��1 5�6�85
<br /> Transfer��f�he Prvperty or a B�nef��ial Inter�st in Borrower.�f aIl or an�par�af the Property or any fnteres�
<br /> in �t �s s+�ld �r �ransferred �or �f a beneficial interes� in Borr�tiv�r i� sald or �ransferred a�.d Banrflu�er �s n�� a
<br /> �a�ural persan} u��thaut Lender's pr�or writt�n consent, Lender ma�, at i�s optian, require immediate payment in
<br /> fu1� flf a�.l sums secured by this Security �nstru.m�nt. Ha�vever, �his opt�on sha11 n�t be exercxsed by Lend�r if
<br /> e�ercis�:is pr�hibited hy federai lativ as of the da�e Qf th�s Sect�r��y�ns�rument.
<br /> �f Lend�:r exercises tl�is aption, Le�der shall give Borrower natice of accelera�io��. The ��.o��ce sha1� pr�vide a
<br /> p�r�od o��not less �han the minimuxn number af days estab�ished by Applicable Lavv from�h� date the no��ce is
<br /> de���ered. or rnailed vri�hin v�rhich Sorravver must pay aIl sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Instrument. Yf Barro�er
<br /> fai�s to pay fhese sums priar to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedie� permitt�d by�his
<br /> Securi�.y:[nst�urnen�wi�hout further notice ar demand�n B orrovsrer.
<br /> Barr�vv�r's R�i�ht to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain c�nditions, B�rrawer sha�l have �he right �o have
<br /> �nfarcerrnent�f this 5ecurx�y�nstrumen� d�scfln�inued a�any��me privr to�he earlier vf: �a} 5 days��r such other
<br /> perio�as App�i�able Lavtr may specify far r�instatenzent}before sale of the Pr�perty pursuant�o any potiver of sale
<br /> contained in ��is Securifiy �nstrument; a� �b} entry of a judgment e�farcing this Securzty �nst�-u.menti. Those
<br /> condiria�s are that Borrou�er: (a� pa�s Lender all surns vvhich then w�u�d be due under this Security�ns�rument
<br /> and�he C'.�n�rac�as�f no acceXera�ion had occurred;�b}cures any default af any other cflvenan�s or agreernen�s; {c)
<br /> pays aIl e�xpenses incurred in enforc�ng t�his Se�ur�ty�nstrument,inc�uding,but not limited t�,reasonabl�at�orneys'
<br /> fees to the�xtent perzni.tted by lavv; and �d} takes such action a�L�nder may reas�nably requir�tv assure�hat�he
<br /> l�en of�his Security�nstrumen�, L�nder's rig�its in�he Property and Borrour�r's a�ligati�n to pay�he sums secured
<br /> b�this �ecurity Insfirurnen�sha�� cantinue unchanged. Upon reins�atcrnen�by Borr�wer, this Securi�y Instrumen�
<br /> and the ab��gations secured hereby sha1l rema�n fully effec�ive as if n� accelera�i�n had ❑ccurred. �Iou�e�er, this
<br /> r�ght�o r�iristate shall not apply in th�case�f acceleratian un�er the�ect�on�i�led Transfer of�he Property ar a
<br /> Be�e�cial Intere�t in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Borrower sha11 not cause ar permit�hc presence,use,disposal,storage,ar release af any
<br /> � Ha�axd�t�s Substances�n�r�n�he Praperty.B�rrov�rer shall not do,nor allou�anyone�Ise to da,a�ythxng aff��ting
<br /> the Prflp�rty �hat is in violation of any Enviranmenta� Lau�. The preced�ng tv��o sen�ences shail na� app��to fh�
<br /> presence,use,�r s�orage�n the ProperCy�f sma��quan�i�ies of Hazardous Substance��hat are gen�ra�ly recognized
<br /> �a be appropriate�o normal resider��iai uses and to ma�nt�nance�f the Praper�y.
<br /> Borra�ver sha�I pr�mpt�y give L�nder writ�en not�ce af any in�res�igat��n,claim,demand,Ia��vsuit or other actian by
<br /> any governmenta� or regulatary agency or private party invalving�he Proper�r and any Hazardaus Substar�ce or
<br /> Enviranmental Law of which Barrower has ac�ual knativledge. �f Barr�urer �earns, or is notified by a.ny
<br /> governm�n�a�ar regulatory autharity,that any rem��ra�ar other remedia�ion of any Ha�ardou�Subs�ance affec�ing
<br /> the Prap�rty �s nec��sary, Borrower sha�l pr�mptly �ake a11 necessary remedial act�ons �n accordance �u�th
<br /> Environmenta.�Law.
<br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Ha2ardous Substances" are thase substances defned as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Envir+�nmentai Law and �he folio�ving substances: gasoline, �erosene, other flammabx� or to��c petroleum
<br /> products, toxic pes��c�des aa.�d herbicides, vflla�iXe solven��, materials cantaining a�bes��s or farma�dehyde, and
<br /> radi�ac���Te mater�a�s.As used��.this paragraph, "Env�ronmentat Law"means federal�aws and Iaws of�he s�a�e af
<br /> Nebraska�hat relate ta hea��h,safety ar environr�aen�al prfltec�ion.
<br /> A�celera�h�n; Remedie�. Lender shall gi.v� no�ice to Borra�ver pr�or to acce�eratifln f�ll�vv�.ng B�rrow�r's
<br /> breach a.f any c�venan�or agreemen#in�hi��ecurity In�trurn�nt�r th e Con�ra�t under which a��e�erat��n
<br /> is perm��ted (bu�no�prior tu ac�elerat�an u�►der�hQ se���nn ti�Ied Transfer of the Praperty or a Benefi�ia�
<br /> In�eres���n B�rrower,unless Applicable La�v provide5 ath�rwise]s Th�noti�e ShaZZ SpeCify: �a) the default;
<br /> �b� th� act�on required to cur� �h� defau�t; �c� a date, not l�ss than the mxn�mum nurnber �f days
<br /> esta�lish+ed by Applicab�e Law from the date th�notice is g�.�en t�Borrotiver,by yvh��h th�defauZt must be
<br /> cured; a�ad �d� tha� fai�ure �fl cure the default �n ar before the date spec��ed in the non�e may result �n
<br /> acce��rat�on of the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instruxnent and sale of the Property. To the extent
<br /> permitted by�aw, th�not�ce sha�l fur�her inf�rm Borrower of th�right to reins�ate after acceieration and
<br /> �he righ��a bring a court a��iQn�o asser�the n�mWexisten��af a defaul�ar any other def�nse uf Barrawer t�
<br /> a�ee�erat�o� and sale.If the deFauxf is not cured on �r befare �he dat�specified in the nv���e,I�ender a�its
<br /> optivn rr�ay require �mmed�at� pay�ent �n full of a�l sums se�ur�d by �hi� Securi�y In��rument wxthout
<br /> fur�her d�emand and may invflke the power �f�a�e and any other rernedies permit�ed by Appli�ab�.e Law.
<br /> To �he exten� permutted by law, Lender sha�l be ent�tled to �o�lect ail expenses itneurred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pro��ded�n thi5 Se��i.�n,inc�uding,bu�na�Iirnu�ed�o,reasonable attflrneys'fees and�osts vf t�t�e
<br /> evi�d�n ce.
<br /> If the po�ver af sale a�s in�oked,Trus�Qe shall re�ord a not�ce of defaul�in each county�n vvh�ch any part of
<br /> the pr�p�rty�s loca�ed and shall rnail��pies vf�uch noti�e in the�nanner preserfbed by Appl��abl�Law to
<br /> B�rrowen �.nd to the other per�on5 prescribed �y Applicab�e Law. Af�er the tiume requ�r�d b�Applicabl.e
<br /> Law, Tr��s�ee shall gxve public �ot�ce of sale �a tihe p�rsons and �n �h� manner pre�cribed by Applieable
<br /> Law.Trv�stee,yv�fih�ut demand nn�3orrower,sha�l se��the Proper�y a#public aucti�n��the highest bidder
<br /> a�th e fi�r,ie an d place an d un der th e terrns design ated in th e n a�ice of sale in on e or mvr�p arce�s an d in any
<br /> flr der Trustee determ�nes. Trus�ee may po�tpone sa�e of all ar any par�el �f �he Pr�perty by public
<br /> announ�ement at the f�me and pia�e vf any prcv��usly schedu�ed sa�e.Lender�r i�s designee ma�purchase
<br /> �h�Frop erty at any s ale.
<br /> I�pan receip� of pa�ment af the grice bid, Trustee shall delfver to the purchaser Tru�tee'� deed canveying
<br /> �he Property.Th�recita�s in the Trus�ee's de�d shall be pr�ma fac�e eviden�e af�he truth�f�he 5tatements
<br /> C�20a�-2fl 15�vmpliance SyStems,Inc.ASBC-9A8E-2415.3.5.1 a6�4
<br /> Cflnsurr�er Real Estate-Security Tnstrument DL2435 Pa�e 4 af 5 www.com�liancesystems.corn
<br />