� ��1 5�6�41
<br /> Payment of Princ�pal and Interest; �ther�harges, Barrawer sha1�pro�nptl�pay�vhen due�he principa�of and
<br /> int�res�on the debt aw�d�under the Cant�ac�and lat��harges ar an��ather fees a.nd charges due under the��n�ra��.
<br /> Applicab�� Law. As used in �his�Se�urity �nstrument, the term ".ApplicablE: Lav�" shal� mean all con�rall�ng
<br /> app�icab�e federal, state and�oca� s�a�u.tes, regu�ati�ns, ordinances and adm�ni.�tra�i�e rules and arders ��hat ha�e
<br /> the effect of�aw}as we�l as all applieable.,fina�,n�n-appea�able judi�ial opinio�i,�. �
<br /> Charges; LienS. Bo�-rawer shall pay a�l taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f nes a.nd irnpos��i�ns at�ributa�b�e �� �he
<br /> Property wh�Gh may attain priarity over this SecUrity Instru�nent, at�d leaseh����payrr�ents �r ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the request af Lender,B�rravver shall�ro�nptly furn�sh ta Lender rece�pts ev�dencing�he pa�m�nts.
<br /> B�rro�er sha1X promptly dis�harge any 1�en which has priari�y over thxs Security Instrument un�ess Borr�w�r: �a}
<br /> agr�es in wr�t�ng to the�payment of the �bligation secured by �he l�en �n �. manner ace�p�able �o Lender; �b}
<br /> c�ntests in g�od fa�th the lien by, or defends against enforcernen� af th� l�en in, �ega� �aro�eedings which in �he
<br /> Lender`s opinian operat� to pre►vent the enforcement of the �ien; or �c} secures �`rflm the ho�der af the liern an
<br /> agreement sa�isfact��y to Lender sub�rdina��ng the l�en ta this Security�nstrument. If Lender detennines that any
<br /> part of the Pr�perty �s subj ec�t� a Iien which may a�tain pri�rity o�er�h�s S�c;urity�nstrurnen�, Lender ma���ive
<br /> Borr�v�rer a n��i�e �dentifying the Iien. Borrovver shall sa�isfy the lien❑r�ake c�ne or m�re af the actians se�farth
<br /> above within 1 fl days of the gi�ing of natice.
<br /> Haz�rd�or Pr�per�y �nsurance. Borr�w�r sha�l ke�p�the impra�rements now ex�st�n�or h�r�after erec�ed on the
<br /> Proper�r�nsured against loss by�f re,ha�ards included with�n�he term"�x�ended co�erage" �.nd any other haza.rds,
<br /> �nclud�ng floads or �o�d�ng: far �vhich Lender requires insura.nce. This �r�suranc� sha1� be maintained in �he
<br /> amoun�s and for the per�ad�that Lender requ�res. The insuran�e carrier pro�i�.�:ng the��nsurance shall be Chasen�y
<br /> Borrawer subject ta Lender's approval v►rhich sha11 n�� be unreas�nably wi�h�ieid. �f B�rr�wer fails to mai�tain
<br /> caverage described above, Lender ma�, a� Lender's opt�an, ob�ain coverag�l t� prd�ect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Praper�xn acc�rdance rn�ith section ti��ed Protection of Lender's l�ights�n t��e]Praper�y.
<br /> AI1 insurance �a�icies and rene�als s�all be acceptable to Lender and sha�i ir�c�ude a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender sha�1 have the righ�t�hald�he pfl�icies.and renewals. �f Lender requir�:s,Barrovver sha�l promp�ly g��e to
<br /> Lender a�x�receipts of paid premiums and rene�al no��ces. Zn the e��nt�f 1ass; B�rr�w�r shall g��e promp�not��e
<br /> t�the insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make praof of��ss if no�rnade pr�mptly by Borrov►jer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bonravver �therw�se agree �n wr�t�ng, �nsurance proceeds sha�� be appl�ed ta restarat�a� or
<br /> repair of�he Praperty daxnaged, �f, in Lencier's sole discretian, �he-restora�ian �r repa�r �� ecanamicalty feasi�le
<br /> and Lender°s secur�ty is nat ��essene�d.�If; in�Lender's s�le d�sGret��n, �he res�or�ation�r rep�.ir is nat econ�rn��al�y
<br /> feasible�r Lender's security wfluld be:�essened,�h�insurance proceeds sha111�e app�i�d to�he sums secured by�his
<br /> Secu�-ity �ns�rument, whether or not then due, with any ex�ess paid �o B�rrower. If �3orrov�rer abandans �he
<br /> Pr�perty,ar do�s no�answer wi�hin the num�er�f days pres�ribed by Appl�c�.��le Lav�r as se�for�h in a notice from
<br /> Lender ta Borrower that�he insurance carr��r has offere�l to settl�a c�a�rn,�he r�L�nder ma�collect the znsurance
<br /> prac�eds. L.ender n�a�use the proceeds to repair or res�ore the Proper�y or ta pay sums s�cured by�his Security
<br /> Ins�rurnen�,whe�her or not th�n due. Th�period of t�rne f.or Barrower to ans�ver�as set�forth in�he no�ice w���b�g�n
<br /> when the n��ice is b��en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borro�ver o�her�v�se agree�n writing, any app�icatian of prc�ceeds to princ�pa�shal�nat ex�end
<br /> or postp�ne the due da�e of the payments due under�h� ��ritra�t ar change�lh+�am�Unt�f the payments. �f under
<br /> �he sec�ion�itled Acce�era�ion; Rernedies,.the Pr�per�y �s acquired by LendP��,Borrower's right t�any insurance
<br /> pal���es and proceeds resul��ng firom damage to the P�roper�y pr�ar to the ac��a�s���an shall pass to Lender to the
<br /> e�tent of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument immedia�ely priflr to�he acquisit�on.
<br /> Pres�r�at�on, Maintenan�e and Prote�tio� a� the Proper�y; Borrower'�� Lnar� Application; Leas�hold�.
<br /> Borrower shall not de��roy, darnage or impair the Property, a��o�r the Property�o deteri�ra#e, or cflmrnit wast�on
<br /> the Proper�y.Borr�v�er sha�l b�in default if any forf�itur�a���on or pro�eeding,vvhether c���l ar criminal,is b�gun
<br /> �ha� in Lender's goad fa�th judgmen� cou�d result in forfe�ture of�he Prope� or other�rise rnateria�ly im�air�he
<br /> lien crea�ed by this Security Ynstrument �r Lender's secur��y �nterest. Barro�wer may cure su�h a default and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pro�ided in se��ion tztled�3arrawer's Right to Reinstate, by causing th�actian or proceeding t�be
<br /> dismissed v�rith a ruling that,in Lender's good faith deterrnina�i�n,precludes f�rfe��ure of th�Borrawer's int�res��n
<br /> �he Pr�perry or �ther rr�a�er�a� impairment af the lien �rea�ed b� this Se�urity Instrumen� or Lender's se�urity
<br /> �n�eres�.B�rrow�r shall a�so b��n defau���f Borr�wer,during the l�an appl�cat�on process,gave material�y fal�e or
<br /> inac�urate �nformati�n �r sta�ements to Lender �or fa�led to pr��ide Lender v�i�h any materiai infarmat�or�} in
<br /> connection w�th the�oan ev�den�ed by�he Con�rac�. If this Security Znstrum�n�t is an.a Ieaseho�d, Borrower shall
<br /> comply with al��he prav�sions of t���lease.�If Borrtiwer a�quires fee ti�le�o the Praperty,the leaseh�ld and the fee
<br /> tif�e shal�not merg�unless Lender agrees�o�he merger�n vvriting.
<br /> Prat�c�tion �f Lender-'s Rights �n the Property. �f B�rrower fa��s �o per���rm �he c�v�nants and agr�emen��
<br /> c�n�ained in th�s Securit��:nstrument, �r�here is a le�al pro�eeding that may signifi��n�Xy affect Lender's ri�h�s in
<br /> the Propert��such as a.proceeding in bankrup�cy, probate, f�r cand�mnation or forfeiture vr to enforc� Iaws �r �
<br /> r�gu�atxons�, then Lender may do arid pa� for whate�er is ne�essary ta pr�a�tect the �a�ue af�he Proper�y and
<br /> Lend�r's rights�n the Proper�.Lender's actions may include pa}�ing any sums��ecur�d by a�ieza�vhich has priority
<br /> over th�s Secur��y Ins�rument,appearin�in cour�,paying reasona��e at�orneys���e�s and ente�r�ng on the Praper�y�o
<br /> ma�e repa��s.A�thaugh Lender may ta�e ac�ion under this secti�n,Lender da�s na�ha�e�Q do so.
<br /> Any �mflunts d�sbursed by Lender under this se�tion s�a1� he�ome addit�anal. debt af Borraw�r secured by ��is
<br /> Security �nstrurnent. Un�ess Borr�wer and Lender agree �� o�her terms af��ayment, �hese amaunts shall bear
<br /> �zao4-zo�s co�������sysf��s,Inc.A6BC-97.F�-2015.3.5.14d4
<br /> Cansumer Real Es�at�-Security Ir�strument DL2D3d Pa�e 2 of S www.coFnpliancesystems.com
<br />