��1 5�6�87
<br /> B�rrow�r's Copy.Borrower shaX�be g�ven one copy of th�s Securzty�nstrum.ent.
<br /> Transfer of the Prvpert�r or a Benef�Cial Interes��n Borrawer.�f a�l or any part of the Proper�y❑r any interest
<br /> in it is �fl�d or trarisferred �or if a beneficial �nterest in B�rravver �s sald or transferred artd Borrovver is no� a
<br /> natural p�rson� withaut Lender's prior tivrit�en consent, Lend�r ma�, ai�ts aptian, r�quire �mrnedia�e payment zn
<br /> fu�l of all sums secured by this Security �nstrurnent. �I�wever, th�� ap�ifln sha�l not be ��erc�sed by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federa.11aw as af the date af�h�s Security�n�trument.
<br /> If Lend�r exercises this opti�n, Lender shall give B orrower natice of accelerat�an. The no��ce sha�l pxovide a
<br /> per�od af no� less than�he minimurn number af days es�ablished by Applicable La.w from the date the no�ice is
<br /> de�ivered ar mailed vvith�n�vhzch Borrower mus� pay a1� sums secured by th�s 5ecurity�nstrumen�. �f Boz7ro,wer
<br /> fai�s to pa�these sum�priar ta �h� �xpiration of this periad, Lender ma�inv�ke an�remedies p�rrni�ed by thi.s
<br /> S e cur��y�ns�men�v�►rithau�fur�her notice or demand on B orrawer.
<br /> Borrovv�er's Right tio Rein�ta�e. If�3orro�ver meets certain candi�ions, Barrov�rer sha�l have the rzgh� to hav�
<br /> enfflrcen�ent nf�his Securi�y�ns#�ument discon�in�xed a� any t�me pr��r to the earlier �f �a} 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> period as App�i�ab�e Laur may specify for reinstat�men��b�for�sa�e�f the Praper�r pursuant�o any po�ver of sa�e
<br /> containe�d �n th�s S�cur�ty �ns�rument; flr �b} en�ry flf a judgment enfarcing th�s Security Ins�rurnen�. Those
<br /> condi��ons are that Borrov�er: (a� pays Lender a�l sums which�h�n�vv�uld be due under th�s 5ecuri�y Inst�t�ment
<br /> and the Contract as if no acc��eration had a�curred;�b��ures any default of any o�her cover�an�s ar agreements;�c}
<br /> pays aI��;xpenses incurred in enf�rci.ng�his 5�curi�Instrument,including,but no��imited ta,reasanab��attorneys'
<br /> fees ta the ex�en�permitted b��aw; and�d}�akes such ac�i�n as Ler�der may reasonably re�uire�o assure tha�the
<br /> lien af�his Security I��s�rurnen�,Lender's righ�s in the Prflperty and Bnrr�wer'S ob�igation��pay the sums se�ured
<br /> by �his �ecur�ty Instrumen� shal� continue unc�ang�d. Up�n reinstatement by Barrower, this Securi�y�nstrument
<br /> and �he ob�iga�ions s�cured hereby shall remain fully effective as if n� acce�erat�on had oc�urred. H��rever, this
<br /> right ta re�n.state shall not apply in the case of a��e�era��.�n under the�ection��t�ed Transfer�f the Property tir a
<br /> Benef�c�a�Interest in Barro�er.
<br /> Hazard�us Sub�#an�es.Borr�wer shal�no�cause ar perrni�the presence,use,disposal,storage, ar rel�a�e of any
<br /> Hazardo�as 5ubstances on or in th�Property.Borr�v�er shall no�da,nor allovv anyone else�a d�,any�hing affe�ting
<br /> the Propert��ha� is in�ria�a���n of any Env�ronmental Lav�r. The pr�ceding tw� �en�en�es shall n�t app�y ta the
<br /> pr�sence,use,vr starage an�he Proper�y�f�rnal1 quant�tzes�f I�azardous 5ubstances�hat are generall�y recognized
<br /> �o he ap�rapriate�a normal res�dentia�us�s and�o n�a�nt�nance af�h�Property.
<br /> Barrawer sha�I pr�rnp�.y give Lend�r�vritten nat�ce of any inve�t�ga�ian,claim,demand,lawsu�i�ar�ther ac��on by
<br /> any gov�rnmenta� or regulatory agency or private paz-�y involving the Proper�y and any I�azardous Substarice or
<br /> Environr.nen�al Lau� af which Borro�ver has actual know�edge. If Barrov�er Iearns, or is not�f ed by any
<br /> g�vernm.ental or regulatory authority,tha�any removal ar other remediatian af any Hazar�flus Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Propert� i� neCe55ary, �flrrvvver shal� promptly take a�l necessary remedia� a��ians in acc�rdan�e ti�i�h
<br /> Environrc�enta,�Law.
<br /> As used:in this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hose substances defined as toxic or hazardaus substances
<br /> b�r Enviranmen�a� Lativ and th� fo��owing subs�anc�s: gasoline, kerosene, a�her �.ammable or taxi� pe�raleum
<br /> produ�tsl tflxic pes�icides and h�rb�c�des, volatx�e salvents, ma�erials c�n�aining asbes�os ar formaldehyde, and
<br /> radiaac�i�ve ma�ter�als.As used in�his paragraph, "E��r�ranmental La�v"means federal lav�rs and�aw�of the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebras���hat relate ta health,safety or enviranmental prot�cti�n.
<br /> AC�eler�.t�on; Remedies. L�n�ler shal� give no�ice ta Borravw•er �riar t� a�celeratian fo�Zowing BorraYver'�
<br /> br�ach af any cavenant or agreemen��n�his Se�urity Ins�rument vr�h�Con�ract under wh�ch a��elera�an
<br /> is perrniit�ed�but not pr�or to aC�eleration under the sect��n titled Transfer af the Proper�y or a Ben€ef��Yal
<br /> In�erest�n Bnrrower,uniess App�icable La�pr�v�des otherwi�e�. The nat�ce shall spe�ify: {a} the defaul�;
<br /> {�} the action r�quired t� cur� the defau��; ��� a date, not �ess than �he min�mum num�er �f days
<br /> established by Applicable Law frflm�he date th�notxc�is given to B�rrawer,by which the defaul�must be
<br /> �ured; anc� �d] �ha� fai�ure �� �ure the defau�t on or befnre the dat� sp��if�ed in �he notice may resul� �n
<br /> ac�el�ra�ion of �he sums se�ured b� this Security Instrument and sal� of the Pr�perty. Tn th� extent
<br /> permit�ed�y iaw,the nvt�ce sha�l fur�her infornr�Borrower af the right��reins�ate after acceleratfan and
<br /> �he r�gh�to bring a c�urt a�t�an ta asser�the non-exi�tence of a defaul�nr any other defense of B�rrflwer�o
<br /> a�eelera�ion and saie.If the default i� n�t cured vn ar b�fore the date specified in the not��e,Lender at its
<br /> opt�an may requi.re irnmed�a�e payment in full af a�� �um� secured by this Se�uri�y In�trumen� without
<br /> further dernand and may invake �he power of�ale and any athe�rexnedies permit�ed by Applicabl� La�vv.
<br /> T� �he ext�n� perm.x�ted by la�r, Ler�der 5hall be entitled to ��ll��t all expenses inCurred in pur�u�ng �he
<br /> rQmedi��pravided in�his Se�tion,�ncluding,but no���mi�ed to, reasonable a���rneys'fees and�nsts of ti�le
<br /> evidence,
<br /> If�he power of sa�e is inv�ked,Trus��e shall rec�rd a n4tice af d�fault in each cfl�unty in wh�ch any part flf
<br /> the Praperty is Ia�ated and sha�l max�.copi�s of such no����in the ma�ner pres�rxhed by A,ppYi�able Law�o
<br /> Sorrvwer and �fl the other persons prescribed by App��cable La,w. �fter the tirne requxr�d by App��cable
<br /> Law, rI`r�ustee shal� gi�e pub�ic not��e of sa�e t� �he persons and in the manner pres�rib�d b� Appl�cable
<br /> Law.Trus�ee,yvithout demand on Borrawer,shall se��the Pr�per�y a��public auc�ion tv�he highe�t bidd�r
<br /> at�he time and p�ace and unt�er the t�rms de�ig�ated in the nflti.��vf sale in nne or more par�els and�.n any
<br /> order T�•ustee deterrn�ines. TruS�ee �nay postpvme sal.e of all or any par�ei of th� Property by pub��c
<br /> annvunc�ment a��he tirne an�p�.ace of any previously scheduled sale.Lender or its desfgr�ee x�ay purchase
<br /> the Prop+er�y at an�sale.
<br /> O 20Q4-2�15 C�mpliance Systerns,Inc.�6BC-6FCA-2Q I5.3,S,I Q64
<br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Sec�#y Instru�nent DL243d Pa�e 4 of 5 www.compliancesystems.cam
<br />