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� � ��15�588� <br /> v' <br /> i s ` <br /> � • <br /> a • i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> w <br /> r ' <br /> 5. EndQrsing �nsurance pQ�icies or insurance proceeds checks and mortgage <br /> payment ch��ks t�the�r�er af the Compa�y Qr C4mpanies; <br /> �. �xecu��ng sett��rn�n� agreemtn�s, ��nsent orders, stipulati�ns or ��her c�nsented <br /> �a c�ur�documents;and <br /> 7. Any and all such o�her ac�s of any kind and nature wha�so�ver that ar�nec�ssary <br /> or apprapr�ate to trnplement th��ransactions c�ntemplat�d by�he Asse��'urcha�e <br /> Agreem�n� and Serv��ing Agreements or�o �ake any� and a11 action nec�ssar� t� <br /> p�rfec��he intere�� of C��w�n in an�martgage laan as to vvh�ch #he �erv�cin�was <br /> acquired �� ��wen pursuant to �he Asset Purchase Agr�emen�, inciuding, <br /> � withou� ��mi�ati�n, ��legating the au�h�rit� gran�ed herein �o necessary third <br /> parties such asr but not limi�ed t�, law f�rms or trust c�mpanie� and ea�h of th�ir <br /> off�cers,direc�ors,empl�ye�s,agen�s and as�igns. <br /> Ea�h Company further grants to �c�ven fuil p�wer an� authori�y tv d� a.nd perforrn a�l a�ts <br /> ne��ssary f�r �]cwen �� carry int4 eff���th� power or powers gran��d '�y or under�his Lim�ted Pawer af <br /> At��rn�y as fu�ly as the Com�anies might a� cvuld d� wi�h the Same �alidit� as if ail and e�rery such act <br /> had been her�in parti�ulax'�y sta�ed, e�.pr�ssed and esp��ial�y pro��d�d for, and l�ere�y ra��f es and <br /> c�nfirrns al1 that�7cwen shall lawfuil�do by virtu�af the pow�rs and au�hor��y�ranted and contemplated <br /> h�re��, and a�l that �ewen h�s pr��viousl� d�n� pursuant to or in cQnne�tion w�th �he Asset Pur�hase <br /> Agre�rn�n� ar any p�w�r af att�rne� previau��y granted by the �ompanies to �cwen. This Limited <br /> �'orn�er af Att�rn�y shall be effec���e l�o�rem�er 1, ��13 and remain in ful� f�rc� and �ffect un�il r�voked <br /> or t�rmina�ed by�he�omp�ies. <br /> Thir� part�es �vithout ac�ua� n�tice �ay re�y upon the exercis� of the p�v�er granted under �his <br /> �imited Pawer of A�orney, and may be satisfied that this Lim�ted Power af A�orxk�y h�s not been <br /> ^ revoked by the�ornpanies. <br /> S�GI�IATU�E PA��S TD FO�I.C]VV' <br /> ;#;g241394 <br /> F�rst Amer <br /> ican Titfe l!�[ILIIll�llll�Il�l�Ullll�lllll�1�1�11 <br /> Loss M�t�gat�on Title 5e�vices�454'1.1 <br /> �_Q. B�x 27��� <br /> Santa Ana, CA 9�799 <br /> RE:BRANNAGAN-R�C�R�IN� SERV� <br />