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' � ��15�58�4 <br /> If the power of sa�e is invaked, Trustee shall record a notice of defau�t in each county in which any <br /> part of the Property is locat�d and shali mail capies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borrawer and to the other persons pr�s�rib�d by Applicable Law. After the time <br /> required by Applicahle Law, Trustee sha�1 gi�e pu�lic no�ice of sale ta�he persans and in the mann�r <br /> pres�ribed by ApplicaU�e Law. Trustee,without demand on Barrower, shall sell the Property at puhlic <br /> auctian to the high�st bidder at the time and plac�and und�r the terms designated in the�atice of sale <br /> in one or mare parcels and in any arder Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone saie of all or any <br /> parcel of the Property by public announcement at th�time and place af any previously scheduled sa1e. <br /> Lender �r its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt af payment af the price bid, Trust�e shall deli�er to the purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> conveying the Property. The recitals in the Truste�'s deed sha11 be pruna facie evidence af the truth of <br /> the statements made therein. Trustiee sha11 apply the proceeds af the sale in the following order: (a�ta , <br /> all costs and exp enses af exer cising the p awer of sale, and the sale, including the p ayment of the _ <br /> Trustee's fees actuaily incurred and reasonable attorneys' fees as permit�ed by Applicab�e Law; (b�ta <br /> all sums secur ed by this Security Instrument; and�c�any excess to the p er son ar p er sans legally <br /> entz�led t4 it. <br /> �3. R�conveyance. Upon pa}�ment of alI sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request <br /> Trustee to recon�ey the Praperty and shall surrender this Security Instrumen�and all notes e�idencing deb� <br /> secured by this 5ecurity Instrurnent to Trustee. Trus�ee shall reconvey the Propert�without warranty ta the <br /> persan or persons legaIl�entit�ed ta it. 5uch persQn vr persons shal�pay any recordation costs. Lender ma� <br /> charge su�h persan or persons a�fe�for recon�eying the Praperty, but anl�if the fee is paid�o a third party <br /> (such as the Trustee) for ser�ices rendered and th�charging of the fee is permitt�d under Applicable Law. <br /> 24. 5ubs�i�ute Trusf�. Lender, at i�s aption, may frorn tzme fo time remo�e Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> tru�tee to any Trustee appainted hereunder by an ins�rument recorded in the county in which this Securit}� <br /> Instrumen�is recorded. V�i���ou��onveyance of the Proper�y, the successar trustee shall succeed t4 aIl the <br /> title, pawer and duties canferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> �_ �5. Requ�st for No#�ces. Barrower reques#s tha�copies of the notice of defautt and sale be sent to Borrower's <br /> addr�ss which�s the Praperty Address. � <br /> 156474G84 ��91935724 <br /> NEHRASKA-Singte Family-�ant�ie AllaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM IN5TRLIMENT WITH MEaS Form 3Q28 1107 <br /> V�P� VMP6A(N��(7302).�0 <br /> 1Nait�rs Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 15 nf'1 T <br />