��1 5�5�43
<br /> As of the 31s�day of July, Z�15� �rTI�R�UP �L��AL.11��R�ETS REALTY CQRP.,
<br /> a New York corporat�on, ha�ing an address a� �90 �r�enwi�h Str���, 7th Fla�r, Nev�r York� l�Y
<br /> 1�013, �"Assignor"}, as the hold�r vf th� znstrum�nt here�nafter described anc� for �aluable
<br /> �onsideration h�rehy endvrses� assigns, sell�, transfers and del��ers ta �L�`ELLS FAR�f3 BANI�,
<br /> �IC]LDERS �F �S M�RTGA�� SE�U�ITI�S �C)RP�1�.ATI�N II, �CIM��RCIA�.
<br /> MC]RTGA�E PASS-THR�UGH �E�TIF��ATES, SERI�� ��15-G�3�� arid the holder of the
<br /> relatec� �a�n.pania�n �oan, as therr interests may appear� hav�n� an address at 90f� �]ld Annapolis
<br /> Road, �olum��a, MD �1U45, �"Assignee"}, it� su�cessvr�, par�icipants and assigns, with�ut
<br /> recourse or warran�y, al� right, t�tl�and in�er�st�f Assignor i� and t�that�erta�n:
<br /> ASSI�NMENT �F L�ASES �TD RE�TT'S rnade by �VEST �'�RK PLA�A
<br /> MC7BILE �I�MF PARI�, LL�, a I3�laware lirnited �iability c�mpany ta .A�.ss�gmt�r
<br /> dated as o� Ju��r l, ��15 and recorded on Jul� 9, ��15, as Ins�rumen� irl�umber
<br /> 2�15�4��7 in th� ReG�rd�r's C�ffice �f Hall �aunty, Nebraska ��.s the s�me has
<br /> heretofore been amended, mod�fie�, restated, suppl�mented, renev�red or
<br /> extended}, securing payment vf note(s) of e�en date ther�with, in �he original
<br /> principa� arnount of $145,���,���.�U, and creatiing a first �ien �n the pr�p�rty
<br /> described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this r�ference made a part hereaf.
<br /> Tage��er �rith ar�y and all no��s and o�l�gatians th�rein described, the debt and claims
<br /> secured there�y and a1I sums �f m�ney due and to b�come due there�n, with interest pr�vided
<br /> far therein, and hereb�r rrre�acably appoints Assignee hereund�r it� at�arne� to colle�t and
<br /> r�c�i�e such d�bt, and to foreclose, cnfo�rc� and satisfy the fQre���ng the same as it might �r
<br /> cou�d ha�e done w�re these presents riot e�ecu�ed, �ut at the cost and expense of Assignee.
<br /> T��e�her with any and al� �ther l�en�, pri�il��es, seGurity int�rests, rights, entit��m�nts,
<br /> equities, c�ai�ns and de�m.ands as ta v�rhich As��gn�r hereund�r possess�� �r to whi�h Ass�gn�r is
<br /> vtherw�se entitled as addi�ional s��uri�� f�r t�� pa�rment of the notes and a�th�r obligations
<br /> described herein.
<br /> This Assignrnent sha�1 be bi�nding upon and sha�l in�r� to the henefit nf the parties h�r�ta
<br /> and their respec��ve su�cessors and assi�ns.
<br /> R�ference Na.: 145�,U17
<br /> Ma�ter Narne:West Par�P�aza
<br /> Poo�:�SMS 2�15-GC3�
<br />