<br /> DEEL� �F T�I��T
<br /> �Contin�ed� Pa�e �
<br /> �►ubstan�e an, under, about or�Fram the Proper��; and �by any such a�tivity shalf be canducted in �vmpliance wi�h
<br /> aff applicable �ederaf, sta�e, �nd faca� Iaws, rec�u�atians and ardin�nc�s, inc�uding without iimitation all
<br /> �:n�ir�nmen'�a� Latirvs. �"rust�r authori�es Lender �nd its ag�n'�s to enrer upan the Property tv m�ke such
<br /> ii�spe��ians and tests, at T�ustar's expense, a� Lender may deem apprapriate to determine Gom�lian�e of the
<br /> �'raperty �rvi�h this seGtian a#�th� Deed a�Trust. Any inspec�ians or fiests mad� by Lender �hall be fvr �.ender's
<br /> �urposes only and shail not be cvnstrued tv create any respan�ibility or li�bility an xh� part af Lender ta Trust�r or
<br /> �� any other person, 'The repr�sentativns and warran�ies can�ained herein are based ❑n Trus�vr"s due dil�genc� in
<br /> ir��estiga�ing the Proper#y for [�azardous Subs�an���. Trustor h�reby t 1� r��eases and �rvaives any fu�ure claims
<br /> against L�nde�f�r indernnity c�r con�ributi�n in the �ve�t Trus�or becomes liabl� '�or cleanup or vther cvsts under
<br /> any such laws; and �Zy agrees to indemr�i#y. de�enr�, and hafd harmles� Lender against any�nd all �laims, �osses�
<br /> liabifities, damages, p�nalties, �nd expenses which Lender m�y direc�fy ar indirectly sustain or suf#er resul�ing from
<br /> a brea�h of this section o#th� Deed ❑�Trust or as a consequence of any use, g�neratian, manufactur�, storage,
<br /> disposal, release Qr threaten�d release o�curring priar�o Trustor'�❑wner�hip❑r interes�in th�Property, whether�ar
<br /> nat the same was or should ha�e been �nown �� Trustar. The pra�isions of this section c�# the ❑e�d af Trus�,
<br /> ; in�luding the obi�ga�inn to FndEmni�y and d��fend,shall su�vi��the payrn�nt of�he Inde�tedness and �he sa�isfa�ti�n
<br /> and reG�nveyanc�a�the�ien�#thi� ❑eed of T�us�and shafl not b�aff�c�ed by Lender's aGquisition���ny interest
<br /> in the Praperty, whether by foreclosure or atherv►iise.
<br /> Nuisance, liVaste. T�usto� shall nofi cause, canduct ar permit any nuisan�e nvr c�mmit, perrnit� Qr suffer any
<br /> stripping of ar wast� an or ta the Pr�per�y or any por�ian o# the Pr�pert�. Withou� limitin� the generality of the
<br /> �+�r�go�ng. Trust�r wilf nflt�erno��, or c�rant tfl any other party the r�ght ta r-em�We, any�imber, minerafs 4including
<br /> oi!and gasj,caal���ay,sGvria, sail, gra���or ro�k products without Lender's pri�r writ-�en��nsent.
<br /> �emava[of lmpravements. Trustor shall not d�rnofish or remo�e any Impro�ements#r�m the Real Praperty withvut
<br /> Lender's prior written �ansent. As a conditian to the remoual �f any lmpra�ements, Lend�r may requir�Trustor to
<br /> r��ake arrangement� sati�factory to Lender to replace such imprv�ements with lmpraUements �f at least �qual
<br /> �alue.
<br /> . Lender's Right ta En�er. Lender and Lender's ag�nts and r�presen�ati�es may en�er upan th� Real Property at all
<br /> � r�asflnable times �� a��end t� Lend�r's in�erests and ta inspe�t �he Rea! Property for pur�oses v�F Trustor's
<br /> camp�iance with the�erms�nd cc�nditivns❑�F this Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Gornp�iance with Governrr�ental Requi�emen'ks. Trustor shall promptly compiy with all law�, Qrdinances, and
<br /> regulativns, now �r hereaft�r in ���e��, ❑f alf ga�ernmental autharit�es appli�abfe tQ the use ar occupancy o�the
<br /> Prvperry. Trustor may conte�t ir�gaod faith any su�h law, ordinance,or regufa�tion and withh�ald carnpFEan�e during
<br /> any prQc�eding, inGluding appraprfate appeals, s❑ �ong as Trustor has no�ified Lend�r �n writing prior to dving so
<br /> �nd sQ long as, in Lender's sale o��niQn, Lender's interests in�h�Prvper�y are nQt je4pardi�ed. Lender may require
<br /> Trustar ta post adequ�t���curi�y vr a sure�y b�nd, r�asonably satis�act�ry�� Lender��v pra�tect Lend�r'S interest.
<br /> L7uty to Pro�act. Trustar agrees neither �t� abandan �r leave unattended the Praperty. Trus�vr shall do �II a�her
<br /> �cts, in�dditian ta those acts se�fosth ahove in this s�ctivn, which from the charaGter and use❑f�he P��perey are
<br /> � �r�asana�fy ne�essary�o protect and pres�rve th� Prvperty.
<br /> E7UE C�N SAL�w��NSENT 6Y LENaER, Lend�r may, a� �end�rrs pptronr decfare immedi�tely due and payable all sum�
<br /> seG�ar�d �y this Deed a�Trust upan�he sale ar t�ans�er. withou�t L.er�der's priar wr�tten�onsen�, a�all ar any part af�he
<br /> Re�l �roper�yr ar any in�erest in th� Real Prope�ty. A "s�le or�ransfer" mean�the�onveyance��F Rea! Pr�perty�r any
<br /> right, ti'tle or int�rest in the Rea� �'rvper�y; whe�her i��a�, benEfiC�al vr �quitab�e; whether �aiuntary ar in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by r�utright sale, d�ed, installmen� �a1e can�r�cx, land Gantrac�, c�n�rac'� �or deed, leasehald int�res� with �
<br /> term �r�ater�Chan three �3) years, �ease-aptivn contrac�, ar k�y sal�, assignment, ar trans�er nf any benefieial int�rest in
<br /> ar�� any land trust halding title xo the Real Prnperty, or by any a'�her meth�d of canveyance a�an �nterest in the Reai
<br /> Praperty. H�we�er, �his opt�on shafl not be exercisEd b� L�nd�� i� such exer�ise is prahibited �y federal 1aw ar ��
<br /> Ne�ra{�ka iaw.
<br /> TAXE� AND LIENS. The �Fallawing prQvisians refa�tinc� �tv �he�'�axes and liens on the Proper�y are part o# �his aeed o�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> � P�yment. T�ustar shaf[pay►rvhen due �and in a�I e�ents privr to delinquen�y} all taxes.special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �tnc�uding water and sew�rf. fines an� impvsitions fe�ied againsti vr an account of the Praperty, and shaff
<br /> p�y when du� a�4 c�aims �ar wark dvne on vr for ser�ices rendered ar material �urnishec!to the Prvperty. Trus�ar
<br /> � sha1� mainta�n the Praper'���ree ��a[!�iens ha�ing priarity o�er ar equal to the int��'est o�Lender under this aeed❑f
<br /> T�•us�, excep� far �he Iien o� taxe� and a�sessments no� due, ex�ept far the E�eFsting �ndebtedness �eferred tfl
<br /> b��aw, and ex�ept a�❑�herwise provided in�his D�ed o�Trus�t.
<br /> Right to Cor�test. T�ustar may withhvld payment❑f any tax, ass�ssment, or claim in conn�ction with a �ovd faith
<br /> dispute over the obligati�n fio pay,so�ang as Lender's interest in the Prvperty is nat jeopardi�ed. I�F a lien ar�ses ar
<br /> is �iled as a resul� �# nonpayment� Trusrar shall within �ifteen ��5� days after th� lien arises ar, i# � lien i� fiied,
<br /> within �ifteen ���] days a€ter Trustvr has no�ice af the #iiing, secur� the discharge v�the �ien, or i'� reques�e� by
<br /> L�snder,deposit with Lender�ash ar a �uff�c�ent�arporate�urety bQnd or other security satis'�actory t❑Lender in an
<br /> arn�unt sufficient to dis�harge the lien plus any ��sts and attorneys` fees, ❑r vther charges fihat �oufd aGcrue as a
<br /> result of a�FvreGiosure or sa�e under the fien. �n any cantest,Tru�tar shai!de�end Etself and Lender and�hai1 sati��y
<br /> ar�y ad�er�e judgment before enfarcement ar�ainsfi the Property. Trustar shaSS name Lende�as an additianal ❑bligee
<br /> ur7der any surety bond'�urnished in the cont�st proceer�ings.
<br /> �►ridenc�o�Paym�nfi. 7rust�r shal� upvn demand furnish tv Lend�r satis�actory euidence �f payment vfi�he ta�es
<br /> ar assessments and �ha�l autharixe the appr�priate go�e�nm�ntal o�f��Faf ta defiv�r ta Lendec at any�time a written
<br /> statement v�the tax�s and asse��ments against th� Praperty.
<br /> N+�tice ��Gvnstructivn. Trustor shall noti�y Lender at least fi��een {15y days befare any vuark is comm�n�ed, any
<br /> � service� are furnished, ar any materiafs ar�suppli�d tio the Pr�perty, i'�any mechanic's lien, materialrn�n's lsen� or
<br /> �ther lien �vu�d �e asserted �n accaunt v� the inrork, servic�s, or maxerials and the cost exGeed� $�,���.�L�.
<br /> T�rustor wiii upvn r�quest of L�nder�urnish �v Lend�r adWanGe assurances satis�acrory t� Lender that Trustor Gan
<br /> ar�d will p�y the�ost of such impr�verner��s.
<br /> PR�PERTY[]ANIAGE 1NSURAIVGE. The following pra�isions �e�ating t❑ insuring the PrQperty are a part o��his Deed ��
<br /> Trust.
<br /> lill�inte�ance v� insurance. 7rustar sh�ll prncure �nd maint�in p�liciEs v� �Fi�e in�urance with standard extend�d
<br /> c�verage endorsements vn a replacem�nt basis '�ar the full insu�able ��f ue cv�ering a11 Impravernents on the R��I
<br /> Prvperty in an amvun� suf#ici�nt �to avoid ap�lica�ian o� anY coinsuran�e clauser and with a standard martgagee
<br /> cl�use in fa�ar�f Lender,t�gether with such other hazard and Isability insur�nce as Lender may reasonabiy require.
<br /> Pc�4i�ies shaff be written in �vrm, arnounts, co��rages and basis reasanably a�ceptable ta Lender and issued by a
<br /> . campany or companEes reasvnably accepfiab�e to Lender. Trustor, upvn requ�s�a� Lender, wiff deli�er�o Lender
<br /> from tirne to�ime'the palicies ar�ertificates of insuran�e in form sa�tisfactory t❑ L�nder, including st�Ru�a�tians thax
<br /> cav�rages will nat be canGe�ted o��iminished withou�t a�least thirty t3�}days prior wri�ten nvtice ta Lender. Ea�h
<br /> in�urance policy al�a shal[ include an endorsement provEding that coverage in fa�or❑f Lender wifl not �e impaired
<br /> in any way by any ac�, omission ❑r de�au�t o�Trustor ar any o�her person. Should�he Real Praperty b� located in
<br /> an area desi�nated hy the Administrator a�F the Federal Emergen�y Managernent Agen�y as a spe�ia� #�Qod hazard
<br />