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��15�5886 <br /> Transfer of the Prvperty or a Bene�cial Int�r�s�in Barrower.�f aIl ar any part flf�he Proper�y or any xnteres� <br /> xri i� zs �o�d or transferred �ar �f a b�nefiGial interes� in B�rr�wer zs sald or transferred and B�rra�ver i� na� a <br /> natura� person� �vithout Lender's priar writ�en co�s�n�, Lender may, a��ts op�ion, require immediate pa�men� �n <br /> fu�� af�11 sums secured by �his Securi�y Ins�rurnent. Havvever, this op�i�n sha�1 �at be exerc�sed by Lender if <br /> exercise is prohibi��d by federa�law as af the dat�of this�ecurity Instrurnen�. <br /> If Lend�;r exerczses th�s op��on, Lender shal� give Barrower not�ce af ac�e�era�i�n. The notice sllall pravide a <br /> period a�f not less �han the minimurn number of days establ�shed b�i App��cable Law fram the da�e the n��ice is <br /> de�ivere�. �r mai]ed vvithin which Borrawer must pay al� sums secured b� this 5ecurity�nstrt�ment. �f Barrovver <br /> fai�s �a �aay these sums pri�r to the expirati�n of thi�periad, Lender may znvake any remedies permit�ed b�r this <br /> Securzt���strumen�v�ri�hou�fur�her nfl�icc�r dernand on Bon o�rer. <br /> BorrQwer's Ri.ght �o Re�.nsta�e. �f Borrotiver rneets certain conditi�ns, Borr�wer sha�l have the right to have <br /> enfflrceme�t af this Secur��y Instr�xment discont�nued at a�y t�me prior t� �he ea�-1�er of; �a} 5 days ��r such Qther <br /> period as Ap�licable Lav�r may spe�zfy for reins�atem�nt�bef�re sale of the Property pursuan�t�any potiver of sale <br /> contained in �h�s Securi�y �ns�rurnen�; or �b} entry of a judgmen� e��farcing �his Securzty Instrum�n�. Those <br /> conditions axe tha�Borrower: �a} pays Lender a�l sums which�h.en�tx�ou�.d b� du� under th.�s 5ecur�ty �ns�rum�nt <br /> and the��ntrac�as if no acceleration ha�accurred;{b��ures an�defau�t af any flth�r covenants ar agreements;�c} <br /> pays aIl expenses incurred in�nfar�ing this Security Instrum�nt,1�1GIllC�lrig,hut no��imited to,reasar�ab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to t�e ���ent pernu�ted by�aw: ar���d}takes such act�on as Lender may reas�nably require�� assure tha��he <br /> Iien of thi�Secur�ty Ins�rument,Lender's rights�n the Prape�-ty and Bflrrower's�b��ga��fln�o pay th�sums secur�d <br /> by thi s �ecurity Instrumen�.shall continu�unchanged. Up an reins�a�ernent by B orrotiver, thi s Security Ins�rumen� <br /> and the �bligations secured hereby sha��r�main ful��effecti�tre as if na accelera�ian had��curred. H��ve�er, this <br /> ri��.i to reinstate shall nat app�y in the case af accelerati��.u�zder�he sec��on ti�led Transfer vf�he Property or a <br /> Benef�e�a�In�eres�i�n Svrrower. <br /> Hazard��us Substances.Borr�wer shal�not cause ar permit the pres�nce,use, d�spnsa�,s�orage, ar release of any <br /> Ha2ardous 5ubstances on or in the Property.BorroWer shall nat da,nor a�l�w anyone else t�da,an�hing affectz�.g <br /> �he Prop�er�y tha�is in v�o�a�ion of any Envzronrnental La,w. The preceding �vo sentences shall not app�y �o the <br /> presenc�,use,or s�orage an the Proper�y of small�uantit�es of Ha�ardous 5ubstances�hat are gener�.11y reGngni�ed <br /> to be apprapria�e to narrnal residentia�uses and to maintenan�e of the Prop�rt�y. <br /> Borrativ�r shall pramptly g�ve Lender v�rr�t�en no�ice of afly inves�iga�ian,claim,demand,lav�sui�ar other ac�ion by <br /> any g���rnmental or regulatory agency or prx�ate par�ir�volv�ng the Property and any Ha�ardaus Suhs�ance ar <br /> Enviro�rnenta.I Law af wh�ch Borro�ver has actua� kna�vledge. If B�rroti�rer learns, or is n�tified b� any <br /> gavernn�e�.tal or regulatory au�harity,tha�any remtival or ather r�mediation of any Hazardous Substance affec�ing <br /> the Prop�rty is necessary, B�rravsrer shall prarnpt��r take a�� nece�sary remedial actions rtn a�c4rdance vvith <br /> Env�ronrnenta.l La�v. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubstances" ar��hose�ubstances defined as�oxic or hazard�us substances <br /> by Envi���nmen�a� Lavv and the fa��otiving substances: gas�l�ne, �erasene, o�her �lammab�e or t�xic pe�ro�eum <br /> praduc�s, tox�c p�sticides and herbi�ides, v�lati�e so��en�s, material� con�ai�a��g asb�st�� flr farmaldeh�de, and <br /> radioac�ive mater�a�s.As used in�his paragraph, "Environmenta�Lav�r" means federal Iaws and�aws of the sta�e of <br /> Nebraska that rela�e�a health,safety or environmenta�protec�ion. <br /> A�celerat�fln; Remed�es. Lendex shall b�ve n����e tv �orrQwer �rior ta a�celeratiun fo���wing Barrv�ver's <br /> breach af any cavenant vr agreemen�in thi�Secur�ty Instrument or the Contrac�under vvhich acce�eration <br /> is permit�ed�but nflt pr�or to acceleration under the section�i��ed Transf�r�f the Praperty or a Beneficial <br /> In�erest in Bflrro�vver,unles�A�pli�able Lav�r provides oth�rwi5e). The notice �hall spe�ify: (a� the defau��; <br /> �b� �he actian required to �ure �he default; �c� a date, nv� �ess �han the rnxmimum nurnb�r �f davs <br /> es�ablis�ed by Applicabie Law from th�da�e�he not�ce�s gi.ven�o Borr�wer,by which the default must be <br /> cured; �nd �d} that failure to cur�the defau�t on ar before the date spe�ified in the no���� �nay r�sult in <br /> acce�eratian �# the sums secured by �his Secur�ity Instrurnen� and �ale nf the Property. Ta the exfent <br /> permftted hy lavv�,�he notxce sha�.�further inform Borr�wer❑f the rxght�v re�nstate after a�ce�erat�an and <br /> the r�gh��t�bring a cour�ac��on to assert�h�n�n-ex�s#ence of a d�fault or any o�h�r d�fense of Borrvwer to <br /> acceiera�i�n and sale.If the default is not cured vn or befvr� th� date specified�n the nati��, Lender at�fs <br /> ap�ion �may requ�re immediate paymen� in full of all �ums s�cured hy �h�.s Security In��rument withvut <br /> further �demand and may invoke the power tif sale and any o�her rem�di�s permit�ed by Applicable La�v. <br /> Ta the �xtent permitted by Iaw, Lender sha�i I�e ent�tled t� collect a�� expenses incurred. in pursuing �he <br /> rernedie�pro�ided in thi.s S�ctxon,in��uding,but n���ixnited to,reasonable attorne��' fee� and costs af�i�ie <br /> ���den�e. <br /> If th�p�wer vf sale�s invaked,Trustee shall record a n�tice af d�fault�n ea�h county xn�vvhich any part of <br /> the Pra�erty�s Ioca�ed and shal�mail�vpie�of su�h n�ti�e fn�he manner prescribed by Appli�able La�v�o <br /> B�rrower and �o �he other persan� prescribed by Appli�ab�e Law. After the �ime required b�App�x�able <br /> Law, Trustee shall give pub�ic no�ice of saxe to the persv�ns and �n �he rnann�r prescrihed hy App�ica��e <br /> Law.Trus�ee,w��hou�demand an Borro�ver, �hali�e���he Prap�rty at publ�c au�t��n ta�he h�ghes�hidder <br /> at the t�me and place and under the terms desfgnated�n th�notic�af sale�n ane or m�re�arcel�and in any <br /> order T:rus�ee de�ermuines. Trustee rnay pos�pvne sale �f all or any par�el nf �he Property by pub��c <br /> announcement a�the�une and place flf any�reviously s�heduled sale.Lender or�i��designee may purchase <br /> the Praperty a�any sa�e. <br /> Upan re+�eipt vf payrnent of the price bid, Trustee shal�.deliver to the purchaser TruSte�'s deed conveyxng <br /> the Property.The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall�e prirna fa�ie ev�den�e af the tru�h of th� sta�emen�� <br /> �2U44-2a15 Compliat�ce System�,Inc.ASB�-B7I S-2015.3,5,]464 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL24735 Page�#of 5 v�rww.compIiancesysterr�s.corn <br />