��1 5�61 1 8
<br /> .full of ai1 �ums secured by �his Security Inst�umen�. How�ver, t��s aption shali not be exer�ised b� Lender if
<br /> exercis�is prohibited b�federal la�v as of�he date af this Securi�Ins�ru��ent.
<br /> X�Lender exercises �his opt�on, LendeY� sha11 give Bor�a��er no�i�e of accelerat�on. The not�ce sha�l pro�id� a
<br /> period af not less �han the minirnum number of days estab�ished by Applicable Law frarn the date the no�ice �s
<br /> deli�ered or ma�led within whicl� B�rro�er must pay al� sums securec� by th�s Secu���y Zns�rument.�If Borr�v�er
<br /> fails�o pay these sums pr�or�o �he �xpiration of�his periad, �ender may invol�e a��y remed�es permi�ted by this
<br /> Se�urity Yns�ru�nen�w��thout furtl�er notice�r demand on�3orrower. .
<br /> Bara-awer'� �i ht �u Reinstat�. If Borrower m�e�s cericain candi�tions, B�rro�ver�sha�� have the r�bh� t� ha�e
<br /> g
<br /> enf�rcemer.E�of this Secur�ty Instrument discon�inued at any time prinr to�he ear�ier of: �a� 5 days��r such a�her
<br /> �eri�d as A.ppii�ab�e Law rnay spec�fy for reinsta�emen��before sa�e af th�Property pursuan�t�any power of sale
<br /> contained �n th�s Se�urity Instrume�t; or �b} entry �f a _�udgm�nt enforc�ng. this Security Ins��rurnent. Th�se
<br /> condi�ions are that Borrowe�: �a� pays L�nder al� sums �hich then wouid be due und�r this Secur��y �ns�rument
<br /> �nd the Co���rac�.as if n�accelera�ion had occurred;��}cures any defau.lt❑f any o�her caveriants�r agreements;(c}
<br /> �
<br /> ays alI e�penses incurred in enforcing�his.Security�nstrument��IIC�U��nbs but no��in�ited ta,reas�nable a�torneys'
<br /> fees ta�he�x�en�permitted by.law; and�d3 ta�es such action as L�nder may reasonab]y requlre to assure that the
<br /> Iien of�his Secur�iy�ns�rume�nt,LeY�der's ri�hts in the Prn�erty anc�Borrovver's obligat�on to pa�the�ums secured
<br /> by this Se�ur��y �nstrurnen� �hal� con�inue unchanged. Upon re�ns�aterr�ent hy Borrawer, this Security �nstrument
<br /> and ti��abligations secured hereby shal� remain fully eff�c�i�e as if n� a��eleration had �ccurred. Ho��ever,th�s
<br /> righ�t�rei�state sha�t not app�y in�he case�f accel�rati�n unde��he se��ion�i���d'�'ransf�r af the Frap�rty or a
<br /> �3ene�cial Ynterest in Borro�v�r. .
<br /> Ilazardaus Substan�es.Borrov�er shail not�ause or p�rrnit�he presen�e,use, disposa�, s�:ora�e, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Sulas�an�es on ar in t��e Praperty:Barrov�er si�a11 not da,nor a�low anyflne eis�t�d�,anyth�.ng affe�ting
<br /> the Prape�-�y tha� is in �iola�ian of an}�En�irarnmen�al Law. T�e preceding two sentences sha�t no� �.pply to �h�
<br /> presence,��se,or storage on�he Prflpe�-fiy of sma�l quan�ities af Hazardous Subs�ances tha�are general�y rec�gnized
<br /> ta be appr�pria��to norrnal residen�ial uses and to maintenan�e of�he Prflper�y..
<br /> �arrower�hall prar�p�iy g�ve Lendez wri��e�i notic��f any in�es��ga�i�n,claim,d�mand, �awsu�t ar o�her a�tian by
<br /> any governmen�al�Qr �egulatary agency or priva�e pa�-�y in�o�Wing�he Prapert}� and any Ha2ardous Substance or
<br /> En�iranm�n�al Law ❑f�vv�ich Borr��ver has a�tua� �n�wiedge.� �f Barrower learns, or is noti�i�d b� any
<br /> go�ernmental or regula��r��au�hori�yr,tha�-any re�n�val�r ot��er r�mediatian af any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affec�ing
<br /> the P�-ap��ty is necessary, B�rrower shail prompt�y ta�e all ne�essary remed�a� ac�i�ns 1n accordance with
<br /> En�iron�m�ntal Law. � - . �
<br /> As used ii�this pa�-agraph, "Ha�ard�us Su�bstances" are�hQse substances defined as��xic or hazardaus s�bstances
<br /> by �n�ironmenta� Law and �he f�iiowin� subs�ances: gasaii��e, ker�sene, o�her flammabie ar ��x�c pe�roleum
<br /> products, toxiC pes�icides and her�icides; volatile s��v�nts, materials cantaining asl�estos or f�rrnaldehyde, and
<br /> radioacti��rna��ria[s. As used in�his paragrap��, "Envir�nmenta�Lavv"means fed�ral lavvs and lav��s of the slca�e of
<br /> �eUraska�that rela�e tfl health,,safety or env�ranmenta�pro�ectian. �
<br /> A�c�lera��on; Remed�es. Y1e�der s�al� give nvtfce to Borrawer prior t� a�celerat�on folxnvving Borrower's
<br /> �reach af any covenant nr�greem�n#���his Se�urity �ns�rumer�t�r the C�ntract und�r which�cceierat�on
<br /> �s perrnitted(but not prior tv accelera�ian under the sectian t�ti�d Transfer of th�Proper�y Qr a Beneficial
<br /> �n��res��� lBorrovc�er, unl�s� Appl�cab�e Law pro�ides atherwise}. The no��ce sha��specify: �a� the defau�t;
<br /> �b) �he ac�ian requ�red to cu re the d�faul�; �c� a dat�, not le�s �han f�he minimum �umber ❑f days
<br /> es�ablish�d by App��cah�e Law fram the date the no��ce is g�ven t❑Bnrr�wer,by�which the defaui�mus�be
<br /> cur�d; arnd (d} tha� f�ilur� ta cure the defau�t an or b�fore �h� date specifi�d in �he notice may resu�� in
<br /> a�ce�era��on of the sum� secured b� �hi� Securi�y Instrumrent and sale �f t�� Propert��. T� the exten�
<br /> perr�ittedl by lav�, t��e no�tice sha�l fur�her infnrm �3orrower of the right �o rein�tate af�er acc��eration and
<br /> the�•ight tn br�ng a cour�ac�inn to a�sert the��an-e�ist�nce�f a t�efaul�ar any�Q�her defense of Borr�wer t�
<br /> � acce�erat�on and sale. �f the de�au�t is not cured ❑�� ar before the da��specifi�d in�he not�ce, Lender at its
<br /> flptian may requ�re immec�iate paymen� in ful� �f al� sunn� �e�ured �y this Security Instrun�ent wi�hflu�
<br /> fur�her demand a�1d may i�vai�e�he �povv�r �f sal� and any other remedie� permitted by App�icable Lavw.
<br /> To �he e�tent permit�ed 'by law, Lender sha�l �� entitled �m �ollect dl� �xpenses incurred in pursuing the
<br /> rem�dies prov�ided �r� this S�c��an,includ�ng,���not�ir�ited to, reasunable attorr�eys' fees and �o��s of title
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> �f the pa��ver vf sa�e i� invoked,Trustee shal� re�ord a not�ce of deFault in each county in v�hic�any part af
<br /> the ProP�rty is located and shall mail c�pies❑f such not�ce ir�the rnanner pr�scr�b�d �y Appii�a�le Law ta
<br /> Borrowe�r�nd to th� flther p�rs�ns prescrib�d b� ApPlicabl� Law. Af�er the time requ�r�d b� Applicahle
<br /> Law, 'I`r��5tee ��ta�l giv� puUlic �o�ice of sale to the persons and �n th� manner �rescribed h� Appiicable
<br /> L.aw.rTrwstee,wi�hout dernand on Borr�wer,�ha�i se���he Prnper�y at public aucti�n ta f�he highes�b�dder
<br /> at�he time and place and unde.r t��t�rms.des�gnated in the n��ice of sai�in❑n�or�aore p�rce�s and in any
<br /> order Trustee de�erm�nes. 'Y`ru��ee may postp�n� sale of a11 or any parcel af �h� Proper�y by public
<br /> ann�unc�ment at�he�im�a�d place of any previously sc�e�uled�ale.Y.ender�r i��designee may purchase
<br /> the Prap�r�y at any sa�e.
<br /> Up�n re�eipt af pa�me��of the price �bid, Trustee sha�l deli�er�o the�ur�ha�er Trustee's deed cvnvey�ng
<br /> ���e Prop+erty. "I`he reci�ais in the'Trustee's dee�5ha���e prima f�c�e e�id�nce nf�he truth of the statements
<br /> made th�rein. Truste� shaii a�pp�y t�e proc�e�� af �he sale �n the fol�owi�g order: �a3 to all costs and
<br /> exp�nses nf exercising �he power af 5ale, �nd the sa�e, including the paymen�of the Trustee's fees a�tually
<br /> C�244�-Z�l 5 Campliance Systerns,Tnc.�GBC-F8A5-2�15.3.5.i Q�4
<br /> Consumer�ieal Estate-Security Instrur��ent DL2Q36 �'age�1�f 5 �v�vtiv.cornpiiancesystems.com
<br />