��1 5�6��4
<br /> the Loan Servicer or be�-ansferred ta a successar Loa�Servicer and are na�assumed by the Not�pu.rehaser uril.ess
<br /> a�h�rwise provided by the I�ote purchaser.
<br /> Ne��h�r B orr�vc�er nar Lex�der ma�coxirxrnenc�,j o�n,ar b e j oined ta any j udicial a�tian�as either an ind.ividua��irigan�
<br /> ar�he member of a class}�la.at arises from the o�her�ar�y's act�ons pursuant to this Securit��n.strument�r�hat a�leges that
<br /> �ie ather party has breached any pravi.sion af, ar any duty�w�d by r.eason of,this 5ecurity Ynstrument, un�:il. suc�
<br /> Borro�rer or Lender has not-i�ied the o�ier par�y��vz�h such nQtice given in camp��ance with the requirements af Sec�tion
<br /> �5}af such a�I.eged breach and afFarded th�other party h�reto a reasonable period af�er�.ie giving of such norice to�ake
<br /> carr�ctive act�on.If Appli�a��e Law pravides a t�me per�od whi�h must elapse before eertain action can be taken,�th.a�
<br /> ti.xne per�od wi�1 be deemed�o be reasanabl.e for purposes afthis paragraph.The na�.ce of acee�erat�on and apportuni��fl
<br /> cure given to B orrower pursuant to S ec��on?2 and#he natice of acce�era.tion g�.��n to�orrQvver pursuant to S ection 1 S
<br /> shall be deemed to sa�isfy�he notice and oppartu�iiiy ta�cake�vr�rective action pro�rxsi�ns of this Sect�on��.
<br /> Zl.Hazard[ous Substan�es.As us�d�n this Section�1:�a}"Hazardaus Substances"aare those substanees defined as
<br /> t�xic Qr hazardous suh�tances,pollutants, or was�es by Envu-onmenta�Ldw an�.th�rUll�wuzg�uUsta��ce�: gasulule;
<br /> kerosene, other flamrr�_able or toxic petro�eum produets,taxic pest�c�de�and herb�cide�,volatile s�lve�ts,ma��rials
<br /> con#auung ashestos or farma�.deh�de,and raalioactive materials;�b}"Enviranrrienta�Law''means federa�laws and laws
<br /> of the jurisdiction where �he Properfy zs located that re].a�� #a health, safe�ty or environmental pra�ec�ion,
<br /> �c}"Environmental C�.eanup" in�iudes any r�sponse ac�zon, rem�dial actian, ar remova� ac�ian, as d�fxned in
<br /> Env�ronmental LavSr;and�d}an"Enviranmental Condit��n''m�ans a cand�tion that can cause,contr�bute to,or otherwise
<br /> �rigger an Envi.ronmental�Ieanup.
<br /> I3orrov►Ter shall na�eause or permi��he presence,use,disposal,storage,or rel�ase af any Ha.�ardous Substances,or
<br /> threa�en�o re�ea.s�any Hazardous�uhs�ances,on or xn the��opex�y.Barrower shall not da,nor allow anyone e�se to da,
<br /> anything afFe��ing the Propexty�a}tha�is ii1 v�ola�ian af any�En��ir�nmenta�Law,�l�}whzch crea�es an]Enviranrnenta�
<br /> �onditian,ar�c}v�rhich,due to the presen�e,use,or re�ease af a Hazardous Subs�ance,creates a condi�ian�hat adverse�y
<br /> aff�cts the�alue af the Prflperty.The precec�:ng tw��ent�nces sha�I nvt apply to th.e presence,use,or starage an the
<br /> Propert�r of small quantit�es of Hazardous Substances tha�are�enerally re�agnized to be appropriate to n�rma.l residential
<br /> us�s and to ma��tenance of�he Proper�y��ne�uding,but na�lim��ed to;ha.�ardou�substan.ces in consumer pradu�ts}.
<br /> B�rr�wer s&�all promptly�gave L�nder u�r�tten natiee of{a}any znvestrga�ian;eiaim,dernand,Ia.wsui�or other actinn
<br /> . by any governmental ar regu�atary agen��ar private party in�rolving the�'rop�r�y and any Hazardaus Subs�ta.nce Qr
<br /> Env�.ranmental Ifaw af vc�hi�h Borro�ver has actual kn:o�rledge, �b} any En.v�.r�nm�ntal�and�tion, includxng but not
<br /> i�mited ta,any spill�ng,leaking,discharge,re�ease or�hrea�t�frelea�e of a��y Ha.zardous Subs#ance,and�c}an�conditi�n
<br /> cau�ed by the p�esen�e,use or reiease of a Haza�dau�Subs�ance which adverse�y afFects the value of�he Property If
<br /> Borrower�Earn�,or is not�fxed by an�governmental or regulatory autharity,or any private party,that�n�r removal or
<br /> other remediatian af any Ha�ardous Substance affec�.ng�he Proper�is�.ecessary,�orro�rer�hall promptly tal�e aIl
<br /> necessar�remeclia.l ac�ians in acevrdarice wr#h Environxnental La�v.Not�rig h.erc�n shall create any abligation fln Lender
<br /> far an Environrnental Cleanup.
<br /> N�N-L�NIFflRM C�VENANTS.Borrotiver anc�I.,ende�lurthe��o�enan�and agree as fo��.ows:
<br /> 22.A.ccelerat�.na�;�tem�d�es.Lender sh�ll give not�ce to S�rrower priar�o a�cQYeration follvwing S�rr�we�'s
<br /> breach of aay cave�ant or agreement in this Se�urif�I�struanent(lbut a�ot�r�or to acceierati�n under S�ctiom 1S
<br /> unless Applica��e Law pravi.de�otherwise).The nvtice shall sp�c�y:�a�th�default;�b�the a�tion required t��ure
<br /> the default; �c}a date,not less than 3D d�ys��om f�.e date the not�ice�s giv�n to�arro�er,�y whic�the defauxt
<br /> must be cured;and�d}that failure to cure the d�fault an or b�f�re the dat�spe�if ed�n the na�ice may result in
<br /> a�celerativn of the sums secured b�t�u5 Securi�Instrumen�and sale af tb.e Property.The not�ce sh�i furthe�
<br /> info�-m Barrvwer af�h.e ri.gh�ta re�n�ta�e after a�celera���n and the right ta bru�g a caurt a�tion�v ass�rt d�he non-
<br /> exis�en�e af a dLef�ult ar any at.�.er defense�f]Bor�ov���ta acce�er�t�:on and sal�.If�he clefault is n��cured on or
<br /> lb�fore the dat��pecifie�in the nvt�ce,Lender at its op�vn may requ�re fmnr�ediate payment in full af all sums
<br /> se�ured by thi��e�uri�y�nstrument�v�thvut fu.rther de�and and ma�invoke the pawer vf sale�:nd any other
<br /> rem�d.nes p�rmitted��Applic�ble]Law.Lencler shall be entitled to cvllec��ll e�penses i�ncu�-red in pursuing�he
<br /> NEBRAS�A�S�ngle Famiiy-Fannie Ma�IF'reddi�lllla�4JN�F�F�111 INSTRUMENT Farrn 3 �� �
<br /> Pag e�1 0�13
<br /> los;�nc. B�rrower�s�Ini' Is
<br /> �.
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