2�1 5��1 21
<br /> addr�ss af the nevv Laan Ser�ic�r,the address t�wh�ch paym�nt�shauld be mad�and any other informat��n RESPA
<br /> rec�uires in cannec�ian with a natice�f transfer of ser`r�cing.If�he 1�o�e is sa�d and�h�reafter the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Laan Servicer a�her than�he purchaser of�he Note,�he martgage Iaan ser�icing o���gations to Barr�v�rer vvi11 remain wi�h j
<br /> the Laan Sezvzcer or be transf�rred tfl a successor Loan Ser�r�cer and are n�t assumed by th�Nate purcha��r un�es�
<br /> otherwise pra�ided by�he Nate purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borxawer nor Lender rna��ornmen��,ja�n,ar be j�ined to any jud�cial acti�n�as e�ther an indi�idua�l��igan�
<br /> o:�the member af a class��ha�arises fram the�ther party's�.c�ians pursuant�to this Secur�ty Inst�ument ar�hat alleges�ha�
<br /> �he o�her party has breached any pro�risi�n of, �r any duty owed by reason�f, �his Securi�y Instxument,until such �
<br /> Borro�e�ar Lender has nat�fied the other party(�nrith such not�ce bi�en in cQmp�xance wi�h the requ�rements of Section
<br /> i.5}of such al�eged br�ach and afforded the other party here�o a reasonable per�od af�er the giving of such n��ic�to take
<br /> correc�i�e actian.If App��cable Law provides a time period which mu�t eiapse b�fore cer�ain ac�Yon can be�aken,that
<br /> time periQd�iil be deemed�o he reasonable for purposes of�his para�raph.The natice of acceleration and opp�r�unity�o
<br /> cure given t�Borrower pursuan�to Se�tion�2 and the no�ice of accelera�ian giv�en to Bor�rowe�r pursuant�o Se�ti�n�S �
<br /> shall be deerned to satisfy the n���ce and opportunity t�ta�e corrective ac�ion pravisions flf th�s Section 24.
<br /> 2L Hazard�us Suhs�ance5.As u�ed in th�s Sec�ion 21:�a�"Hazardous 5ubstances"axe�hase substances defu�ed as
<br /> �axic ar ha�ardous substances,pollutants, ar wastes by Enviranmental Law and�he f��lo�v�ng subs�an�es: gasoline,
<br /> keros�ne, o�her flamrnab�e o�t�xic pe�r�leurn pr��ucts,toxic pes�ic�des and herbicides, ��lati�e so�ventsa materials
<br /> cantaining asbestos ar farma�dehyde,and radioactive materials;�b}"Envir�nmen�al Law"rneans fed�ral Iaws and laws
<br /> af �he jurisdiction where �he Prope�.y is laca�ed �ha� re�a�e to health, safe�y �r �n�ironmen�al pro�ect�an;
<br /> �c�"Environmentai �leanup" inciudes any respanse a�tion, remedial ac�ion, or rema�al actian, as def�ned in
<br /> En�ironmental Law;ar�d(d}an"Env�ronmenta��onditian"means a condit�an that�an�au$e,cantr�bu��t�,or atherwise
<br /> �ri�ger an Env�ronmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borravver shal�not cause or permi�the presence,use,d�sp�sal,s�orage,or release of any Hazardaus Substa.nces,ar
<br /> threaten��re�ease any Ha.2ardous Substances,an or in�he Property.B�rra�re�r sha�i not do,nor a��ov�r anyone else ta do,
<br /> any��hing affecting�the Proper�y(a}that is�n Wiala�ion of any En�ironmental Law,�b}Which crea�es an En�ir�nmenta�
<br /> �ondition,ar�c�wh�ch,du�tv the presen�e,use,or release of a Hazardnu�5ubstance,creates a condi��on that ad��rsely
<br /> affects the value Qf the Property.The preceding two sentences shall not apply�o the presence,use,ar st�rage on th� '
<br /> Pr�per�y af small c�ua.c�tities af Hazardous Subs�ances that are g�n�rai�y re�ognized ta be appro�riate��norma�residentia�
<br /> uses and ta ma�ntenanc�af�he Proper�y�including,but n�t limi�ed t�,hazard�us subs�an�es in consumer products}.
<br /> Borro�v�r shall promptly g�ve Lender written no�i�e of�a�any in�es�iga�fln,claim,demand,lavtirsuit�r oth�r ac�ion
<br /> b��any�overnmental or regulatory ag�ncy ar priva�e par�y involving�he Proper�y and any Hazardous Sub�tance or
<br /> Environmen�al Law of which�3orrower has actua�kna�v�edge, �b}any Environmentai�onditian, including but no�
<br /> ��mited�o,any spil�ing,�eaking,d�schaxg�,rel�ase or threat�f releas�of any Hazardous Sub�tar�ce,and�c}any�ondition
<br /> caused by the presence,use�r release af a Hazardau�s Substance v�rhich adversely affects the�alue ofth�Property.�f '
<br /> Barrower learns,ar is notzfied by arty go�errimental or r�gula�ory autharity,or any pr��ate party,that any r�moval or �
<br /> ather remediation of any Hazardous Sub�tanG�affec�ing�he Prope�-ty is necessary,Barrowe�shall promp�Iy take aI1
<br /> necessary�rernedial actians in a�cordanc�with Environrn�ntal La�v.Nath�ng here�n shail cr�at�an�obligation on Lender
<br /> for an Enviranmen�al�leanup.
<br /> N�N-U��F�RM C�VE�ANTS.Borro�er and Lender fur�h�r co�enant and a�ree as f�llaws:
<br /> 2�..�,cceleratian;Remedies.Lender shal�give no�ice t�Borrawer priar to acce�era�ifln fo�lawing Barrower's
<br /> breach of any co►venant or agreement in this Security Instrument�hut no�priar to acce�eration und�r Sec�ion 1S
<br /> unles�Applic�ble Law provxdes otherwi�e�.The no�ice shall specify:�a}�he defau�t;{b�the a�tian required to cure
<br /> the defaul�;(�}a date,not less�han 3U day�from the da�e�he natice is given to Bvrrawer,by whi�h the default �
<br /> mus�be cured;and�d}tha�fai�ure�4 cure the defau�t an or b�fvr�the date specified�n the not��e rnay resu�t in
<br /> acce�erat�on af�he sums secured by�h�s S��urity Ius�rument and sale 4f the Property.The notice shall fur�her
<br /> inforrn Barr��ver af�he right t�re�ns�a�e af�er acce�erati�n and the right tn bring a court ac�ion ta assert the nan-
<br /> ex�s�ence❑f a�defau���r any��her defense of Borrower tv a�c�Zeration and sa�e,If�he default is not cured an�r
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie AAa�UNlF4RM 1NSTRU1L�lENT Form 28 'lla'I
<br /> Page�� of�3 �
<br /> ios,inc. Borrower�s}In�tia[s �
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