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<br /> Hame Fed�ra�Savi.ng��z Loan Associat�on of Hvme Federal Savings&I1oan Associat�on af
<br /> �rand Isiand Grand Island
<br /> 221 Sauth Locust Street Z�1 Sou�h Locust Srree�
<br /> �RA�D ISLAND,NE G 8 8�1 GRAN.�]I SLAND,N E 6$S 41
<br /> (SpaGe Abo��e This L�ne Fnr Recording Da�a}
<br /> L�AN�RI�INATQR CC�MPANY NAME:Hnme Federa�Sa��ngs&L4an Assoc�.at�.an of Grand Island
<br /> LDAN�R�GINAT�R NAME: Ghr�.s Kask�e
<br /> I�1ML5 UR�GINAT�R�DENT�F�ER:494658
<br /> I�EEl� �F TRITST
<br /> S�THI� DE�I7 �]F TRiTST}
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"Security �nstrument"� is rnade vn .August 19} 2�15. The grantors are D,�VID W
<br /> I��ZAI� and DEBRA J ���A�, HCTSBAND AND WIFE, whase address is 471U �ALVIN DR, �RAND
<br /> ISLANIl,Nebraska 68S41-S7�4("Barrower"}.Bor�rower is no�necessarily the same as the P�rson flr Persans who
<br /> s�gn the Hame Equity Line af Credit AgreemQnt, dated Augus� 19, �U15 �"Can�rac�"}. The ab��gat�ons af
<br /> Bnrrowers wha dxd nat sign �he Contract are exp�ained fur�her xn the sectian �it�ed Suc�ess�rs and Assigns
<br /> B�und;J�xnt and Severa�Lzabil�ty;Accomrnodati�n S�gners.Th�tru��ee�s Arend R.Baa�k,A�tnrney u�has�
<br /> a�.dress is P.�. Box 79�, Grand Is�and, Nebraska 68$0� �t'Trustce"}. The benef��ary is Hnme Federal
<br /> Sav�ngs & Laan Asso�iaiion of Grand Is�and, which is organized ar�d exis�ing under �he lavv� of�he United
<br /> States of America and whose address �s ��1 South Loeus� S�reet, Grand Island, Nebraska �S$O1 �"Lender"}.
<br /> DAVID��DTAI�and DEBRA J I��7AK have e�.t�red�nto a��nt�act u�ith Lender as of Augu�� 19, 2�15,
<br /> under the �erms of �vhich Borrvwer may, from �ime �o t�m�, ab�a�ta. advances not to exceed, a� any �ime, a
<br /> Thousand and UUIl�D Dallars �LT.S. $15,�a�.�U} �"Cred�t Lin�t'�}. Any part�y in�er�s�ed�n the details rela�ed to
<br /> Lender's �on�inu�.ng abligat�an ta make advances ta Barrovver is advised to consult directXy with Lender. If not
<br /> paid eaxlzer, the sums owing under Borrovver's Con�ract�waith Lender�vili be due an September 15, �424. Th�s
<br /> Security�nstrument secures �� L�nder: �a) the repayment�f the debt under�he C�ntrac�, �rith interest,��ncluding
<br /> future advances,and a��r�newa�s, e��ensions and mod�f cations of the Con�ract;�b}the payrnent of alI��her sums,
<br /> w�th interes�, advanced�o�rote��the securi�y of�his 5ecur��y Ins�rumer�t under the pra�zs�ar�s t�f the sectian tit��d
<br /> Pr�tec�ian�f Lend�r's Righ�s in the Property;and�c}�he perfoxmanCe of Borrower's covenan�s and agreements
<br /> under thi� Securzty�ns�.rume��and�he �ontract. For thas purpose, Borrovver, in cflnsidera��on of�he debt and the
<br /> �rust herein crea�ed,�rrevocably�ran�s and conv�ys t�Trustee,in trust,with pawer af sa�e,�he fal�a��ving des�r�bed
<br /> praperty���a�ed in tihe�DUNTY of HALL, S�ate af Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 471d CALViN DR,GRAND ISIIANI�,Nebraska�88U1-8724
<br /> Legal De�crzption. L�T SI.�TEEN �16}, IN BL��K THREE �3}, LAI�E DAVIS A�RES
<br /> Tfl�ETHER WITH aIl the impro�emen�s now or her�after ere��ed an �he pr�per�, and all easements,
<br /> appur��riances, azad fx.t�xres not7v or hereaftier a part of�he proper�y. A��repla�ements and additz�ns shal� als� be
<br /> covered by �h�s Securi�ty �nstrurnent. All �f �he f�regoing is referred �� in th�s Securi� Instnxrr�ent as �he
<br /> "property."
<br /> BORR�WER COVEI�A�TS tha�Barro�ver is Iawfu�ly se�sed af�he es�a�e hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> �ran� and convey the property and �hat the Property is unencumbered, exGept for encumbrances of rec�rd.
<br /> Barrovver v�arrants and wi11 def�nd generaliy the fitle �o the Praperty aga�ns� a�� c�airns and demands, subj�ct�a
<br /> any encumbrances nf re�ord.
<br /> I3orrower and Lender cavenan�and agree as fnl�avvs:
<br /> Q 2Q44-�Q l 5 Comglia.zace Systems,Inc.A6$C-B71 S-2�
<br /> Consurner AeaI Es�at�-Sec�rity Instrurnent DLZ�36 Page I Qf 5 u��ww.comptiancesyster�s�orn
<br />