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AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: <br />Advantage Title Services, LLC <br />503 W Koenig <br />Grand Island NE 68801 <br />Michael Hargens, a single person__ <br />SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED <br />Case Number: 321- 299233 <br />This Deed made this 2 %day of At/ 2015, between the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, Washington 20414, ( "Grantor "), in consideration of Ten Dollars and <br />other valuable consideration received from Grantee does convey unto: <br />( "Grantee "), the real estate (as defined in Neb: Rev. Stat. 76 -201) described as follows: <br />Lot Five (5), Block Two (2), Country Club Subdivision, in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Being the same property acquired by the Grantor pursuant to the provisions of the National <br />Housing Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701 et.seq.) and the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development Act (42 U.S.C.3531 et.seq.). • <br />Grantor covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Grantee that Grantor <br />1. Grantor is lawfully seized of said Premises and It is free from encumbrances, subject <br />to any reservations, covenants and easements of record; <br />2. Grantor has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; and <br />1. Grantor warrants and will defend the title to said Premises against the lawful claims <br />of all persons claiming the same or any part thereof through, by or under Grantor. <br />This Deed is not in effect until August 31, 2015. <br />r <br />CD <br />CP1 <br />CD <br />CJ) <br />N <br />C:) <br />m <br />m <br />m <br />CJ) <br />.to <br />