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<br /> Hvme�`ederaZ Savi.ng�&Lvan Associa�.on�f Home Fed�ral Savings&Loan Assaciation of
<br /> Grand Is�and Grand Island
<br /> 221 South Locust S�reet 221 Sou�h Locust Street
<br /> �Space Abo��e This Line For Recording Data}
<br /> LDAN DR�GIIvAT�R C�MPANY N.AME:Home Federa�Savi.ngs&Loan Assoc�a�i�on of Grand Is�and
<br /> 1�iMLS��MPANY�DENTIFIER:446443
<br /> L�A�'�RIG'rINAT�R NAME: Chris Kask�ie
<br /> NMLS�RI��NAT�R�DENTrF�ER:494658
<br /> D�EI� �F TRUST
<br /> l3Y THIS DE�D �F`TItUST}
<br /> THI S I7EED C�F TRUST �"5 ecurit}r Instrumen�"� �s made �n Au gu st 31, 2 U 1�. The gran�ors are ERI� �
<br /> PAZAI�ENA,a��a knav�n as ERIC PA�ARE�TA,and TIA I�PA�ARENA,a�so known as TLA PA�ARENA,
<br /> HUSBAND AND WIFE,�rhose address is 4424 W FAIDLEY AVE,GRAI�TD ISI�AND,Nebraska 6g$43-3325
<br /> ("BarrQ��er"�. Barrower�s not�ecessarz�y the same as the Person ar P�rsans wha sign the Home Equity Line of
<br /> Credit Agreemen�, dated Augus� 31, 2015 �"Contract"}. The flb��gations af Borrowers who d�d not s�gn �he
<br /> ContraG�ar�expla�ned itu�her in the section�it1�d Su��essvrs and A�s�gns Bvund; Joint and 5evera�Lxabil��y;
<br /> Accommoda�ion Signers. The trustee is Arend R. Baack, A��arney.�rhose address is P,�. Ba�r 794, Grand
<br /> Is�and,�Tebraska 5�$Q2 ("Trustee"}. The�enefciary fs Home F�d�ral Savings & Laan ASsvciat�an of�rand
<br /> Is�and,vvhich is�rganzzed and existi�.g under th��aws of�he Unz�ed Stat�s of Arnerica and whase address�s�Z 1
<br /> Sauth La�us� �tre�t, Grand Is�and, �e�raska 6SS01 �"Lender"}. ERIC C PA�ARENA at�.d TIA I�
<br /> PA.ZARENA have en�ered int�a�an�ract w��h Lender as af A.ugus�31,�015,under the tierms�f which Borrov�rer
<br /> may,from tzme�o time, abtain advances nat t❑e�ceed, at any time, a***MA�IMUM PRI��IPAI1 AM�I7NT
<br /> [E�CLUDING PR[)TECTIV� ADVAN�ES}��* af Nxneteen Thousand Five Hundred and OUI1Q� Do��ars
<br /> (U.S. $19,54fl.�0) �"Cred��Limit"�. Any party�nterested in the deta��s relat�d�o Lender's continuing abliga�ion�o
<br /> rnake advances to Borrower is advised to �onsult direct�y with L�nder. If not paxd ear�ier, the sums ouring under
<br /> �3orrovver's Con�.ract��vi�h Lender v�rill be due on September 15,2aZU.This 5�curi�y�nstrument secures�o Lender:
<br /> �a� �he repa�rment of�he debt under �he �on�ract, v���h ua�e�rest, includ�ng future advar�ces, and alI renevvals,
<br /> extensions and modxf catians�f the CQn�ract; �b} �he payment af all a�her sums,with in�eres�,advanced to pr�tect
<br /> �he security af thi.s Securzty Znstrumen�uz�der�he provisions of the sec�ion t�t�ed Pro�e�t��n af Lend�r's Rights in
<br /> �he Prvperty;and��}the perfo�-mance of�3orrnwer`s covenarits and agreements under�h�s 5ecuri�y�ns�rument and
<br /> �he Car�tiract. For �his purpose, Borr�wer, �n considerat�Qn af the debt an� the trust herein created, irrev�cab�y
<br /> gran�s and conveys to Trustee, in trust, wi�h povver of sa�e, the followzng descr�bed property lacated �n �he
<br /> C�UNTY of HALL, S�ate of IVebraska:
<br /> Address:4��4 W FAIDLEY AVE,GRANI]ISLAl�D,Ne�raska 5SS�3-33Z6
<br /> Lega� D�scriptzon: L�T SIX �6},�VEST���D PARI�F�URTI3 SUl3DIVI5I�N, IN THE CITY�F
<br /> TDGETHER. �ITH a�X �he impxovements now ar hereafter erec�ed on �he praperty, and aIl ea�ements,
<br /> appurtenaxaces, and fixtures naw ar hereaf�er a par�of�he pro�aerty. All repla�emen�s and addit�ons shall atso be
<br /> covered by thzs 5ecuri�y �ns�rur�n.en�.. A�i af �he foregoing is referred fo in this Security �ns�.ru.�nen� as the
<br /> "property.'►
<br /> B�R.R��L1�ER�DVE�ANTS �ha�B�rrower is lawfu�ly sezsed of�h.e estate h�reby can�eyed and has the rzgh�to
<br /> gran� and canve� �he Praper�y and that �he Proper�yr �s unencumbered, except for encumbrances of reca�rd.
<br /> B�rrawer v�rarran�s and vvi�� defend generally the ti�tle �a th� Proper�y again�t aI1 cla�xns and demand�, sub�ect to
<br /> any encumbr�r�ces of recQrd.
<br /> Borr�u�er and Lender cavenant and agree as f�llovvs:
<br /> c�2�}04-20�5 Cornpliance Systems,Inc.AdBC-D4D5-�015.3.5,lab�
<br /> Cans�jner Rea�Estate-Secunity Instn.�ment DL2436 Pa�e 1 af 5 www.c�rnpfiancesystems.cam
<br />