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��15�585� <br /> ��� "Lerrder"is�u�Cke� Loans I n�. <br /> Lender is a �orporat�on <br /> organized and ex�st�ng under the laws af the State of M�ch i gan , <br /> L�nd�r�s�d�e���5 1�5� W�odwar� Ave, Detr�i t, MI 48��6-19�� <br /> ��� "Trust�e" is Fi rst Amer�ca� T�t�e <br /> �E� "IIAERS" is Mortgage E1e�tronic Regis�ration 5ystem�, Inc. ME�S is a separate carporation that is ac�ing <br /> solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns, MERS is t�te�enefx�iary under this <br /> Se�urity Iastrument. MERS�s organ�zed and existing under th��aws of D�l�ware,and has an address and <br /> t�lephone numb�r af P.�.Box���6,Flint,MI 485D�-�,DZ6,tel.�$88)6'I�-MER�. <br /> �F� "Note" means the promi ss�ry note signed by Borrower and dated A�1�U S� �1, ��15 .The�ate <br /> s�at�s that Borrower owes Lend��r Fal^t� N��1� Th�U�d��l E1 gh� HUnd r�d and <br /> oo�lo� <br /> I�o�iars�IJ.�.$�-�`,���.�� )plus interest. Rarrower has pramiSed to pay this debt in regular <br /> Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in fu�l not later than Septemb�r 1, ����. <br /> �G} "Property"means the property that is described below under the heading"Transfer af Rights in the <br /> Praperty." <br /> �H� "Loan"means the de�t e�idenced�y th�Nate, pIus interest, any pr�paym�n�charg�s and late charg�s due <br /> under the Note,and a�l sums due under�his S�curity�nstrument,plus interest. <br /> ��� "Rid�r's"means�l l Riders to this Security�nstrur�ent tha�are exe�uted b�Borro��er. The follawi�g Rid�rs <br /> are ta be ex�cuted by Borrdwer�check bax as app�icable]: <br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider 0 Sec�nd Home Rider <br /> ❑$a�loon Rider ❑Planned Unit Development R�der ❑ 1-4 Fam�ly Rider <br /> �VA Rider ❑Biweekly Payment Rider �Qther�s�[specify] <br /> Le�a� Attached <br /> �J� "App��cableLa�v" rneans aIl contra��ing applicable federa.l,stat�and local statu�es,r�gt�Iations, <br /> ordinances and administrative rules and ord�rs(�hat ha�e the effe�t of law}as wel�as all app�icab�e�na�, <br /> nan-app�a�abl�judici�l opini��s. <br /> {Kj "Com rnu nity Assoeia#ian Du�s,Fees,and Assessment$"mean�a�1 dues, fees, assessmen�s and other <br /> charges that are imposeci on Borrawer or the Praperty by a condominium association,harn�awners <br /> asso�iation or similar arganizat�an. <br /> �L} "Elec#ronicFun�sTrar�sfer"means any transf�r af funds, other than a transactian originated by ch�ck, <br /> d�a�,or simi�a�pape�instrurnen�,vvhich is ini�iated�hrough an electr�nie terminal,t�l�ph��ic�nstr°ument, <br /> computer,ar magnetic so as to arder,instruct,or authori�e a financial institutian to debit or credit an <br /> ac�ount, Such terrn in��udes,but is not�irriited to,paint-of sale transfers,au�amate�teller machin� <br /> transacti�ns�transfers in'rtiated by te�ephor�e,�ire tran�fers,and autamated clearinghouse transfers. <br /> �M� "Escraw Items"means tha�e items that are descri�ed in Section 3. <br /> NEgR�ASKP+�ing4e Family-�annie fVlaefFreddie Mac I�M3FDRM iNSTRUM�NT W1TH MERS Fvrrn 3�Z8 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPSA(NE)[1342J_d� <br /> Wolt�rs FCluwer Financial 5ervices Page 2 of 17 <br /> qq33433�9�84 ❑233 377 I��17 <br />