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<br /> ❑EED �F TRUST
<br /> �Cantinued} Page 2
<br /> � inspectians and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate t� determin� comp[�ance �f #he
<br /> Property with th[s section of the �e�d �f Trust. Any ins�ec�ions or �ests mad� by ��nd�r shall be for Lender's
<br /> purposes on[y and shal! not be��nstrued t❑cr�ate any respons�b�[i�y ❑r liabili�y on the part vf Lender tv Trustvr or
<br /> #v any other person. The representa�ions and warranties cvntained herein are based on Trustar's due diligence in
<br /> invest�gating the Property for Hazardaus Substanoes. Trustar hereby �'i} r�leases and wai�es any futur� c[aims
<br /> against L�nder far indemnity or �on�ri�ution in the e�enfi Trust�r heoomes [iab[e far c�eanup or other casts und�r
<br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees to ind�mnify, defend, and hofd harmless Lender agains#any and alf �[aims, [asses,
<br /> liabi[ities, darnages, penalfies, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly vr indir�ctiy sus�ain or suff�r resulting from
<br /> a breach �f�his section of the Deed of Trust or as a oans�quence of any use, genera�ion, manufacture, s�orage,
<br /> dispasal, release ar thr�atened r�feas�v�curring�rivr#o Trustor's awnersh[p ar interest in the Prvp�rty, whether❑r
<br /> na� �he same was or shauld ha�e been knawn to Trustor. The prvvisians of fhis se�tion o��he D�ed of Trust,
<br /> incfuding the obfigatian to �ndemnify and defend,shall sur���e�he payment of the Indebfedness and the sa�isfaction
<br /> and reconveyance o�the lien of fhis Deed of Trus�and shal[nv�be affected�y Len�ler's acquisif�an ❑f any in�eresf
<br /> in the Property,whether by forec[asur�ar otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, V1ras�e. Trustor shal[ nvt cause, cvnduct ar perm�t any nuisan�e nor �ommit, permit, ar suffer any
<br /> sfripping of❑r waste ❑n ❑r fa the Pr�perry o�any partian vf the Prflper#y. 1N�fhout [imiting the generafity❑f the
<br /> foregofng, Trustor wilt not remave, or grant�o any ather party th�right fio remv�e, any timber, minerals�including
<br /> oi�and gas}, ��al,clay, scaria,soi[,gra�el or ra�k produ��s withouf Lender's prior writt�n cansen�.
<br /> Removal af Impro�emen�s. Trusfor shal� not�emof�sh vr rema�e any Irnprv�ements from the Rea[Prvperty wi#houf
<br /> Lender's priflr written consent. As a conditian to the remo�al a�any Impro��men�s, Lender may r�quire Trustvr fo
<br /> make arrangemen�s satisfac�ory fo Lender �o replace such Impro�ements wi�h fmpro�emenfs o� at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lend�r's Rig�t t� Enter, Lender and Lender's agents an� representatives rnay enter upan the Real Prvpe�ty at a[I
<br /> reasanable times to aftend to Lender's in�eres�s and to �nspe�t �he Real Property far purposes of Trustar's
<br /> campliance with the terms and conditions of this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Compl�ance wi�h �avernmental Requirements, Trustor shall prompfily comply wi�h all faws, �rdinances, and
<br /> regula�ions, now or hereafter in effec�, o�al! governmental aufhorities appli�ahle�a the use or❑ccupancy of�he
<br /> Property. Trustor may con�est in good fiai�h any such 1aw, ordinance,or regulativn and withh�ld r�ampliance during
<br /> any proceeding, in�luding appropriate app�a[s, so long as Trust�r has notified Lend�r �n writing pr[ar to doing sfl
<br /> and so Ivng as, in Lender's sal�❑pinion, Lender`s in�erests in th� Property ar�not jeapardized. Lend�r may require
<br /> Trus�or ta post adequate secur�ty or a sur��y bandF reasanabfy sa�isfac#ory tv Lender,#❑prvtect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty �o Protect. Trustvr agrees neither tv abandfln vr lea�� unattended ths Proper�y, Trustvr shall do alf v'�her
<br /> acts, in additivn to�hose a�ts set for�h abv�e in this section,which fr�m th�ch�ra��er and uss��the Praper�y are
<br /> reasonably necessary ta protec�and preserve the Prop�rty.
<br /> DUE QN SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's option,deGlare imm�diately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by fhis Qeed of Trus�upon the sa[e or transfer, w�thout Lender's prior w�itten cvnsent, of all vr any part of the
<br /> Real Proper�y, ar any interes# in the Rea[ Property. A "sale �r fransfer" means the con��yance ❑f Real Prop�r�y ar any
<br /> right, tit[e or interest in the Real Property; wh��her legal, beneficial or equitah[e; whe�her �a[untary or invvluntary;
<br /> whether by vutright sale, deed, insfalfm�nf sale confract, �and contrac�, contract for deed, leasehold �nteres� wi�h a
<br /> term grea�er�han three�3} years, lease�tiption con�ract, flr by sa[e, assignment, or�ransfsr of any beneficia! interes# in
<br /> or tv any land trust hold�ng tifle to �he Real Proper�y, or by any other methvd of con�eyance of an interest in the Real
<br /> Proper�y. However, this aption shall not be ex�rcised by L�nder if such exercise �s proh�bit�d by federai law or by
<br /> N�braska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fa[[avuing pro�is�ons relat[ng to the #axes and Iiens an the Property are part of�his ❑eed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trusfior shal[pay when due�and in al!e�enfs pri�r ta delinquency}a[I taxes, spe�ial�axes, assessrnents,
<br /> �harges{�ncluding water and sew�r}, fnes and impc�sitions levied against or on a��vunt of�he Rroper�y, and shall
<br /> pay when due a[I claims for work done❑n ❑r for servic�s r�ndered vr ma�erial furnished�v the Property. Trustar
<br /> sha[1 main�ain#he Praperty fr�e of a[1 [iens ha�ing priorify a�er ar equa[�a th�interest of Lender under this Deed of
<br /> Trust, except far the [ien of �ax�s and assessmer�fis n�� due and ex�ept as �therwise pr��ided in this �eed vfi
<br /> Trust.
<br /> �igh�to Contes�. Trusfior may w[�hhold paymen#of any tax, assessment, ❑r c[aim in connec�ion with a good fai�h
<br /> d�spufie a�er the ob[igatian t�pay, sv lvng as Lender's in�eres�in the Property is not jeopardized. If a I�en arises or
<br /> is fi[ed as a result❑f n�npayment, Trus�ar shal[ wi�hin fif�esn �'[5} days af�er the lien ar�ses or, if a I�en is filed,
<br /> within �ifteen t15} days a�ter Trustor has n�tice of�he filing, secure the dis�harge af fihe lien, ar if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient corpora�e surety bvnd or ath�r security satisfa�tory ta Lender in an
<br /> amaun�sufficient f❑ dis�harge�he lien plus any�vs�s and a�torneys' fees, or�fiher charges that could accrue as a
<br /> resulf of a forecl�sure�r sale under the I�en. In any c�ntest, Trus�or shal!defend itse[f and Lender an�shal!satisfy
<br /> any aduers�judgment before�nforcement aga�nst fhe Prope�ty. Trustflr shall name Lender as an additional ob[igee
<br /> under any surety band furnished'[n the�ontest proce�dings.
<br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustor shai[ upon demand furnish to Lender sat�s�actory e�idence v�payment a�F the taxes
<br /> vr assessments and shalf autharize�he apprapriate goWernmen�a[official ��de(i��r tv Lender at any time a written
<br /> sta�emen�of the taxes and assessmenfs against#he Praperty.
<br /> Natice of Constructivn. Trusfor sha[I rtotify Lender at [east fifteen �'l5} days before any work is camm�nc�d, any
<br /> services are fiurnished, �r any materia�s are supplied ta the Proper�y, [f any mechani�'s [�en, materialmen's 1ien, or
<br /> other lien �oufd be asserted on ac�ount �f the work, ssrvices, ❑r materials. Trus�or wi�l upon reques�❑f Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfa�tvry fv Lender that Trustor can and wilf pay the cvst af such
<br /> impra�ements.
<br /> PRUPERTY DAMAGE �NSURANCE. The�v1low�ng pro�is�ons relat�ng to insuring fhe Praperty are a part of this Deed af
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Maintenance �f Insurance. Trustor shall procure and mainfiain pafic«s �f fr� insuranoe wifh standard extend�d
<br /> cv�erage endorsemen�s an a fair �alue basis for the fulf insurable �a[u� co��ring all fmpro�emen�s ❑n the Rea[
<br /> Property in an amount sufficien�fia a�ai� applica�ion of any �ainsurance clause, and wifh a stan�ard mortgage�
<br /> �lause in�avor af Lender,together wi�h such ather hazard and liability insurance as Lender rnay r�asanab�y require.
<br /> Pvlicies shali be written in form, amaunts, c��erages and basis r�asvnab�y acceptable ta Lender and 'tssued by a
<br /> cvmpany ar�ompanies reasonably acceptable#a Lender. Trustar, upvn request vf Lender, will de�i�er t� L.end�r
<br /> from time to time fhe pol[c�es or certifica�es�f insurance in fvrm satisfactary to Lender, includ[ng stipulatians that
<br /> coverages wi[I nvf be cancelled or�iiminished without a�least�hirty�3�}days prior written not��e to Lender. Each
<br /> insurance pv[�cy also sha[I include an endvrsem�nt p�a��ding that�o�erage in fa�or�fi Lender will nflt be impaired
<br /> in any way by any act, �mission vr default�f Trustor❑r any ather persan. Shvu[d the Reaf Property be lacated in
<br /> an ar�a d�signated by the Administrator of th� Federal Emergency Management Agency as a spe��al fload hazard
<br /> area, T�ustor agrees to �b�ain and mainfain Federa[ Fload Insurance, i�F a�ai[ab[e, f�r the �u[l unpaid prin�ipa(
<br /> balance of the ivan and any priar fiens an the prvpsrfy securin�the Ivan, up ta fhe maximum policy limits set under
<br /> the National Flovd Insurance Program, or as o�herwise required by Lender, ancl�v main�ain such insuran�e f�r the
<br /> .
<br />