��1 5�6�85
<br /> Pa�men���f Pri�nc�pal and Interes�; �ther Ch�rges.�orrotiver shal�pr�rnpt�y pa�when due�he principa��f and
<br /> in�eres�crn the debt ovved under�he�ontrac�and la�e charges or any other fees and charges due under the Contract.
<br /> Applicable Law. As use� in this Se�urity Instru.ment, the t�rm "Appli�able La�" shall m�an a�l cantrolling
<br /> appl�cab�le federal, s�ate an� loca� s�a.�u�es, regulations, ardinances and adrninistrative rul�s and orders �that have
<br /> the effec�t of law�as v�e��as al�applica��e fina�,n��.-appeaTable judicial apinions.
<br /> ��.arg�s; Lien�. Borrourer sha�l pa� alI taxes, assessments, charges, fnes and imp�sitions attribu�tab�e �a the
<br /> Proper�y which may attain pr�arity�ver this 5ecu.ri�y Ins�rument, and�easehald paymen�s or graund rents,if any.
<br /> At the r�quest af Lender,B�rrower shall prompt�y furnish to Lender receip�s evider�cing�he payments.
<br /> Borrawe�r shall�romp�ly discharge any lien which has przfl�rifiy aver�his Security�ns�rument unless Barrav�er: �a}
<br /> agree� in wri�ing to the pa�xnent of the ab��gation secured by �e lien in a manner acceptable �� L�nder; (b}
<br /> can�es�s in go�d fai�h the lien b�, or defends aga�nst enforcement of�he �ien in, lega� proceed�ngs whzch in the
<br /> Lender's �pini�n �perate ta preven� the enforcemen� of�the I�en; or (c� secures fram �he holder �f the lien an
<br /> agreeme�zt sa��sfae�ory�a Lender subordina�ing th� Ii�n to this Securtty�ns�rumer�t. If Lcndcr determines that any
<br /> part af�he Propex-ty is subj e��to a lien W�ich ma�r atta�n przQrity��er this Secur�t�Instrument, Lex�der may give
<br /> Barrou�er a no�ice identzfy�ng#he lieri. Borrovver shall satisfy the�ien or tal�e one or more of the a��zons set forth �
<br /> ab�ve with�n �.�da�s of the gi��ng of nn�ice.
<br /> Ha2ard or Praperty Insurance.Barro�vver shall k�ep the improvem�nts now exis�ing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured against Iass�y f re,hazard�included v�rz�h�n the term"extended caverage"and any o�her ha2ards,
<br /> includir��; flood� or fl�ading, for which Lender requ�re� insuran�e. This in�urance shaXl be maintained in the
<br /> arnounts and for the per��ds-tha�Lender requir�s. '�'he insurance��.rrier prov�d�ng the insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> B�rroure�r sub�ec��o Let�der's approval wh�ch shall no�be unreasonably w�thhe�d. If Borro�tnrer fails to main�ain
<br /> coverage described ahove, Lend�r may, at Lender's apti�n, ob�a�n co�erage ta protect L��der's r�ghts �n �he
<br /> Praper�r�n accordan�e�v�th sec�ion�xt�ed Prote��ion of Lender's Rights in�he Property.
<br /> Ai��nsur.ance policies and renetivals shall be acceptable ta Lender and sha�� �nclude a standard rnortgag� clau.se,
<br /> L�nder slaa�l have�he r�ght�o h�1d the policies and renewals. �f Lender requires,Eorrov�rer sha11 prornpt�y gi�e to
<br /> Lender a:�l receipt�af pa�d premiums and r�newa�natices. In�h� even�Qf loss,Borto��er shall gzve prompt noti�e
<br /> �o the in�urance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof af l�ss if na�made promp��y by Borr�Wer.
<br /> Unless Len�ier ar�d Borrou�er otherw�se agree in wri��ng, insurance praceed� shall be appl�ed to res�ora�ion or
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, �f, in Lender'� s�Ie discre��on, �h� r�storat�on or repa�r is ec�nomical�y feasible
<br /> and L�ncle�'s security is not lessened. �f, �n Lender's so�e discretian, the re�tara��an or repair is not ecanamically
<br /> feasible ox Lender's securit�wauld be Iesser�ed,the insura.nce praceeds shal�be applied�o�he sums�ecured by this
<br /> Securi�y Instrun�en�, whether ar no� then due, with any excess pa�d to Borr�wer. If B�rro�xr�r aband�ns the
<br /> Praperty,or does nat ans�ver urxth.in�he nurnber of days prescribed by Appl�cable Law as set far�h�n a notice from
<br /> Lendcr t�y I3arr�wer tha�the �nsura.nce carrier has offered ta settle a��aim,then Lender rnay c�Ilec�the�nsurance
<br /> prace�d�. Lender ma�use the proce�ds �o r�pair or restore the Prop�rty or ta pay sums secured by this Security
<br /> �nstrumer�t,�trhether oar not�ien due.The period of time for Borrower�o ansvver as se�forth in the notice w�l�b�gin
<br /> tiv�en�he noti�e�s given.
<br /> Unless L�nd�r and Borrnvtrer otherwise agre�i�.�vrxting, any applica��an of pr�ce�ds ta principal sha�I not extend
<br /> or pas�pone�he due date af the payments due under�he Can�ract or change �he arn�unt vf�he payments. �f under
<br /> the sect�4n ti��ed Ac�e�era�ion; Remet�xes,the Praperiy is acquired by Lender, Borrovver's right to any insurance
<br /> pol��ies �.nd pr�ceeds resulting frorn damage tn �e Prape�-ty pr�or to the acquisit�on shal� pass to �ender to �he
<br /> ex�en�af�he sums se�ured by�his Securzty Ins�rument imnzediately pri�r��th.e acquisit�on.
<br /> Preser�ation, Ma�ntenance and Protecfi�n of the Property; B�rrv�ver's Laan Appl�catfon; Leasehvlds.
<br /> Bnrr�wer shal�no�de�troy, damage or impair�he Proper�y, a�low the Property to de�eriorate,�r comm�t�sraste �n
<br /> t�e PraperCy. Borrow�r sha11 be in default if any forfei�ure a�tzan ar pr�ceeding,whether civ��or cr�n�.inal,is be�un
<br /> that i�L�:nd�r's good faith judgmen��ould r�sult in forfeitur� of the Praper�or�therw�se ma�eriall�irnpaxr the
<br /> ��en created by this Security Instrurnent ar Lender's securi�y xnterest. B�rrower ma� cure such a d�fau�t and
<br /> reinsta��, as provided in sec�ion t����d�orrower's Right to Reinstat�, by cau�in.g the actifln or pr�ceeding ta be
<br /> dismissed with a rul�ng�hat,in Lender's good faith determina�ion,prec�udes forfeiture of the Borrotiver's interes�in
<br /> the Praperty or a�her material impa�rment af th� �zen crea�et� by �his Security Ins�ru�rient ❑r Lender's secu�-ity
<br /> in�eres�.�3orrativer sha�I also be in default if Borrawer,during the�oan applica�ian pra�e�s,gave ma�erially false or
<br /> �naccura��; information or statements to Lender ��r fa��ed to provid� Lender u�ith any ma�erial informati�n� in
<br /> cannection v�r�th the Ioan evidenced b�r the �on�rac�. �f th�s Se�ur�ty�nstrurnent is on a�easeho�d, F3orrov�rer shall
<br /> carnpiy vv�ith.a11 the provisians of�he�ease.�f Borrower acquires fee ti��e ta the Property,the leasehold a��d�he fee
<br /> ��t�e sha�l no�mer��unless Lender agrees�o the merger�n u��riting.
<br /> Proteet�on af Lender's Rights in the Prvperty. �f�3flar�r�vaer fails to perform the c�venants and agreements
<br /> conta�ried�n thls Secur�ty�nstrument,or there is a Iegal prQ�eedzng that may significan�ly affect Lender�s righ�s in
<br /> the Properfiy�su�h a� a pr�ceeding in bankruptcy, prai�at�, for condemnati�n or farfe��ure or to enfo�-ce lav�s ar
<br /> reguia��ons}, �hen Lender may do and pa� fvr whatever is necessar� to protecf the va�ue of�he Prape�t� and
<br /> Lender's�-�ghts in th�Property.Lend�r's actions�nay includ�pay�ng aray sums secured by a�zern��vh�ch has priarity
<br /> �ver�his Security�nstrument,appearin.g in cour�,paying reasanab�e attorneys'f�es and entering�n�.ie Pro}�erty to
<br /> make r�pa�irs.Although L�nder may#ake action under this sec�ion,Len�er daes nat have to da so.
<br /> Any amflunts disbursed by L�nder under this section shall be�ome addi�ianal debt of Barrou'•er secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�. Un�ess Borro�er and L�nder agree to ath.er terms of payrncnt, these amounts shall bear
<br /> C�Z404-2015 Campiiance Systems,inc.A6BC-9A8E-2Q 15.3.5.I Q64
<br /> Cansumer Rea�E'sstate-Security Instru�nent DL2036 Pa�e 2 af 5 WWW.Cp1�']�1]laI7CE5y5#e3t]S.CDI7!
<br />