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<br /> ���C� �F T�LJ��T
<br /> ����t��ued} P�ge �
<br /> disbursed wi�hin �180 days aft�r their receipt and which Lender has nat cammitted �o the repair ar re�tara�ior�af
<br /> �h� Proper�y shali be used first ta pay any amaunt owing ta Lender under this Deed of Trust, then t� pay ac�rued
<br /> in#�rest, and the remainder, if any, shaii be applied to the principal balance of th� Indebtedness. 1f Lende� holds
<br /> any prac�eds after payment in full of the �ndeh�edness, such proceeds shail be paid to 7rusto� as Trustor'�
<br /> interests may appear.
<br /> LENDER'S E�PEN�ITURES, lf Trus�or faifs �A3 to keep �he Property free of a�l #axes, liens, security interests,
<br /> encumbrances,and other�laims, �B} to pro�ide any required insuran�e on the Prope�ty, ar �C} �o mak� repairs to fhe
<br /> Property �hen Lender may do s�. �fi any a�#ivn �r pro�eedin� fs commenced tha� wauld materiaEly a�fect Lender's
<br /> interEsts in the Property, then L�nder on Trustor's behalf may, bu� is not required to, take any action that Lender
<br /> believes tn be apprap�at�to protect Lende�'s interes#s. A11 ex�enses ineurred or p�id by Lender for such purpases wiCl
<br /> �hen hear interes�a�the rate charged under the Credit Agreement fram the date incurred nr paid by Lender ta the date
<br /> of repayment by Trustor. AI1 such expenses wiil become a par�o�the Indebtedness and, at Lender`s vption, will �A}
<br /> be payable on demand; (g} be added to the balance of the �redit Agreement and be appartioned among and be
<br /> payab�e wi�h any instailment p�yments fo becorne�ue during ei#her {1} .�he term ❑�any applicable�nsurance palicy;or
<br /> ��} �he remain�ng terrn ofi the Credit Agreement;nr �C� be tr�ated as a baliaon payment which will be due and payabie
<br /> at the�r�dit Agreement's maturity. The❑eed o�F Trust alsa wili secure payment o�these amounts. Th�r�ghts pro�ided
<br /> for in this paragraph sha�l be in addi#inn ta any other rights o�-any remedies t�which Lender may be�ntitled on ac�ount
<br /> o�any defaul#. Any such action by Lender shall not be �onstrued as curing the defauit so as to bar Lender�rvrn any
<br /> remPdy that i�otherwise wou�d have had.
<br /> WARRANTY; ❑EFE�SE n�'T[TLE. The fQl�awing prfl�isiflns re�at;ng to ownership af t�e Prop�rty a�-e a part of this Deed
<br /> af Trust:
<br /> Title. Trus�or warrants�hat: �a} Trustor holds good and ma�ketable titfe a�record to the Prope�ty in fee simple,
<br /> f��e and �lear of all liens and �ncum�rances other than thase set farth �n th� Real Pr�perty des�riptian or in any
<br /> �itie insurance policy, title report, or fiinal tit[e opinion issued in �a�ar of, and aec�pted by, Lende� in �orfnection
<br /> with this�eed v�'Trus�,and �b}T�-ustor has�he fu�l right,power, and authority to execute and deli�er fh�s�3eed a�
<br /> Trust�a Lender.
<br /> ❑efense o�Ti��e, Sub�ect t� t4�e except+�n in the parag�'aph abo�e, Trustor warrants and wii� �are�er de��nd the
<br /> title t�th� Property against�he favuful claims of a�l persons. ln the e�ent any ac�ion o�pro�e�ding is commenced
<br /> that quest�ans Trustor`s ti#le ar the interest of Trus�ee o�Lender under this Deed o�Trust,Trus#or sha�l defend the
<br /> action at Trustor's expense, Trus�or may be the n�m�nal pat�y in such prac�eding, bufi Lender shall be en�itled t�
<br /> participate in the prflc�ed�ng and �to �e �represent�� in the proceeding by counse� of Lender's awn choice, anc�
<br /> Trusto�wi�l deli�er, ar cause to be deli�ered, tv Lender such instruments as Lender may requ�st�ram time�a�ime
<br /> to permit such par�icipation,
<br /> Comp[ianc� Wi#h Laws. Trustor warrants that the Pr�ap�rty and Trust�r's use Qf the Propetty compl�es wi�h a��
<br /> exis�ing app�icah�e laws,ordinances,and reguiatrons af governmentai autharities.
<br /> Survival of Prvmises. A1� promises, agreements, and s�atemen�s TrustQr has made in thss Deed o�Trust shaii
<br /> s�rvi�e the executian and de��Very�f th�s Deed of Trust, shall be continuing �n nature and sha���emain in fu11 f�rce
<br /> a�d effect un�i�such�ime as T�ustor's Ind�b�edness�s paid in�ull.
<br /> C�NDEMNAT�DN. The fvilowing provisions relating fio cQndernna�ion pro�eedings are a part of this❑eed o�'Trust:
<br /> Pra�eedings. if any proceeding in condemnat�an is fi�e�, Trus��r sha(I promp��y n�tify Lende�- in writing, and
<br /> Trustnr shalf promptly tak� suc�steps as may be ne�essa�y to defend t�e action and ❑btain the award. Trust�r
<br /> may be�he nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender sha�l be�n#itled to part�cipate ir�the p�o�eeding and�o be
<br /> represented �n the praceeding by counse! o�' its o�vn choice, and Trus�or wi�� deliver or cause ta be deli�ered t�
<br /> Lender such instrum�n�s and documentation as may be requested by Lender fram tim� #o t�me t� p�rmi� such
<br /> par�ic�pation,
<br /> Appli�ation of Net Proceeds, l�all or any pa�o�the Proper�y�s�ondemned by�minen�domain proceedings or by
<br /> any proceeding a�purchase in lieu af candemnation, Lend�r may at its e�ec�ian require that all 4r any po�tivn of the
<br /> net praceeds of the award be applied ta the lndebtedness ar the repair ar restoration of the Praperty, The net
<br /> prflceeds o�the award sha�l mean the award after payment of ail reasonabie costs, expenses, and atto�neys'�eEs
<br /> incurred by Trustee a�Lender in connection with the condernna#ion.
<br /> IMP051TIqN aF TA�ES, FEES AND CHAR�ES BY��V�RNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The following pro�EsiQns reia#in9
<br /> t�g�r�ernmenta��axes,f�es and charges a�e a pa�t of this Deed af Trust: .
<br /> Curren#Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upc�n r�quest by Lender, Trustor shall execu�e �uch dacuments in additian to
<br /> this Deed�f Trust and �ake whate�er other a�tion is requested by Lender�tv per#�ect and cvntinue Lender's�ien on
<br /> the Real Property. Trustvr sh��l reimburse Lender�ar aiI ��xes, as described below, together w�th all expenses
<br /> in�urred in r�eord�ng, ��rfe�fing a�- continuing this Deed of Trus�, inc�uding withvu# fimitation all taxes, �ees,
<br /> documentary stamps,and other charges for�ecording o��egistering th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The following shall cans�i�ute tax�s ta whi�h #his se�tior� applies: ��} a specifc tax upon this type �f
<br /> Deed Q�Trust o�upon all o�any par�o#the �ndeb�edness secured by this ❑eed vfi Trust; �Z} a specific tax ❑n
<br /> Trustor wh€�h Trustor is authorized ar required to deduct from payments on the �ndebtedness se�ured�y this type
<br /> ❑f De�d o�Trust; �3} a tax an this type❑f Deed of Tru�t�hargeab�e aqains��he Lender or�he ho�der af the Credit
<br />