� _ ��1 5�61 1 8
<br /> A licahle Law. As used in this Secur�t� Ins�rument, the term "Applicabl� Lav�" shal� mear� a11 G�ntrall�ng
<br /> ��
<br /> applicab�e federal, state and l�ca] statutes, reguiati�ns, ordinances and adrn�nistrati�e rules and orders �that have
<br /> the eff�c�o�law}as wel�as a��app��cable fi�.al,,non-appealable�udicial opinians.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Borrnwer shal� pay a1� �axes, assessments, charges, fnes and irnpositions attributable to the
<br /> Proper�.y wl�ich rnay at�ain pr�ori�y o�er this Securi�,y�ns�rument, and leaseh��d pa�ments or ground r�n�s, �f an�.
<br /> .P�t the requ�st�f Lende�r,�3orro�ver shall promp�ly furnish tfl L�nder receipts e�idencing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrower sha��prom��Iy discharge �ny lien�which has priari�aver�his Securi�y Instrument unless Barrower: �a�
<br /> agrees in �riting to the payment af�he abl�iga�ti�n secured by the l ien in a�manner accep�able t� L�ndEr; (b}
<br /> c�ntes�s in g��d faith the lien by, �r defends against enforcernen� a�t�e lien in, lega� praceed�ngs v��hi�h in t�e
<br /> Lender's �pinion aperate to preven� the �nf�rcem�n� of�he Iien; or �c} secures fr�m �he ha�d�r af�he l�en an
<br /> agre�men��atisFa�to�y�:o Lender subordina�ing�he lien to�his Securi�y�nstrumen�. If Lender de��rmines that any
<br /> par�af�he Pr���rfiy is subj e�t to a lien wh��h may at�ain pr��ri�y�ver�l��s Secur���Ins�rurnen�, Lender rnay glve
<br /> Borrower�na�ice identifyin��he l��n. Borr�v�er shal� sa�isfy�he Iien or tai�e �ne ar mare�f�he actions set forth
<br /> abo�e�nr�th�n 1�days of t�e giv�ng af nat��e. �
<br /> Haz�rd or Prvper�y �nsura��e. Borrower shall keep�he imp�ovements no�exis�ing or hereafter er�c�ed�n�he
<br /> Prapert��insured agains��oss�by fire,ha�ards inc�uded with�n fihe ter��"�xtended caverage" and any ather hazards,
<br /> in�ludi�g ��oods or f�oading, f�r�wh�ch Lender requires �nsu�rance. This insuran�e shall be main�ained in �he
<br /> amaun�s ar�d for the periods that Lender r�quires.Tl�e insurance carr�er pr��vid�ng�h�insurance shall b��hasen by
<br /> Borro�ver sub�ect t� Lender's apprQ�al wh�ch shal� no� be unreasona��� withheld. �f B�rror�er fails to ma�.t�tain
<br /> ca�erage describ�d above; Lender may, at Lender's �ptifln, ob�ain cfl�rerage to prat�ct Lender's rights in �he
<br /> Proper�r�n.accordance with section�itled Pratection of Lender's Rights in�he�r�per��.
<br /> A11 insurance pol�cies and renewal� shall be acc�p�able tt� Lender and shall �nclude a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender sh�.l�ha�e�he right t��o�d.�he p�lic�e�and rene��als. �f Lender requires,Borrovver shall promp�ly gi�re�o
<br /> Lender�l�r��eipts of paid p�e�iums a�d re��ewal n��ices. �n the e�ent�f Ioss,Borrower shall give prampt no�ice
<br /> �fl the insu�-ance carrier and L�nd�r.Lender ma�make pr�of of l�ss if not rnade pr�mp�iy by Borrawer.
<br /> �Jniess Lender and B�rro��er other�vise agree in writ�ng, �nsurance pro�eeds shal� be app�ied t❑ res��ratian or
<br /> re�air af t�e Prop�rty damaged, if, in Lender's so�� d�scre�ion, the res�aration or repa�r is ec�nam�cally feasibie
<br /> and �.l�nder's security is nat lesse��ed. If, in Lender's sole�iscretion, �he res�oration or repa�r is not e�onomically
<br /> feasible or Lender's�ecurity w�uid be l�ssened,�h�insurance pr���eds shal�be app�ied ta�h�sums secured by this
<br /> Securi�y I�s�rument, whether ar nat trien due; vv�th any ��C�55 paid t� Borrower. �f Borro�rer a�andons the
<br /> Property,�r d�es not answer within�he nurnber of days pres�ribed by Applicable Lav�as set forth in a n�tice'from
<br /> Lender t� Borrower tha�the insuran�e carrier has affered�o settl� a claim,�hen Lender may�o��ect the �n�urance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use�he praceeds �a repair ar restore the Pr�per�y ar to pay sums se�ured b��his Secur��y
<br /> Ins�rumen�:,whe�her�r not th�n due.The per�od of time for Borro�er to ansrn�er as�et�farth in�he n�tice will beg�n
<br /> u�hen the noti�e is�iven. � �
<br /> Unless Le�der and S�rrav�er o�herwise agree in v�r�t�ng, any appl�cation of proceeds�a principal shalt n�t extend
<br /> �r postpon��he due date af�he payme���s due under the Con�:ract or��ange the amount of the paymen�s:If under
<br /> the section titled Acceleration; R�medi�s,th��raperty is ac�uired b�r Lender, Bo�rrower's rl�ht�� any lnsurance
<br /> pal�cies and p�roce�ds resultiing fr�m damage ta the Pr��erty pr�or t��he a�quis�tion sha��pass to Ler�der ta th�
<br /> e��ent af t�e sums�ecured byr this Security�nstrumen�immedia�ely prior�o the acquisit�or�.
<br /> �res�rva��o�, Maintenance and Prntec�ion �f the Fropert�; Borrower's Loan App�i�at��n; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrow�er sha11 no�des�royr, damage ar impair the Fraperty, ali�v�the Proper�y to deteri�ra�e, or�flmmit was��on
<br /> �he Pr�perty.Borrov�e�r sha�1 be in defau�t if any farfe�ture actian or praceeding,whether civi�or�riminal,is begun
<br /> that in Lemder's bood faith judgment c�uld result in f�rfeiture af�he Proper�� or otherwise ma�eriaily �mpair the
<br /> �ieri creat�d by �his Securi�y �ns�rument or Lende�'� se�uri�y inter�st. B�rrower rr�ay cure such a defau�� and
<br /> reins�a�e, �s provided in s�Gt���n titled B�rrawer'� R�gh�to Re�nstat�,by caus�ng the actian ar praceeding tfl be
<br /> dism�ssed with a ruling�hat, in Lender's go�d fa�th de�errn�na��on,prec�udes forfei�ure af th�Borr�w�r's in�erest in
<br /> �th� Proper� or other materiai impairment of�he lien cr�ated by this Security Instrument or Lender's secu�rit��
<br /> int�res�.Barrower shali also lie in default if Borro�ver,dur�ng�he laan applicati�n p��cess,ga�e ma�erial�y faise or
<br /> �nac�ura�e infor�na�ion ar sta�emen�s �o Lend�r �or fail�d to prov�ide Lender with any rnaterial inf�rmation� �n
<br /> connec�io�� ��ith the 1�an ev�denced b��he�ontrac�. If t�is Secur��y Ins�rument is on a�easeh�id, Borrawer shall
<br /> comply�with ail�he p�ro�isions of�he�ease.�:f Borrower a�quires fee ti�le��the Prape�y,the leaseho�d and�he fee
<br /> title shall na�merge uniess�.lender agrees t��the rnerger�n writing.
<br /> Pr�tec�ion af Lender's Rights in �he Property. �f Borrawer fails t❑ perform the �ovenan�� and agreements
<br /> con�a�ned in this Se�uri�y Ins�rulnent, or�here is a legal proce�ding that may significant��affect Lender's r�gh�s in
<br /> the Pr�perty �such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prahate; fQr cvnd�mna�ian or forfeiture or�� enfarce laws or
<br /> regulations}, �hen Lender may da and pa� for whate�er �s ne�essary to pr�tect the value �f�he Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Praperty.Lender's actions may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priar��y
<br /> over this�ecur�ty�ns�rumen�,appearing�n caurt,�aying reas�nab�e a���rneys`fees and entering on the Praperry to
<br /> mak�repa�rs.A1�hough Lender ma�take action under this sec�ion,Lender does not ha��to da so.
<br /> Any ama�an�:s d�shu�sed by Lender under �his sect�on shall become additiona� deh� of Borrower se�ured by �his
<br /> Secur��y ][n�trumen�. Unless Borrov�ver and Lender agr�e to a�her �enns of payrnent, �hese am�un�s shal� bear
<br /> in�erest fr�rn the date �f disbursement at �he same rate assessed on advan�es under the Con�ract and shal� be
<br /> payable,���i�h�nteres�,up�n notice fr�m I.�ender�o Borro�ver reques�ing payment. �
<br /> �2�04-2015 C�mpiian�e Systerns,Inc.AbBC-F8A5-2Q l{]64
<br /> Consurner Real Estate-Secu�ity Inst�-u�nerzl DL2d3G 1'a�e�af 5 www.�a�apliancesystems.�am
<br />