_ . ��l 5�6�41
<br /> Tran�fer of the Frop�r�y�r a�enef cia�Interes�in Borr��ver. �f a�l or an�par��f the Pr�perty or any in�erest
<br /> �n it is s�ld or transferred �or if a benef�c�a� interest in Borrov�rer is s�1d� or �ransferred ar�d Borrovt�er is n�t a
<br /> natura�person} v�ithout Lender's prior,writ�en ��nsen�, L�n�er may, at its opti:�n, requir� immed�a�� payment �n
<br /> fuli vf al� sums secured by this Securit�r �nstrum�nt. Haw�e�er, th�s opti�n ���ai� not be exercised b� Lender �f
<br /> exercis�is proh�bited by federal law as flf the da�e of this Security�nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lend�r ex�r�ises th�s apti�n, Len�er sha�l g�ve B�rro�er noti�e of acc��era��on. The notice sha�l pr��vide a
<br /> per�ad flf not less �han the min�mum number of days established by App��ca�ble Law fram the date �he nflti�e is
<br /> de�ivered or rnailed wi�h�n �vc�h�ch Borro�ver mus�pay ail sums secured by t�i;5 Secur��y Instrumen�. �f B�rrower
<br /> fails�o pay�hese sums prior to the expira��on af�his per��d, Lender may �n����e an�remed�es permitted by�his
<br /> Security�nstrum�nt u��th�ut fur�her notic�ar demand�n Borrawer. '
<br /> Bnrrvwer'� Right to Reins�ate. If B�rrow�r mee�s certain conditians, So�ro�rer �hal� ha�e the right �� h.ave
<br /> enfo�cemen�af�his Securi�y �nstrument discantinued a�an�•time prior ta the��ar�ier of �a} S days�or such o�her
<br /> period as AppX�cable Law may specify far reinstat�ment}bef�re sale flf the Pr���er�y pursuan�t�any povver af sale
<br /> cantained in this Se�ur��.y Ins�rument; or (b} entry of a �udgment enf�rcim;j �:his Secur�ty �nstrument. Thase
<br /> condi��ons are tha�Barro�er: �a� pays Lend�r a�� sums which then wau�d b� due under�h�s Secur��y �nstrument
<br /> and t���on�ract as if no acce-leration�had�ccurred;�b�cures any defau�t of an��other�ovenants or agreemen�s;�c�
<br /> pays all expenses incurred�n enf�rcing this.5ecurity Instrun�.en�,includ�ng,bu1:i:zo��in��ted�a,reasonah�e at��rr�eys'
<br /> fees to�he e�tent pertn�t�ed by,law; and�d}�akes such actinn as Lend�r rnay r��asonab�y requir�ta assure tha�the
<br /> lien�f�his Security�ns�rument,Lender's r�ghts in the Prupert�r and Borrow�r's�b�igat��n��pay the sums secured
<br /> by this S�cur�ty �ns�rumen� shali�contiriue unchanged. �po�rexnstatemen�by Borrawer, th�s Security �nstru�.ent
<br /> and the abligations s�cured hereby sha11 r�main ful�y effec��ve�as if n� a�cele:ration had ac�urred. Ho���ver, this
<br /> r�ght�o re�ns�ate shall not.apply in�he case of accelerat��n�nder�he sec�i�n txtLed Transfe�af�he Proper�y ar a
<br /> �3enefi�ia�InterQst in Borrower. � � .
<br /> r. .
<br /> Hazarduus Suh��a����s.Bo��ower sha�l not cause or permit the pres�n�e,use,C�15�7aS�.�,storage,or release flf any
<br /> Ha2ard�us Substances on or�r��he Properry.�Barra�nrer sha��nat��,nar a�1ow anyone els�t�do,any�hing affecting
<br /> �he Property�hat xs �n violation �f any En�ironmen�al La�r. The preceding �:v;�o sen�ences shall not app�y to �he
<br /> presence;use,or s��rag��n the Prop�r�y�f sma1l�uan�itie��f Hazardaus Subs�tances�ha�are gen�rally recagni�ed
<br /> to be apprapria�e to n�rmal resident�al u�es and ta rna�ntena.�ce af the Propert��.
<br /> B�rrower s�all promp��y gi�e Lender v�ritten notice of any in�r�stigatian,claim, dernand,la�sux�or��:her a�t�on by
<br /> any go�ernrnental or regula�ory abency ar pr��a�e par�y i�valving the Pr�pe�ty and any Hazard�us Substance or
<br /> Environmental Law �f v�hich F3orrower" has ac�ual kn��v��dge. �f Barr�vY�r �earns, or �s no�ified by any
<br /> governm�ntal or regula�ory au�ho��y,tha�any rerno�al or other remediation a�f any Hazard�us Substance affe�ting
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Borrower sha�� pramptly tak� all n�cessary r�n:ledial ac�io�s in accordance v�ith
<br /> En�riranm�n�tal Law. . �
<br /> As us�d in�his paragraph, "Ha�ardaus Substances" ar��hase subs�an�es ci�fim{vd as taxi� a�r haza.rdous substances
<br /> by En�ironmenta� Law and �he foll�u��ng subs�cances: gaso�ine; ker�sene, al:her flammable or ta��c petrol�um
<br /> proc�ucts, toxic pesticides an�. herUic�des,�vaiati�e solvenfis, materials conta�.n�ng asbes�os or f�rmaldehyde, a�d
<br /> rad��act�ve ma�er�a�s.As used in th�s paragraph, "Environmentai Lav�r"rn�ans i-ederal�aws and la�vs of the state�f
<br /> Nebraska�hat relate t�h�al�h,safety or en�ir�nmenta.l protect�on.
<br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lend�r sha�� gi�e no�ic� to �3�rrower pr�or �to acce�era��on fol�ovving Borrov�er's
<br /> breach of any cflvenant❑r agreement�n this Security Instrum�nt ar the��ntra��un��r which acce�era�tion
<br /> is perm�tfed�hu�n�t prior to a�celerativn under the s��tion titled Transfer of the Property or a Beneficia�
<br /> Interest in Borrower, uniess Applicable Law provides atherwise}. The na���ce shall spe�ify: �a]�h� default;
<br /> �h� the action required tv cure the d�faul�; �c� a date, Y�ot less than the minimum number of days
<br /> es�a�lished by Appli�able La�v from the date the notic�is g��en to S�rravver,by v+vh�eh the defau�t mu��be
<br /> cured.; and �d} �that failure to cure�the defau�t on flr b+�fare the date specified �n the r�otice may resuit in
<br /> a��elera�ion of the sums secured hy this Se�urity I�strument and sa][e� of the Pr�p�rty. Tv the extent
<br /> perr�it�ed by law,�he na��ce shal�further inform Borr�wer of the right�a reins��a�e after accei�ration and
<br /> the righ��o bring a caurt action ta assert the nan-exist���e af.a defau�t or an�other d�fens��f Barrow�r ta
<br /> acce�eration and sa�e. �f the defaul��is not c.urQd on ar before the da�� sp��cified in th�n�tiCe,I.�end�r�t its
<br /> apt�an may require imm�diat� paymen� in fu�l of all �urns secured by �this Securit� Instrument w�t�out
<br /> further demand and may in�a�e the povver ❑f sa�e and any other remed��es permi�ted by App�icable Law.
<br /> To �he extent permi��ed �y law, Lend�r.shali be en�it�ed tfl co�l�c� all �e_�pen�es incurr�d in pursu�ng thQ
<br /> rem�die� pro�id�d in�his Sectian,including, but�xv��imited to,�reasonable attar.ne�s' fees and cas�s of title
<br /> e�idence. . . .� � �
<br /> If the power of saZe is�n�Taked,Trustee shall r�cord a n�tice of defaul�ir��ach cnun�y in wh�ch any part of
<br /> the�roper�y �s�acated and shali ma���opies�f such no�ice in the manner pr�scrih�d by Applicable Law�a
<br /> Borrov�er and �❑ �he a�her pers�ns �rescrihed b� App�icable Lavv. Aft�r� the�irne required hy App�i�able
<br /> Lavv, Tru�tee shall gi�� pu��ic n�tic� �f sale to the pe�rson� and in the rnanner pr�scribed by App��cable
<br /> Law. Truste�,w��hou�demand �n �orrower,shall sel�the Property a�pu blic auc��on f❑the highest bidder
<br /> at the time and pla�e ar�d under the terms des�gnated in the natice of sale in one�r mor�parce�s and in any
<br /> order Tr�stee determines. Trust�e ma� postpone sal� of al� ar a�y parce� of �he Prvperty �hy pu�lic
<br /> ann�uncement a�the time and p�ace of any preWiously�cheduled sale.L�r�der ar it���signee may purchase
<br /> �he Pr�p�r�y a�any sa�e.
<br /> i�pon receipt of paymen� af the price bid, Trustee sha�l deliWer to�he purchaser Trustee's deed can�ey�ng
<br /> �he 1'roper�y.The recital�in �he Trustee's deed shal� be prima fa�ie evidl�:nce af���e�ru�h�f the stat�men�s
<br /> �24d4-2fl 15 Compfiance Sys#ems,�nc.A6B�-97FG-2fl 15.3.5.l flC�
<br /> �t�n5umer Real Estate-Security TnsErurrtent�3L203b Pa�;��}oI'S ww�w.can�pliartcesys#ems.corrt
<br />