<br /> 2. C�]NVEYANCE. For gaod and �aluak��e cansideration, the receipt and sufficiency❑f which is
<br /> r
<br /> acknawledged, and ta s�cure the 5e�ured Debt �d�fined below} and Trustor's perf�rmance under
<br /> this Se�urity Instrument, Trustflr irre�acably grants, can�eys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the
<br /> benefit of Benefic�ary, with pawer of sale, the fol�owing describ�d praperty:
<br /> See attached Exhibit"A"
<br /> Th� property is 1��ated in .H�!�;�.���NTY............................. at .......�..,..,..,.,.............,.............
<br /> {County}
<br /> 5�7.S.V�NE.ST.,.�RAN,D,�SLAND.................................................., Nebraska .688D,�-7867..,
<br /> . .... ... ...... ..... , ..,
<br /> (Address} �City} �ZIP�ode}
<br /> Tvgeth�r with al[ rights, easements, appurt�nan�es, rayalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all
<br /> water and riparian rights, ditches, and water stack and all exEsting and future impr��ements,
<br /> structur�s, fixtures, and rep�acements that may now, or at any tirne �n the future, �e part of the
<br /> real estate desc�i bed abo�e (a I I ref�rred t�as "Prvperty"}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM�SLIGAT�C]N LIMIT. The tvta! principal amount s�cured �y this Se�ur�ty Instrument
<br /> a�any ❑ne time shall nat exceed $ .���$��ti�4.................................... . This lirnitation ❑f amaunt
<br /> da�s nvt in�lude interest and vther fees and charg�s �alidly mad� pursuant to this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument. A�so, this limitatian does not apply to ad�ances made und�r the terms of this Security
<br /> Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security and ta perform any of the co�enants cvntained in this
<br /> Security Instrument.
<br /> 4. SE�URED DEBT AND FUTURE AI3VANCES, The term "Secured Det�t" is defined as follows:
<br /> A. Debt incurred under the terms vf all promissvey nvte[s}, cantract(s}, guaranty�ies} or vther
<br /> e�idence of d�bt d�scri�ed below and all their extens=�ns, renewals, madifEcations or
<br /> substitutions. �You must specifically identify the deht(s} secured and yau should i��clude the�nal maturity
<br /> date af such debt�s}.}
<br /> Borrower�s}:TRAVlS E I aE
<br /> PrincipallMaximum Lin�Amaunt: 23,8�3.�0
<br /> Ma�urity Date: �81�412�45
<br /> Note❑ate: �81�512D 15
<br /> B. All Future ad�an�es frvm Beneficiary to Trustar vr oth�r future ohligations of Trustor t�
<br /> Beneficiary under any pr�missory n�te, cvntract, guaranty, ❑r ather e�idence of debt exe�ut�d
<br /> by Trust�r in fa�o�af Beneficiary aft�r this 5ecurity Instrument whether❑r nvt this Security
<br /> lnstrument is spec�fically referenced. !f more than ❑ne persvn signs this Security Instrument,
<br /> each Trusto�agrees that this Security Instrument wi11 se�ure all future ad�ances and future
<br /> obligations that ar� given t� or incurr�d by any ane or mare Trustor, �r�any one or more
<br /> Trusta�and others. A�� futur�ad�ances and oth�r future obligations are se�ured �y this
<br /> 5ecurity �nstrument e�en though all ar part may n�t yet he ad�an�ed. All future ad�anGes and
<br /> ather future obligativns are secured as if made on the date �f this Security Instrument.
<br /> Nathing in this Security lnstrum�nt shall cvnstitute a c�mmitment to make additional ❑r future
<br /> loans or ad�ances in any arnount. Any su�h �vmmitrnent must be agreed tv in a separate
<br /> writing
<br /> �,AII vther ob[igatians Trustor owe�ta Ben�ficiary, which may later arise, to the extent nat
<br /> prahibited by law, including, but nt�t lirnited to, liabilit�es fvr fl�erdrafts r�lating t❑any deposit
<br /> account agreement between Trustvr and B�nefi�iary.
<br /> a.All additi�nal surns ad�anced and expenses incurr�d hy Beneficiary far insuring, preser�ing ar
<br /> �therwise pratecting the Pr�perty and its va[ue and any other surns ad�anced and expenses
<br /> incurr�d by Beneficiary under the terms �f this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> (Page 2❑f 7}
<br /> _1994 Wolter5 Kluwer Financiai 5er�ices-Bankers Systemsx Farm 1J56C]CP-�T-NE 1717 fil�a1�
<br />