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<br /> _ �fi� ��11.���Q�����
<br /> . a� �� ����� �� r���� .
<br /> � RE�€�RI]ING RE�UEST�D�3Y: ������D �9!��/�13 1�:�#:4�,
<br /> �e w��n�a�n se cv�c.�n�t.t� Fal u� $e�ch CQunt�, Fl����ta
<br /> A1�D�'HEN R�CpRI]ED M�L T�: �heran R. �srck,CL.E�x � C��F�'1'R[�LLER -
<br /> ADI�RE55 �7�v �cP.w�►i er�ac�,c.�]r. Fgs #�� -� ��3� ��p�s�
<br /> �TT� ►���Ir'�1w� $s a�.�.ir� �
<br /> STA.'�'E ��,. .
<br /> ��P 3 3��"�
<br /> ' . SP,A�C�A��?VE'�"HTS LINE�R�tE��RDER'5 iISE
<br /> �IT�IIT�D P�3'�R I]�`ATT��,S�' �
<br /> - . ��e�U'e�t Ba�k, FSB, a �ederai sa�ings bar�, hav�� its pri.nc��a� p���� ��
<br /> business at 888 East �aln�t St�eet, Pasadea�a� �a�if�rnia 9�1�1, as th� au�,hari�ing part�
<br /> � [t�h�"Auth�riz�n. P "}, here�y a��nints ��wen �..aa� �ervicin�, LLC, a I]e���vare lir�it�d
<br /> �iab�lity c�mpan�["���ven"y, ha�ring its pr�.ncipal p�a� �f business at 1 Gd 1 �l�T�r�ingtvn R�ad,
<br /> �entr�park�e�#,'�V��t Pa1m Beach,Flarida, 334D�, as �ts tru�and�av�fu�aitarn��-in-�act to act
<br /> in t�i�nam�,plac�and stead of th�Autho�g Par��for th�pwrp��es set f�rth h��av�r,but sa�ely
<br /> with resp�ct��#�����tgage Ser�a.�a��i�ig�its t�ansfer�ed�rom the �uth�r��ing Farty to �cwe�
<br /> purs�uant t� the Martgag� �e�ri�ing Rights Pu.r�ha�e and Sa:�� Agreem�nt, dated as �f Ju�e 13,
<br /> ��13, bet�veen�h��uthorizing Party a�d�cwen�t�.�"Purch � e�a�nt"]. �nless otherwise
<br /> : - defir�ed h�re�n,�ag�#alize�term�us�d�.erein ha�e t��e m�ings ascrib��to thern in the Pur�h�s�
<br /> Agr�emer�t.
<br /> 1. ��wen as attvrney-i.n-fa�t i�hereb�authur���d,and emp�w�red,as fallows:
<br /> a. To �xe�ut�, ackr�owledge, �al and de�iv�r deed �� trustlmortgage nate -
<br /> endars�mer�t, ��st nate affid.a.vit�, assignments o� de�d vf trustlmar�ga�e a�d
<br /> ather r�cord.�c� dacuments, satisfa.cti�n�Ir��eases�r�c�nv��an�e� of d�ed of
<br /> �m�rtgage, sub�rd�nati�ns and m�dif��ati�ns, a.ssumptians, tax a�th�rity
<br /> ' notif�cat�Qn��.nd dec�arat�ons,deeds,b�lls af sa�es,and other inslx-uments of sa1e,
<br /> c�nv�y�nc�, and transfex, ap�roPriat�l� camplet�d, w�th a1I �rdinary �r
<br /> necessar� endorsem�nts, a��n�wiedgm�nts, a�z�a�its, ar�d suppor�ing
<br /> d���ents as ma��ae necessary or appr�priate t� effect its ��ecu#�o�., d�eliv�ry,
<br /> conveyan�e,recard.a�ifln or�il�ng, .
<br /> b. To�x��ute and del�ver insuran�e flings and claims, affida�its �f d�bt,
<br /> sul�stitut�ons �f �t�e,sub�tuti�ns�f c�uns�1,n�n--mil%tar�y aff d��it�,noti�es
<br /> of sa1e, nt�t�ces vf r�sci�si��, forec��sur� dee�s� subst�tut�ons o�trustee under
<br /> deeds o�trust, transf�r tax af�davit�, aff davits ��m�rit, v�ri�cati�ns
<br /> �f comp�air�ts, IlOt1C�5 t(? C�L�1�, bar�ruptcy dec�arat�vns �or the purpose
<br /> � � af fi�ing mot��n.s to l�ft stays, and ath�r docum�nts �r natice f������ on �
<br /> �eha.�.f af the Auth�ri��ng Part� in c��n�ct�vn with insuran��,
<br /> � � foreclo sure� b ani�rupt�� a.�nd evict�o�a actians.
<br /> � c. T� end�rse ar�y chec�s ar other instr�m�nts received by �cwen �nnd rn.ad�
<br /> . payab�e to the Auth�rizing �'ar� in �es�ect �f the Mor�ga�e Ser�rici�g Rights
<br /> � �ran�,sf�re�d.from th� Aut�i�ri�ing Par�y to �cwe� pu�rsuant to t�a� �urchase
<br /> A�rre�m�nt.
<br />