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��l 5�61 91 <br /> � D�E� �F T�L��T <br /> L��r� N�� �������+� ���ntin��t�} P��� � <br /> an�i r����r��F tl�� �r���r�. If L�n��r�I���s�o ��p�y the pr������t� r����r�tivr� �n� r�p�ir, T��a��ar sh�ll rep�ir �r <br /> r��la�� the �am����i �r d�S�r�y��I' Irr��r��r�rn�r�t� ir� � m�n�r�r ��tisf��t�r�r t� L�r�der. L�nd�r �h�ll, up�r� <br /> s�#i�f����ry �r��f �# su�h ��cp�n�itur�, �ay �r r�imbur�� Tru�t�r �r�rn th� �r��e�ds f�r tl�� r����r��k�l� c�st �# <br /> r��ai r �r r��t�rati�n if Tr�s��r i� r��t i r� �l�f�u�t �r�d�r th i� ���d af Tru��. An� pr����d s �nrf�i�h hav� n�t ���r� <br /> disl�ur��d tirtirithin 3�� �a�rs �ft�r th��r re�ei��'ar�d ��rhich L�nd�r has ��t ��rnmitted t� t�� ����i� ��r��t�r�tion �� <br /> th� Pro�er�y shal�b� u��d �F�r�t�� ����r�y�rr��ur��t��vir���� L�nd�r und�r this a�e� ��Tru��. th�n t� p�y a��r��� <br /> in��rest, and th�e r�m�in��rr if�r�yr �hafl b� a�pli�d t�tl�� prin�ip�l ��1���� �f tl�� Ir�d��t�dn�ss. If L�nd�r I��I�� <br /> a ny pr����d� a��r ���rr��ri� ir� fr�!I af the I n���t�d r��s�, ��tcf� �ra����� �h�ll be pai d ta �r�st�r as Trust�r'� <br /> ir►t�rest�t�'��y�pp���. <br /> C�m�lian�� witl� E�ci�#in� [r���f�t��n$�s. �urir���1�� ��ri�d ir� �nrhi�h �r�y E�istin� 1�r�2�����r,es� d���ri��d �el�w i� <br /> in �f����r L`�i�I��I1�I�C$ with tf�� in�Ur�n�� pr�vi�i�ns ��ntair��� in �h� in��r�m�nt ��i��n�in� ���h Exi�tin� <br /> ]nd�b��dn��s �h�ll ��n�tit�.rt� ��m�li�r��� v�ri�� tl�e ir�sur�r��� �ra�ri�i�ns ur���r thi� a��� ���ru�tr t� �h� ��€t�r�t <br /> ��mpli�r��� wi�� tl��t�rrr�� �f thi� ���d ��Tru�t w�ufd �����itut� a �uQ�i�aCiQn �� ins�r�n�e r���ireEn�n�. lf ar�� <br /> �r�����ls�r�m rth� ins�r�n�� beGa�e p�y�l�l��n lossr th� provisians En tl�is �e�� of Trust f�r divisi�n�f pr����ds <br /> �h�l1 ���ly�r�l�t❑tl��t��rti�r��f the pr����d�n�t p�y�b�e t�th�h�l��r�f t���xi�ting Ind�b��r�n�s�. <br /> LENDER'S E�PEN a I�U R��. If Trust�r �F�il� {A� t� ���p th� pr�per�y �r�� �f �f� t���sr 1 i�r�s, ��cur��ty �nt�r�stsr <br /> �n���nbr�nces, �nc� ��h�r �lair�r��� ��} t� pr�vi�� �ny r��uir��i in�ur�n�� an fi�� �rap�rtyl {�} t� �ak� r�pairs t� ��te <br /> pr��er�y �r f� ��rrtp[�r v�ritl� ar�y���i�ati�n �� ��int�in E�i��in� ln�el���drie�� �n ��ad �ta�r�d�r�� a� r��u�r�d ��I�v�r th�� <br /> Lend�r m�y �f� s�_ If an�r ���i�� �r �r����di rr� i� ��mrn�n��d tl�a� �v a�Id m�t�ri�l�y �+���t L�n�l�rr� i n��r�s�� in ��� <br /> P���er�t�r tt��n L�r,d�e an Tr�st�r'� h�half m��+, but is n�� r�quir�� t�� 'C�k� �t�y a����n �h�� L�r�d�r b�li�ves rt� �� <br /> a�pr�priate t� pra���� L���er's fr�t�r�s��� All ����n��s ir���arr�d �r �aid �y L�n��r ��r ���� p�,rpQ��� �rvi�l tl��r� ���r <br /> int�r��t at the rat� �har��� un�1�r t[�� �lot� frvm �h�e da-t� ir�curr�d �r ��id by L�n��r t� the d�te �f rep�ym�r�� b� <br /> Trust�r. All ���h ex�ens�� �+v311 k��c�me a �ar��f th� �nd�Iat��ne�� an�, at L�nd�r�� ���i�r�r will �A} h� ���ra��l� �r� <br /> �ern a rid; �B} !�� �d��d �a t�e ��lan�� �f t�� N��� ar�� t�� ����rti�r,�d a m�r�� a rrd �� p�ya�!� v,rith a ny �ns�all m�nt <br /> ��ymerrt�t� 1��c�me���d�rir�� �ith�r �1� tf��t�rm �f�n�r appli��l�f� ir�s�ran�� pQ�i�yr �r ��} �F�� r�rrti�rr�rn�t�rrn a� <br /> �he N�t�f �r {�} �� tr�at�.d �� � ��Il��n p��rm�n�v�rh«h v�all ��du�ar�d p�y�1�[��t tYt� f����'s m�turity. Th� a��ti Q� <br /> Trust �Is� vwrill ����r����rr��r��af�I���� �rry��nt�. Th,� rE�€�t� pr��ri�l�d f�r i� �hi� ��r�€�r���r �h�l� E�e ir� ��diti�� fi� ar�y <br /> �tl��� ri�hts ar�ny r�m�di�� t� ��rhi�h L�nd�r m�y �� �r��i�l��i �rt ����un� �f�ny ��f�u=rt. Any �u�h ��ti�r� bY ��n��r <br /> s�al]not b���nstru�d���urir�g tf��d�f�u[�t sa as t�bar L.e�d�r�r�m any r�m�dy�h�t it�tl��rvtiri�� w��ld I���r�h��. <br /> V��R�AN`�Yr �EFEN�E�F T[T�.�. T��f�ll�v�ring�r��risi�n�r�la#ir�g t��wner�l�i��f t[�� �r�p�rrty�r�a �ar��f thi� a��� <br /> �f Trust: <br /> Ti�l�. �r�astQr�nr�rr�r��s �1��t: {a} Tru�t�r h�l�s g��c� �n� m�rk�tabl� �i�l� �� r���r�l ta th� Pr���rty in f�e simpl�, <br /> fr�� ar,d �I�ar�f �I� li�r�s �nd en��m�rar���$ �t[�er tl��r�tho�� ���f�rth in th� R��� �f4��rt�l �l���r'Ip�i�n �r in ��� <br /> E�istin� ]n�i�b���n��s�ecti�r�i�el�v�+�r ir� an��trtl� i�sur�n�� p��i��r�t��l� r���rt# �r f�r��!titl���ir�i�n�ssu��in f�v�r <br /> �f, �r�� �c��pt�� �y, L�€���r in cvnr���ti�n�,rvitl� �Y��s ���d �fr�ru�t, an� {�} Tru�rt��h�s th� ��rll r-i�h�r ���nrerf an�C <br /> auth�rity t�e�€�cute �r�d d��l��r t�ti�D��d a�Tr��rt t�L�n��r. � <br /> a���ns� �f T�#��. �����ct t� th� ��c��pti�n in th� ��r��r��h aE��v�� TrU���r v�arr�nt� �nd vxrill f�r�,r�r def�nd t�� <br /> titl�t�th� Pr�p��� a��ir�s�t}��l��vful �laim� �f al� ��rs�n�. ln�h��v�r�t�r�y ����ar��r pr�����ir�� i����nm�n���C <br /> � �h�t q��sti�r�s Tru�t�r"s titl��r t�� in��r�s���Trus�t�e ar L�n��r�nd�r t[�i� �e��l ��r Tr�str �ru�tar�F��IC de�r�r�d tl�� <br /> a�ti�n �t T��s��r's ��c��r�sa. Tru��ar m�y��th� n�min�[ ��r�in�u c h �r�c��d�r��� f�ut L�nder�ha If b��ntit[�� �� <br /> ��r�ti�ip�t� in th� �r������n� �n� t� b� r�pr���r�t�d ir, the p��c�e�lin� by caurts�l v�r L�nde�'s �wr� �h�i��, ���i <br /> Trus�ar v�ril����iv�rf ���a�us�to ��d�l5�rer�d, t� L�nd�r�uch instrum��ts�� L�r��l�r m�y r�gue�rt�r��rtim�rt��t�rne <br /> �� ��rr�rit�u�h parti�i�ati�n. <br /> ��m�alian�� V1��t� Laws. Tru��ar ��rr�nt� th�t th� Prv��rty �nd T��s��r'� U�� of th� Prap�rty ��rn pl i�� with a I� <br /> ���sti��g applicabl�1�•�rvsr orc�in�r������nd r��ulati�r�s�f�a�r�rrrmenfial���h�riti�s. <br /> � <br /> �ur�r���l �# �r�mi���. A[l �r�rr�i�e�f a�gr��m�r��s, and s�a��rr��nt� Trust�r h�s rnade in thi� a��d �f Tru�-t �h�ll <br /> �ur�iv� th� ���Gu�i�r�ar�d ��li��r�r�f th�i����� Q�Tr��t, ���I1 �� c�r�t�r��i�� in nat�r� and �h�ll r���ir� in f�ll f�r�� <br /> �rtd��Ffe��u�rtil�uGh tim��s Tr�s��r'�Ir���btedr�es� i� p�id�r,full. <br /> ��ISTING INOEBTE��ESS. Th�#�I���r+rirr��r�v�si�ns��n��rnin� �xi�tin� Ind���ednes��r�a part�f thi�I�����f Tru��: <br /> Exi��in� �,i�n. The I ie� �f �his a��d �f Tr��t s���ri ng �h� I,�d���t�d�e.-ss may �� ���vnc#�ry �n� i nf�ri�r t� �r� <br /> �xi�tir�g li��r. Tru�t�r e�cpr��sly�Qv�n�r��� �r�d ��r��s t� p�y, �r���t�th�paym��t a�� th�� Exi��ir�� In����edn��� <br /> an�to pr�v�n�a�ny d�f�ult�n such inc��bt��n���r a r�y default ur�c��r t��instr�ments �vi�l��cin����h i ndeE�ted nes�, <br /> or ar�y d�fa�I�und�r�ny���r�ri�y���u m��ts t�r�u�h i nd�l�t�d n��s� <br /> N� M�difi�ati�n. 'T'ru�tar sF��l� r�ot �r�t�r in�a an�r ��r��m�n# �r�th tl�� h�l�i�r �f �r,�r m�rt�a��r ���� �f�rus�, �r <br /> ath�r s��urit� ��r��m�nt �nrhir�h has �ri�rit� ���r thi� ����i �f Tr�s� i�y which th�t a�r��ment i� ma�ifi��#, <br /> �mend�d, e�ct�nd�dr �r r�r��v�r�+� with�u� �h� �ri�r vtirri�t�t�r� �arrsent �f Lend�r. Tr����r �ha[1 n�Ether requ�s� r��r <br /> accept�ny fut�t�'��dv�r�c�� u�d�r ariy���E�����rit�r a�r��m�n�v�ri��au�the prior vvrEtt�r���r���r�t�f Ler��I�r, <br /> ��N�EI�IN�T��N. �h��r�ll��rfing�r��risi�r�� r�l��ir��t����d�mn��i�n pro�eedir����r�� �O�rt�f�his E���d�f i r�,��: <br /> Pr�����in�s. l�F �ny pr�����in� in ��nd�mnatior� is fil��l, Trus�or sF��l[ �r��'rp��y n�tify L�r�der �n vwrri�ir��� �nt� <br /> �rustar�1��[1 pr�mptl���k� �u��r �t��s �s may f�� n�c��s�r�r�o d�f�r�d the a��i�� �r�d ��t�irr t�r� �w�rd. Tru�tar <br /> m a�b�#h�namina[��r�t��r�su�h p r����ding r b��L�nd�r s��l f ���r�trkl���a p��t��i p�t�i�th�prac�ed i�1� �r��f to �� <br /> r��r�s�rrt�[ ir� th� �ar��:���i�r�g by ��ur���[ �f �rts ��rn �h�i��r a nd rtr�srt�r wi[1 del i�er o r ��u�� t� be �i�I�vered �o <br /> L�n��r su�h �nstr���r��s �n�f d���m�n�a�io� a� rr7ay �e r����st�� f�y ��n��r f�om �ime t� tim� �� ��rrnit��u�h <br /> ��rti��������. <br /> A��li��ti�i��f N���raGeeds� 1�a[] �r�r,y ����f�h� €��ap�rty� is c�r�d�rr�n�d b��rr�i��nt��m�in pr��ae�ing��r�y <br /> �ny prac�edin��r�ur�h��� ir� li�u❑f�andemn�ti�r�f L��d�r rri���fi it����ctian requir�th�t�II�r�r�y��rti�r��f th� <br /> €��t �r�c���s �f#h� a�rvard t�� ����i�� t� th� En�i�h�edr��s� �r ��� r���ir �r r��t�r�tior� �t��� �raperty. Th� r��t <br /> �r�����ls �f th� ��v�r� �h��l rn��r�tf�� �v�r�r�i �ft�r�a�m�r���f al! r����nabl� ��st�' ��c��r����r �n� ��arn�y�r fe�� <br /> in��rr�� b�Tru�t���r L�r�d�r€n conn��ti�n vv�t�th���r��l�r�r��rti�n. <br /> III�IPQS[T[�N �F TA]�E�F ��E� ANa �HA1���� �Y [`a�1�ERNI�I��T�L ALdTH���TI��. TY���r�l[�v��n� �r�vi�i�n� r�l�ting <br /> t���v�rnrr��n�t�l�a���r f���ar��1�f7�r��s ar�� ��r#��F thi� �eed of Trust: <br /> �urr�rr��'a�esr Fe�s �nd ��ar��s. lJp�r� r��ue�t by L�r�d�r, Trr�s��r�h�fl �x����� �uch �l�c�rrt�n�� i� ���ii-tian �� <br /> th�i� ���� ��Tru�t�n��ak�v,fl�at���r att��r����n i� r��u���e� by��n�ier t� ��rf��t an� �o�tinu� Lend�r's ii�r��r� <br /> tl�� R��I Pro�erty. Trust�r �I��II r�imb�r�� L�nd�r f�r �IE �ax��f a� ����rib�d b�l��r� ta+��t���' �ui�h all e�pen��s <br /> in�urr�d in r���r�in�, p�r���tirr� ar ��rrtirr�irr� thi� Q��€� n� Trustr in�l�a�ir�� ��[�h��� limitati�n a�l rtaxes, f�es� <br /> ���u m�nta ry stam��f�r�d�th�r�F�a r��s fa r re��r�1i r���r r��i���rin�zF�is���d a�Trust. <br /> T��€�s. �i�� f�ll�v�ri�� �h�ll c�n�titute taxes �a �rhi�h �i�i� �ec�Eo� �p�]i�s: �7� � ��e�ifE� tax u�an t�is t�rp� �f <br /> a��� �f Tr��� �r u��r� �.11 �r �i7y p�r��f�he lnde�t��r��s� ��cur�� k�y thi� D��� �f Tr�s�r {�� �sp��if€���x �n <br /> Tr�s��r�rvl�ic�i Trust�r is��thQri��d �r r����r��f ta �����t fr�rrt pay�rr�nts�n tf�� fn��bt��r�es� ����r�d by tl�i�ty�� <br /> af C���d�f Trus�f ��) �t�x�t�t�ii��y���f���d ❑�Tru�t �C��r���b���g�iin�t th� L�n��r or th� hald�r�����N�t�r <br /> and ��} � s���i#i�t��€�n �Il or any p�r`�i�r� �f�1�� lr��l�bt��ln�s��r an p�ym�n�s �f�rir��ip�l �n�! i�t�rP��rn��e hy <br /> Trust4r. <br />
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