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<br /> W��LRFAS,N�cholas 5.I3��1,a sin�;l�per�cin,did hy a 5ecurity lnstrum�;nt d�ted May l4,?U 13,arid r��corci�d can May 15,
<br /> ?4�13,llc��i►ment No.2U 13-D�883 in thc(�ffi�:e nf the Rcc�rdcr af�1.�c�c�s uf���1]County,Nebraska,c:oi���ey thc propc�tu tc}the n3incd
<br /> �i�rustee�to sc�eu�e�a}�inent of thC dc�scribed debt,th��ro�x:rty�in�l��ally de�cribE:ci c�c�mmencing c�n ihe�ir�t�a��ofthis i�nstrum�nt.
<br /> WF��;I��:E1S,the 5ecurity Instrument pr��id�:s th�t thc��ndc.�r�hall ha��c the�o���er tr�rem���e the c�riginril trust�e or a►ny
<br /> ��iccc��sc�r trustee,�nd ta appoint in r�-ritin�(acknowledged and re�orde�i}�i su�ccssc�rto such trustec,��-hc��hall succcc;d t❑th�titl�a.t�ci
<br /> a�l�t'thc ri�hts�nd pc�wers c�f th�(7riginal'I'rustee;anci
<br /> W��;R.�.JAS,the under�igned is thc ho�d�r o#'the note de�cribcd anc��c:cured by thc Sccurity lnstrumcnt�and the nayce nf
<br /> such deb�.
<br /> NaW TH�:�Z�:k�'()R�,th�undersigncd remav�s U.S.�3:�nk Trust C'�mpa.ny,Nationa�As�cfciatinn a.s'�'ruste��nd 3ny uther
<br /> �ppc�inted suc�essor trustec duly appoint�d under the Sc�urity Instrum�:nt�ind appoinls};dward��.Hrink.a member of th�;]�lebrawka
<br /> St�te�3ar E1�snciation,clo South�,�w,P.C'., 1(�855 W I)odge Ros��uite 23D.�maha,Nebraaka 6�3154,as Successar Tru�tee.
<br /> IN�VI'�NL'S5`TV��ERE�)F[).�.Hank Natic�nal Assc�ciatiun ha5 ca�i5ed th�s�nst�-um�nt tc�hc:�igt�cd by its
<br /> _Vi�e Pr�sident .���ic1��},anc�attested to hy its..Assist���t Vi�e Presiden�.. _t�Iit��}.
<br /> � �U.S.Bank �anal�su�c• �an
<br /> �w,..�.�.��
<br /> �mt: Kim mekia l�McNea�
<br /> � �- �Iii1e: �t�� residen�
<br /> �� _
<br /> �� -
<br /> A,tte�ted by: M ax'I'HU�►var�i,Assi�tant Vi�e Pre�ic�ent
<br /> stdtc��'Kentu�ky }
<br /> } ��.
<br /> C'ounty�f Da�iess )
<br /> .
<br /> 1`he forcgoing in�trumeni was acknawlcdged hef�re mc this '� (dare}by�imum�:kia U McNcal.Vic�President and
<br /> Max'T�loward,�s�istant Vice Pres�deni�name�s)a�nd title(s}cft'auth�ri�cd sianer�s})�f'U.S.�3ank N�}tion�l�lssociatiun,a
<br /> Federally-chartered ban�ing ass[�ciation,on b�:h�lf of[7.5.�3ank National,E#ssnciati�n.
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<br /> (Signaturc o!�notary} �� �.� .. _.w�__.. _
<br /> ]�I�tary Publi�,State At l.arge(Title or rank}
<br /> � � , �Serial number,if'any}
<br /> My Commissi�n Ex�ire�: � , .
<br /> � E
<br /> �
<br /> ��ile No. 183324
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