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��l 5��1 �� <br /> {C3 "Lender" is H�r�e Federal SaW�ngs and ��ar� Assn �f �rand Is�and <br /> L�nder is a 5���ngs an� Laan <br /> argani�e�and exi�tzng under the�aws af Th� State of Nebraska . <br /> Lender's add�ess is �Zl South L��ust St Grand I sl and NE �8801 <br /> Lender is the b�neficiary und�r this 5ecuri�y �nstrument. <br /> {D} "Trustee" is Arend R Baack, Attarn�y <br /> �E� "Nvte" means the promissory nflte s�gned by B�rr�wer and dated S�pte�be r �1, ��15 . 7`he No�e <br /> s�a��s t�at Borrawer owes Lender N I N ETY E I�HT THt�C�5AN D AN D Q Q I 1�Q <br /> D�llars�U.S. $98,D00.�� }plus inter�s�. Borrower ha�promised ta pay th�s deb��n regu�ar <br /> Per�od�c Payxnen�s and to pay the debt in fu11 not 1 ater than ��t o be r' l, �a 3 0 . <br /> �F� 'T Prvperty" means the proper�y�ha��s des�r�bed be�av�under the heading "Transf�r af Rights in the <br /> Proper��.'_ <br /> �G� "Lvan" rneans �he deb�evid�n�ed by the Ntite, plus int�rest, any prepayxnen�charges and Ia�e�harges due <br /> unde��h�Note, and a�� sums�u�und�r this Security Instrument, p�us interest. <br /> 4H� "Riders" means a�� Rid��s to�h�s Securi�y�nstrument that are executed by Barrawer. The f���awin� Riders <br /> are to be ex��uted b�r Ba�r�v�rer [ch�ck b�x as appl��able�: <br /> � Adjustabie Rate Rider [..� Condomin�um R�der �Sec�nd Hame Rider <br /> � Ba�laon Rider 0 Planned Unit I3eve�oprnent Rider 0 1-4 Fam���R�der <br /> � VA Rider � Biweekly Payme�t Rider 0�ther(s} �spec�fy] <br /> ��} "App�icabfe Law" rneans a��control�ing applicable federal, state and�oca�s�atutes, regula��ans, �rdinances <br /> and administrative rule�and ord�rs �tha�ha��the effect af lau�3 as w�l�as a�l app��cah�e�nai, n�n--appealabie <br /> judzcia�opin�ons. <br /> �J� "�ommunity Assvciation Ques, Fees, and Assessments" means all du�s, fees, a�sessments and o�her <br /> charges that are�mpased on Borrawer or the Praperty by a condominium as��Giation, hom.eo�vners <br /> ass�ciati�n�r s�m�lar arganization. <br /> �K� "Elec#rvnic Funds Transfer" m�ar�s any transfer af funds, o�he��han a transaction originated by check, <br /> d�raf�, ar s�m�Iar paper instrumen�, which is initiat�d�hraugh an e�ectr�nic��rm�na�, teiephonic instrumen�, <br /> cQmputer, or m�agnet�c tape so as to order, �nstru��, flr auth�rize a�inancial insti�ution�o deb�t ar c�ed�t an <br /> account. Such term includes, but �s not�inuted�o, paint-�fl��ai�transfers, aut�mat�d�e�ier machine <br /> transaet�ons, transfers initiated by telephane, wire�ransfe�rs, and automated c�earinghause transfers. <br /> 4L} "Escraw ��erns" rnear�s thos�items tha�are de�cribed in Sect�fln 3. <br /> 4M� "M�scellaneous Pr�ceeds" mea�s any compensati�n, settlement, awar�of damages, ar pra�eeds paid by <br /> any third par�y�ather than insuran��proce�ds paid under�he co�erages described�n Sectian S}for: ��} <br /> damag�to, ar d�struct�on of, �he Pr�perty; �ii}���demnati�n or other taking af al�or any part of the <br /> Praperty; �iii} �:onve�an�e in Iieu of�andemnatian; or�iv} m�s�representatians of, ar amissions as to, the <br /> va�ue andlar cand�t�on flf�he Pra er� . <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famity-�annie MaelFreddie Mac 1JNEFaRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3028 11�7 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NEy��3021 <br /> W�lters iCfuwer�irsancial Ser�ices Page�n#�7 <br />