<br /> � _ ��1 5�5975
<br /> The property is l�cated in ---Hall-------•----•----•-••............................. at .................,.----._......._._..
<br /> ��ounty}
<br /> ..���.6_.��la..Ln..............--•............... ..Grand_Island_................., �el�raska ._5_8803-----•-•--
<br /> �Address} (City} �ZIP Code)
<br /> Together with all rights, easem�nts, appurtenarices, roya��ies, min�ral rights, oiI and gas x-nghts, a�.�water and
<br /> r�parxan rights, dxtch�s, and water stock and a11 exi.st�ng and future i�mprovements, structures, fix�ures, and
<br /> repla�ements tha�may naur, ar at any t�me�n t�ae futur�, �e part of�he real estate descri�ed ab�ve(aII r�ferred
<br /> to as "Prop�rty"�.
<br /> 3. MAXIlVIUM QSLI�ATIQN LIMIT. The�ota�.princ�pal amount secured b�thzs Security Instrument at any
<br /> one t�me sha�� not exceed $ 4��.o�o:.o.o................................... . This limitation of amount daes not
<br /> include interest and other f�es and charges val.idly made pursuant to thzs Security �nstrument. Also, thzs
<br /> limita�ion dfles no� apply to advances mad� under the terms af th.xs Securxty �nstrum�nt ta protect
<br /> Beneficiary's s�currty and to perfarm any of the�ovenants conta�ned in�his 5ecur���nstrument.
<br /> 4. SE�i.TRED DEl3T AND�ITTITRE ADVA1tiI�ES. The term "S��ured Debt" is defYn�d as fvll�ws:
<br /> . A.Debt zncurred under the ternas of all promissory note�s}, contract�s}, guaranty�ies} or Qther evidence of
<br /> debt described be�ow and al.� their ��tensz�ns, renewals, madificati�ns �r substitutions. �YQu must
<br /> specr;�cally identif�f thQ debt�s�secured and y�r�should i�cZude the final maturity date of sr�ch debt��s�.}
<br /> Na�e Dated August 13 2015 In The Amoun� �f $4�� ��D.00
<br /> A�cruing At A Variable Rate With A Maturity Date nf Augu�t 25, 2020
<br /> Sai�l Loan In The Name�s} �f Michelle Dramse
<br /> And Dana s �ramse
<br /> B.All fu�ure advances fram ��nefzc�ary to Trustar �r other future abligations of Trustor ta Benefxczary
<br /> under any promzssory nflte, cflntract, guaranty, ar ath�r e�ridence of debt ex�cuted by TrustQr in fa�or
<br /> of Ben��ciary after thzs 5ecurity Instrument whether ar nat this Security Instrument is spe�ifically
<br /> referenced. If more than one pers�n signs this Security Ins�rument, each Trustor agrees that this
<br /> 5�curity Instru.naen� �vi��. secure a1� future advances and future oblrgations that are gi�en to or incurred
<br /> by any one or more Trustar, or any one or mare Trustor and �thers. Al.� future ad�anc�s and oth�r
<br /> future ob�igatians are secured �y thzs Se�urity Znstrument e�en though al1 or part may not yet be
<br /> ad�anced. AII future advances and oth�r future obiigations are secur�d as rf made an the date of th��
<br /> 5e�ur�ty �nstrum�nt. 1�1�othing in this Secur�ty �nstrument sha�.X �flnstitute a cammitment to make
<br /> addztxonal. ar future loans or advances �n any am.ount. An� such c�mmztment must be agreed tn in a
<br /> s ep arate writing.
<br /> C.All other ob�i.ga�xons Trustor�wes to B�neficiary, whi�h may 1at�r ari�e, to the extent not prohibited by
<br /> Iaw, including, but not �xmait�d to, Iiabilit�es for overdrafts relating �o any depos�t account a�reement
<br /> be�w�en'�`�ustoar az�d�eneficiary.
<br /> D.AI� addxtxonal sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuri.ng, pres�rving ar
<br /> �t�ierwise proteCtzng the Property and�ts value and any ath�r sums advanced an.d expens�s zncurred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the terms of this Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> In t�e event that Beneficiary fa.ils ta provztie an�required n��xce nf the rzght�f r�scissian, Bene�c�ary v�raives
<br /> any su�sequent security interest in�he Trustor's principal dweix�na that zs�reated by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST C�VE�T,AI�TTS. Trustar agrees tha� the covenants in this s�ct�on are materzal obliaatzons
<br /> under the Secured Debt and �h�s Securxty Instrument. If Tru�tor br�aches any cavenant in thzs sec�ion,
<br /> Benefrc�ary may r�fuse to ma.�e adda��ona� extensions of cred�� and reduce the credit Ii�nit. By not exer�zszng
<br /> either remedy an Trustar's breach, Benefxc�ary does n�t waive Benefic�a.r�'s r�gh�t�lat�r consider th�e�ent a
<br /> breach if it happens again.,
<br /> Payments. Trustor agrees �hat a1�payments under the Secured Debt will b�paid vvhen du� an.d in accardance
<br /> wi�h the terms o f th�Se�ured Debt and thi s S ecurity Instrumen�.
<br /> Pr�or Security Interests. WYth regard to any ather mortgage, deed of trust, security agr�ement or other li�n
<br /> dacument that created a przor security interest or encumbranc� o� �he Prap�rty, Trustor agrees to make a1.�
<br /> payments when due and to �erfarm ar comply �v�r�th a].1 cov�nants. Trus�ar al.sa agr�es not ta al�aw any
<br /> mfldification ar�xtensifln of, nor ro r�qu�st an� future ad�ances under any nate or agreement secured by the
<br /> Iien document withaut Beneficiary's przor written approval.
<br /> ��a�ms Against T�t��. Trustar wx�l pay all ta�e� �including any tax assessed ta this I]eed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, Iiens, encurnbrances, lease payments, graun�i r�nts, ll�I�I�IeS y and ather charges re�at�ng to the
<br /> Property when due. Beneficiary may requzre Trustor to pravide ta Benefic�ary cop�es of a1I noti�es that such
<br /> amaunts are due and the receipts evidenczng Trustor's payment. Trustor will defend ti�Ie to the Prop�rty
<br /> agai_nst any claims �hat wauld impa�r the lien �f this Security �nstrument. Trustor agrees to asszgn to
<br /> Benefzc�ary, as requ�sted by Benefi�xary, any rights, c�aims or defenses Trustar may have agains�partz�s vvh�
<br /> supp�y�abar or materials to maintazn ar unprove the Property.
<br /> Se�urity lnstrument-�pen-�nd-Canscamer-N� ❑�P-RE�T-NE 71�1207'l
<br /> VMPC�Bankers SystemsT^� VMp-C4fi5{NE� f7 707).��
<br /> Wolters Kl�wer Financial Ser�ices C�71994,2�1 1 Page 2 of 6
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