��l 5�61 �l
<br /> Eorrower's Copy,Borro�ver sha�I be giu�n�rne G�py of this 5ecuri�y�nstrume��.
<br /> Transfer�f the Property or a Bene�ciai In�ere���n B�rrnwer.�f all or any part of the Praperty ar any interest
<br /> �n zt is so�d ar transferred �or if a benef�ia� �n�e�est i.n Borrflvver is sold or t�a�sferred and Barrawer �s n�t a
<br /> natu.ral pers�n� without Lender's pr�4r w���ten consent, Lender may, a�its opt�on, require imrnedia�e payment in
<br /> ful� tif all sums secured by th�� Secur�ty �ns#rument. Hawe�er, �h�s aption shal] no� be exerc�sed by L�nder �f
<br /> �xereise�s prohibz�ed by federallaur as of the da�e�f�this Securi�y�nstrurnen�.
<br /> If Lender exer�ises �his o�tion, Lende�r shalX give Borrawer no�ice of acceleratian. The no�ice sha�l provide a
<br /> periad �f nati Iess �han�he minimurn numbe�af days es�abli�hed by Appl�cabl� Lavv from�he date �he na���e �s
<br /> delivered or mailed vtr�th�n v�rhich Bvrr��wer must pay aIl su�-ns secure�by�h�s Security Ins�rume��. �f Bar�ower
<br /> fails ta pay thes� sum�pri�r t� the expira�ion �f�his period, Lender may invoke any remedies p�rmi�ted by�h�s
<br /> S�curi�y Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrotiver.
<br /> Borrower's Right t4 Reins�ate, If Borrower me�ts certain c�nd�t�ons, Barrower �hai� have �h� rzght to have
<br /> enforcement�f this Security�ns�ent discontin�.ed at any time pr�or�o the earl��r�f: �a) 5 days (or suclz o�her
<br /> period as Appiicable Law may specify for r�insta�ernent}before sale of the Proper�y pursuant�o any po�ver of�ale
<br /> con�ai��ed in this Secur�ty �t�strumen�; ar �b� en�y c�f a judgment enfor�ing this 5ecurity �nstrument. Those
<br /> conditions are �hat Barrau�er: �a} pays Lender a�� sums wh�ch �hen u�ould be due under th�s Securfty �ns�.men�
<br /> and the�an�ract as if na acce�erat��n had accurred;�b)cures an�default af an��ther covenants ar agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays alI expenses�ncurred in enforcing�his Securit�r Ir�strumen�,i�clud�ng,but not�imited to,reasonal�l�at�torney�'
<br /> fees�o fhe extent permitted by lav�r; and�d}takes s�xch actian as Lender�nay reasonab��r re�uire t❑ assure that the
<br /> lien of�.is 5ecurity�nstrument,L�nder's rights�n the Proper�y and Borrow�r's ob�igation t�pa�the sums secured
<br /> by�h�s 5�cur��Instrurnent shall c�n�inu� ur�changed. Upan �eznsta�ern.ent by Borrawer, thi� Secur�ty �ns�rument
<br /> and �he obligations secur�d hereby shall re�nain f�11y effec�ive as �f n� ac�eleration had occurred. H�wever, this
<br /> r�ght ta reinsta�e shall no�app�y in�a.e case af accelerat�an under the secti�n���ed Transfer�f the Property or a
<br /> Beneficial In�erest�n BorraYver.
<br /> Hazard�us Subs�ances.Borrotiver shall no�caus��r p�rrni��he presen�e,use,disposa�,stflrage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardflu�Subs�ances on or in the Praperty.Bflrro�er shall n�t do,n�r allotiv anyane e�se t�d�,any�hing aff�c�ing
<br /> the Pr�perty�ha� �s �n violat�on of any Env�ronmen�al Lavv. The preced�ng twfl sen�ences shall no� appl�r to the
<br /> presen�e,use,or starage an the Praper�y�f smal�t�Ltanti�ies�f Haza�rdous Substances�iat are generally recognrzed
<br /> t�be appropriate�o nnrrna�resident�al uses and�o rnazn�enan�e of the Property.
<br /> �orrow�r sha1�promptly gxve Le�der v�rit��n na���e of any inves�iga��on,c�a�nz, demand,Iav�rsuit�r other action by
<br /> any governmenta� or regulatory agency❑r priva�e par�y�nvvlving the Pr�pe�t�y and any Hazardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> Env�ro�rnen�a.I Lav�r of which Borrovver has ac�ua� kr�flur�edge. If Barr�wer learns, ar i.s no��fied by an�
<br /> �avernmenta.l ar regula�ary authority, �hati any remo�a�or�ther remediati�n of any Hazardaus Substanc�aff�c��ng
<br /> �he Property is necessary, Borrawer shal� prompt�y take aII necessary remed�a� actions in accnrdan�e wi�h
<br /> Enviro�menta�La�v.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "�azardaus 5ubstan�es" are�h�s� substances defined as taxic or hazardaus substances
<br /> by Environrnen�a� La�v and the folloWing subs�ances: gaso�ine, �erosene, ather �.ammable ar ta�ic pe�r��eum
<br /> products, taxic pestici�ies an.d herb��ides, vo�a�ile ���vents, ma�errals ean�a�ning ashes�os �r fo�-maldehyde, and
<br /> rad�aacti�re materia�s.A.s used in this paragraph, "Enviranmenta�Law"mea���federal�ativs and la�w�of�he state of
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate ta heal�h,safe�y or envzranme�tal protection.
<br /> Acceleration; Rerr�edies. L�nder sha�� give nQ���e t� gorr�wer prior t� acce�erafiion follav�ing ��rrovver's
<br /> brea�h of any�ov�enant ar agreernent in thi�Security Instrument�r the Cvntract und�r�•h�ch a��e��ra��an
<br /> �s permitted�but x��t�arior�v a�relerat�an under the�ection titled Transfer of the Praperty or a Bene�icial
<br /> In�erest in Borrower, un�ess Ap�licab�e La�v provifdes o�herwis��, The n���ce shall specify: �a� the defaul�;
<br /> �b� �he actfon required �o cur� the defau�t; �c� a da�e, n�� less �han �he min�rnum number �f days
<br /> es�ablished by Applicabl�Law from the date�h�na�xce is given ta Borrower,by vvhfch the default mu��be
<br /> cured; �nci �d) �hat fa�lur� �o cure the def�u�t �n or befo�re the date specified �.n the nfliicQ may resu�t xn
<br /> acce�eration of �he sums se�ured by th�s Securi�y Instrument and sale flf �he Property. To the e�ten�
<br /> perrnitted by�aw,the na�ice shall further inform B�rrnw�r vf�he righ#t�reinstate af�er aCeel.era�ion and
<br /> �he right to bring a�ourt a�tion�fl assert�he non-ex�stence a�a d�fault or any other defense of Bvrr�wer�o
<br /> a�celera�ion and sal.e. If th�defaui�is nvt cured an vr bef�re�he date speci�ed in �h�not�c�,Lender a�i��
<br /> vption rnay requ�re �mrnediate paymen� in fu�I of all sums se�ured by �h�.s Security Ins�rument without
<br /> further demand and may�nvake �he pow�r of sa�e and any ather rem�d�ies permrtted by App�icabl� I�aw.
<br /> To the ex��nt perm�itted by Iaw, Lender �hall he ent�tled t❑ cv�lect a�l txpense� in�urred in pursuing �he
<br /> rernedie�provided in�his�ect�on,inc�uding,bu� not l�mited�o,reasonab�e attorney�'f�es and casts of�it�e
<br /> evfdence.
<br /> If�he p�w�r of sale�s invQked, Tru�tee sha�.recvrd a no�i�e af defaul�i�n each coun�y in which any part of
<br /> the Property�s�oc��ed and sha��mail cap�e� vf�uch n�tice�n the manner prescribed by App��ca�le Law to
<br /> B�rrower and t� �he other persans preseribed lby Appli�able Law. Af�er the �ime requ�red by�.ppli�able
<br /> Law, Trustee shall give pubiic not�ce of sa�e �a �he per5vns and in the manner prescribed by Applicabxe
<br /> Law.Trusteea v�►ithout demand on Borrovver,sh�ll se11 the Proper�y a�public au��ion ta the high�s�lbidder
<br /> at the time and p�ace and under�he�erms d�s�gr�a�ed zn�he no��ce of sa�e in❑ne or mare parce��and in any
<br /> arder Trust�e de��rm�ines. Tru�tee may postpone sal� af all ar any par�e�. af �he Property by pub�ic
<br /> announcement a��he time and p�ace af�ny previous�y�ch�du�ed saxe.Lender or i�s des�gnee may purcha�e
<br /> the Pro�aer�y a�any sale.
<br /> �2404-2015 Camp�iance Syste3rts,Inc.A6BC-B475-2�15.3.5.I4d4
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL203d �'a�e 4 of 5 www.corr�p]iancesysterns.cem
<br />