any tirne fflr the protec�"ron of i�s <br /> int�rest ar�he enfo�cement of its righ�s shall bec�me a part of th� Indebt�dness payab�e vn demand and shalf hear <br /> i nterest a�the Note ra�e from the date a�the expenditure u nti l repaid. Expenses cavered by th�s paragraph i ncl ude, <br /> with�u� fim�tation, hvwe�er subject t4 any lirnits under app�icabl�law, L�nder's�ttorneys'�'ees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether a� nat there is a fawsui�, including attorneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy prc�ceedings <br /> �in�luding efforts to modi�y ar�acate any automatic s#ay v�injunction},appeais,and any anticipated pos�judgmen� <br /> colle�ion services,the cost of searching records, ota�ainin��i�le repo�ts �inciuding fareclos�r�reports}, surveyors' <br /> reports, and appr~aisal fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trus�ee, t� ��e exten� permitted by applicab�e law. <br /> �rantor alsa wil!pay any caurt costs,�n addif�on fc�all ofih�r sums prouic�ed b�law. <br /> EL.ECTR�NtC GaPIES, Lender may �apy, eiectronically or otherwise, and thereafter destroy, the origina[s of �his <br /> Agre�menfi andlor Related Do�uments in �he �eguiar course of Lender'� business. A11 such copies pradu�ed f�rom an <br /> ��ectranic form or by any vther reliahle means �i.e., photvgraphic image or#acsimile}shall in al[ respe�ts be conside�ed <br /> equi�alent fio an❑riginal,and gorrower hereby wai�es any righ�s or abjections to the use�f such copies. <br /> N1r5CELLANE�US PRaV1SIaNS. The�o�low�ng miscel�aneous prav�sians are a part of�his Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignrnent, tvge�her w€th any Relate� Documents, consti�u��s the entire un�erstand�ng and <br /> agreement vf the par��es as �o #he matters set farth in this I�ssignment. No aftera#i�n of or arnen�ment�o this <br /> Assignmen� shall be effec��ve unless gi�en in wri#ing and sign�d �y fhe party or parties saugh�to be �ha�-ged or <br /> bound by the alteration❑r amendment. <br /> Caption Headings. Captivn headings in th�s Assignment are for cflnvenien�e purposes only and are n�t t� �e used <br /> to interpret❑r define the prv�isivns a�this Ass�gnment. <br /> Go�erning Law. This Assignrnent will be go►rerned by federal Iaw applicab[e to Lender and, ta the ext�nt nvt <br /> preempted by federa� law,the�aws of the 5ta�p of Nebraska w�thaut regard�o its�onf�icts of 1aw pro�isions. This <br /> A�s'rgnment has been accep�ed by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Choice of Wenue. Ef there is a[awsuit, Gran�or agrees upon Lender's request to submit to�he jurisdictian a��he <br /> courts o�Hall County,State v�Nebraska. <br /> Joln# and S�veral Liabiliiy. All o�ligations ❑f G�-antor under this Assignm�nt shall be join� and several, and al� <br /> �-efe�en�es fv Grantor �hall mean each and every Grantor. This means that each Grantor signing befvw is <br /> �spvnsible�flr all ob[igatians in this Assignment. � <br /> M�rger. There sha[[ be na merger o�the interest or estate c�ea�ed by this assignment rrvith any❑ther interes�ar <br /> estate in the P�op�rty at any time h�ld by Qr far the bene�it o�Lend�r in any capacity,without�he writfen consent <br /> v�Lender. <br /> �nterpretation. {1� ln a!I cases vtirhere there is more than �n� Borr-owe�or Gran�or, �h�n al1 words used in this <br /> Assignment En th�singular shall be deerned ta have been used in the plural where the can�ext and canstruGtian sa <br /> require_ �2} Ef more than ane person signs this Assignmen�a�"Grantor,"the obliga�ions af each Grantor are joint <br /> and se�eral. This means tha# if ILender br�ngs a lawsuit, Lender rnay sus any ane ❑r mare ❑f the G�antors. If <br /> Bflrrower�nd Gran#or are nv��he same pe�san, Lender need n�t sue S�r�awer first,and that Bo�rov�er need not be <br /> joine�9 in any lawsuit. �3} The names given �a paragraphs c�r s�ctivns in �his Assignment are for canv�nience <br /> purpases anly.�hey are not tv be used to in�erpret or defrne the provisians nf this Assignment. <br /> Mo 1Na��er by Lender. Lender shall nat be deemed t� hav�waived any rights under th is Assig nment unless such <br /> wai�er is g��en in writing and signed by Lender. Na�e�ay�r omission on the part of Lender in exercising any�-ight <br /> shail opera�e as a wai�er of such right or any ❑ther right, A waiv�r-by Lend�r o�a pro�ision of this Assignment <br /> aha�l nvt preju��ce or constitu�e a waiver of Lender's right athe�-wise ta demand stri�t compliance with that <br /> p�ovision or any ather pro�isiQn of this Assignment. Na priar waiver by Lender, nor any caurse❑f dealing between <br /> Lender and Gran�or, sha�l canstitute a wai�er�f any ofi�ender's rights ar o�any o�Grantor's obfiga�ions as t� any <br /> futur� transa��ions. Whene�er �he consent nt Lend2r is required under th�s Assignment, the g�anting ofi s�ch <br /> consent by Lsnder in any ins�ance shall not cvnstitut� c�ntinuing cansen� to subsequent instances wh�re su�h <br /> consent is required�nd in aIl cases su�h consent may b�granted or wi�hheld in�he safe discretion of Lender. <br /> Notices, Any natice required t❑ be given under this Assignm�nt shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and Sha11 be e'f'Fe��ive <br /> when aGtual�y delivered, when actua�ly recei�e� by telefacsim�ie [unless other-wise �equired by law}, when <br /> depvsited with a nat�onally recogniz�d c��e�-night cauri�r,or,if rnailed,when d�posi#ed in the United S#ates ma��, as <br /> f€rst class, �ertified or regis�ered m�il pastag�prepaid, dire�ted�o#he addresses shawn near#he beginning ��f this <br /> Rssignm�nt_ Any party may change its address far no�ices under this Assignment ay gi��ng farrnal written not�ce <br /> t❑ the vther pat��es, specifying �h�� �he purpas� of the notice �s t❑ change �he party's address. Fvr noti�e <br /> �7u1"p05ES, Grantvr agrees tv keep Lender in�arrned a� alI times ❑f Grantor's current address. �n�ess ❑thenivise <br /> pr��ided or re�uired by [aw, if ther� i� more than one �ran�ar, any nc�tice given by Lend�r tv any �rantor is <br /> deerned ta be nafii�e given to all Grantors. <br /> Powers a�Attorney. The Warious ag�ncies and powers of attarney�vnveyed on Lender under this Assignment are <br /> gran�ed�a�purpos�s of se�urity and may not he�'evok�d by Grantor until such t�me aS ths same are renvunced by <br /> Lender. <br /> 5er►erabi�it}�. If a caurt of comp�tent juris�iction finds any pro�ision of th�s�►,ssignment ta be il�egal, snvalid, or <br /> unenfarceahle as to any person or�ircurns�ance,that fnding sha11 r�o�make�he affend�ng pra�isian illegal,�nvalid, <br /> vr unenforceable as to any vther p��san or circumstanc�_ lf��asi�ale, the o�fending pro�ision �ha�� be considered <br /> modifi�d so fhat it becomes iega[,valicl and enfor�abl�. �f th�offending prn�isi�n cannot be sa modified, i�s�aall <br /> be �nsid�red d�leted �rom this Assignmen�. Unless atherwis� required by law, the il�egality, �n��Iidity, or <br /> unen�ar�eability�f any praWisian of th�s Assignment shall na� a�fec�fihe �egafity, �alidi�y or enfarceahi�i�y of any <br /> �ther prvuisior�o�this AssignRaen�. <br />