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��1 5�61 9� <br /> '�ransfer�f�he Pr�pert��r a Ben�ficiai In��res�in ��rrowere�f a11 or any par�of�he Proper�y�r any in�eres� <br /> in it is so�d or �ransferred (or �f a llenef c�al interes� in Borro�ver is sa�d or transferred and B�rrawer is no� a <br /> natural person} �rith�ux Lender's prior written cansen�, �.ender may, a�i�s op�ion, �-�qu��re immedia�e pa�rmen�in <br /> fuX� �f a�� sums secured by �h�s Securiry Instrument. HC��wever, this op�ion sha11 nflt be exercised by L�nder if <br /> exe�-c�se is prohib���d by federal la-w as of the da�e of�his Security Instrument. <br /> 7f Lerider exercises this optiar�, Le�der sha�� give B�rr�wer notice �f a�celera�ion. The na�iGe shal� prov�de a <br /> per�od �f not less than the zxun�mum num�er of days es.�ab�ished by Appiicab�e Laur frorn tihe dat� the r�a�ice is <br /> delivered or mail�d v�ithin which Borrower must pay aIl sums secured b�thi� Security Ynstrunaent. Yf Borro�wer <br /> fails �o pay these sums prior�o the expiration af�his pe�od, Lender may invo�e any rem�dies permitted by th�s <br /> S��ur��Instz�.uza.ent vv�ithaut further no�i ce or deman�on B orr�wer. <br /> B�rrawer's Ri�ht t� Rexrnsta�e. Zf B�rrawer rneets c�ain condi�ians, Borr�v�er sha�l have �he rzg�� ta have <br /> enforcement of�his Secur��Instrument dis�an�inued at any�ime prio�- �a the ear�ier�f: (a) 5 days �or such other <br /> p�rzad as Applicab�e Law may specify for reinstatemen�)before�ale af�he Propert�pursuant t�an�power of sa�e <br /> contained �n �h�� Security �ns�rum�nt; ar �l�} entry �f a judgment enforc�ng this Secur�ty I��s�rume���. Those <br /> �on�ii�ions are �ha�Barrower: �a} pays Lender aI� sums �hich then vvould be due under this Securit�Ins�rurnent <br /> and thc��ntract as if�o accelera��o�had occurred;�b}c�-es a�.y default of any ather cavenants or agr�ements;�c} <br /> pa�rs ati�xpenses in�urred z��enfarc�ng this Securi�y Instr�ment,�ncluding,but not limited to,reasonable attnrneys' <br /> fees ta th�e��en�pez-�xu�ted by Ia�v; and�d} �akes such a����n as Lender may reasona�b�y requ�re �o assure tha�the <br /> lien of�his Securi�Instru�ent,Lender's r�ghts in the Pr�perty and Ba.rraWer`s�bligation ta pay th�sums secur�d <br /> by th�s 5ecuri�y Instrumenr shall �on�inue unchanged. U�on reins�atement by Borro�ver, thxs Securi�Instxurnen� <br /> and the ob�igations secured hereby shall remain fu�ly ef�ec�ive as xf n� acce�erat�an had occurred. Havvever, �his <br /> righ��a reins�ate sha�l no�apply in�he case af accelerat�o�r�under�he sec��on tzt�ed Transf�r of the Proper�Ly ar a <br /> Benef�c�a�In�erest in B�rrower. <br /> Hazardaus Substances.B�rrov�rer sha�1 not cause�r perr.�it the presence,use, disposa�y starage, or release of any <br /> Ha�ardous Suhstances�n or in the Property.Borraurer sh�.�I nat da,n�r a�Xavv anyone else to da,any�hing affecting <br /> the Proper�y that is in viQl��ion of any Environmenta� Law. The preceding two s�ntences shall n�� apply ta the <br /> presence,use,or s��rage on�he Prop�rty of small�uan��t��s of Ha�ardou�Subs�ances�hat are genera�ly recogn�zed <br /> �o be appropria�e�o normaX:res�dential uses and�o mainte�anc�of�h.e Property. <br /> Borro�ver sha11 promp�ly give Lender v�r�i�ten n�tice of an�in��stiga�ian,claim,demand;Iav�r�ui�or other ac�ion b� <br /> any governmen�a� ar regulatory a�ency or privat�pazty inv�lving the Property and any Ha�ard�us Su�stance or <br /> Env�ronmental Law of �which Borrnwer has actual �ow�edge. �f Borro�ver learns, ar zs na�ified by ar��r <br /> governm�n�al or regulatory�auth�r�ty,�ha�any remava� or other remedzation of any Ha�ard�us Substance affec�ing <br /> the Property �� ne�essary, Barrower sha�l promptly t�.ke al� necessary remedial ac�ians �n accardarice w��h <br /> En�ironmentai La�v. <br /> As u�ed in this paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs�a�a��s" are t��se substances d�f ned as toxic or ha.zardous substances <br /> by Environm�nta� Law and the fa�In��ving substances: gaso�ine, kerosene, other flammable or tnxic petroleum <br /> produc�s, �ox�c pestzcides and h�rbicides, vo�a�i�e �olve��s, rnateria�s canta�nxng asbestos or formaldeh�rde, and <br /> radioa���ve materia�s. As us�d in�his paragraph, "Enti�ironmen�al Law" means federa�Ia�vs and Ia�vs of the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska that rela�e�o hea�t�,safe�y ar enviror�men�al pr��ectron. <br /> Ac�e�erat�vn; Remedi�s. Lender sha�� gxve no�i�e to ]�orro�ver prxor �o a�ce�era�iQn follawi�ng Bvrrow�r's <br /> breach of auy cQvenant vr agr�emen�in�his Security�nstrumen#or the Contract under wh�Ch acceleration <br /> i�perm��ted ��ut nQt pr�ar�o a��elera��on under the �e�tio���tled Transfer of�he Property or a]Bene�eial <br /> Interest in BorroYver,unl�s�Applicable Law�rovide� v�herwise�. The n�ti�e shail specify: �a} �h� defaul�; <br /> ��� the a��ifln requ�red tv �ure the defau�t; ��} a date, n�t less than �he minirnum number of days <br /> esta�lished by App�icab�e Lavv fr�rn the date the nfltxc�is given to�orrovv�r,b�which the defau��must be <br /> cured; and �d� that failur� tn cure �he default on �r bef�r� the da�e speci�ed in �he notice may resu�� �n <br /> accelerati.�n of the sums secur�d by this Security �strumer�t and sal� of xhe Prflperty. To �he extent <br /> permitted by law, �h�noti�e shall further inform B�rrawer of the righ�tv r��ns�a�e after acc��eration and <br /> �he r�ght to bring a�ourt�ct�on�o asser�the nan��x�s�ence of a default or any other defense vf Borrower to <br /> acceleratxon and sale,If the defaul�is nat cured nn or bef�re �he da�e spe�ified in the nti��ce,Lender at�ts <br /> �p�ion may re�uire imme�diate payment in fu�l af al� sums s�cured by this Security Ins�rumen� wi�hout <br /> further demand and may inv�ke �he power of sa�e a�d any tither rerned�es permi�ted by Applicable Law. <br /> To the ex�ent permit�ed by �aw, Lender shali be en�.�i�d ta collec� alI expenses in�urred in pursu�ng �he <br /> r�medies pr�vxded�n th�s�ec��on,�nciud�ng,but nvt l�x�u�ed�o,reasonab�e attnrneys' fees and casts of tit�e <br /> evidence, <br /> If the p�wer of sa�e i�Ynvtiked,Trustee shall record a n��ic�of d�fau�t in each county fn Yvh�ch any par�flf <br /> the Property is�o�a�ed and sha��mail capies af su�h x��t��e in th�manner prescribed by Appli�a��e Law to <br /> �vrravver and to the other persflns prescribed b��p�licab�e Law. Aft�r the t�me requ�red by Applica��e <br /> Law, Trustee shall give public not�ce uf 5aie to �he ��rsons and in the rnanner pres�rihed by Applicable <br /> Law.Trustee,w��hout demand an Earro�ver, sha�� �e���he property a�publi�auction�o the highest bidder <br /> a��he��me and pla�e and u�nder the terrns designated�n the notice af sa�e�n ane vr mvre parcels and in any <br /> order Trustee determ�inesa Trus�e� may p�stpane s��e of all or any parce� �f the Prnperty by public <br /> announcemen�a�the time and p�ace �f any prev�ously�chedu�ed saie.Lender�r��s des�gnee may purchase <br /> �he Property a�any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt of payrnent�f the pr�ce�i.d, Tru�te� sh�li del�ver to�he purehaser Trustee's deed cvnveying <br /> the Prop�rty,'�'he recitals An the Trustee's deed shall b�prima fa�ie�vi.d�n�e of the truth of the statemen�s <br /> �2Q04-2D 1 S Com�Iian�e 5ystems,Inc.ASBC-�34D5-2Q 15.3.5.I064 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-5e�urity Instrument DL2a36 Pa�e 4 af 5 www, <br />