<br /> DEE� �F TRUST
<br /> ��flntinued} P�ge �
<br /> 7ruste�. Trustee shall meet a!! qua[ifica'tions required �ar Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the rights
<br /> �nd r�medies set �orxh abo�e, wi�h respe��ta a�� ar any part of�he Property, the Trustee shall ha�e the right t❑
<br /> �ore�lose by nntice and sale, and L�nder will ha�e the righ� tv foreclos� by judi�ial foreclasure, in eith�r case in
<br /> accardance with and tv the�u�i exten�pro�ided by appli�able law.
<br /> auccessvr Trustee. Lender, at L�nder's ap�k�an, may from time to tim�appaint a suc�essar Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appvinted under this De�d ❑�Trust by an instrumen� execu�ed and acknowfedged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> ��fi�e of the recorder of HALL C�unty, State of fVebraska. Th� instrum�nt shall �on�ain, in add'rti�n to al[ other
<br /> ma�ters required by state [aw, the names af the orig�na� Lend�r, Trustee, and Trust�r, the bvok and page �or
<br /> r:ompu�er system referenGey where this ❑e�d vf Trus� is record�d, and the name and address of th� successar
<br /> �rustee,and the instrurnen�sha11 be execu�ted and acknawledged �y all the beneficiaries under this ❑eed❑f Trust ar
<br /> their succe�sors in interest. The su�cessor trus�e�, without conveyanGe of�he Property, shall succe�d to all th�
<br /> �:�tle, power, and duties con�e�red upan the Trustee in this Deed o#Trust and by applicab[e iav►r. This pr��edure for
<br /> .�ubsti�utian a�Trustee shall gvvern tv the exclusian af alf other p�ovisions far substitution,
<br /> NOTt�ES. Any notice requir�d tv be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, 'rn�luding v►iith�ut fimitation any notice a� default
<br /> and any notice of sale shaff be gi��n in writing, and shall be effiecti�e wher� a��kual�y deli�ered, when a�tualfy received
<br /> hy te�e�acsimile �unless otherwise required by law}, when depasited with a nafiional[y recognized o�ernight courier,or, if
<br /> rnai�e�, when d�pasited in the United 5#ates mail, as#irst c[ass, certified❑r r�gistered mail postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> fihe ar�dress�:s shown near the heg�nning ❑#this Deed ❑f Trust. All copi�s a�natices of�oreclasure f�am the ha�der❑f
<br /> any lien whi�h has priari�y a�er this aeed a�Trust shall be sent ta L�nder"s address, as shown near�he beginning of
<br /> this �eed af Trust, Any person may change his or her address �or nati�es under this Deed af Trus�t by gi�in� fvrmal
<br /> writ��n natice t�a the ❑�kher person o�' persvns, specifying that fihe purpase vf th� nvtice is tv change the persvn's
<br /> address. For nati�e purposes, Trustor agrees ta keep Lender infvrmed at all times vf Trustar's current address. Un�ess
<br /> ��he��rvise pra�ided ar required by law, if there is more than ane Trustor, any notic� given by Lender to any Trustor �s
<br /> deemed to be nvtice gi�+en�o all Trus#ars, [t will he Trustor's respansibility to tell the a�hers of the natice from Lender.
<br /> MiS�ELLAIVE�US PR�V�510N5. The follow�ng rniscellaneous prov�sions are a par�of this ae�d o#Trus�:
<br /> ��mendmen�s, Vllhat is writ�en in �his ❑eed ❑f Trust and in 'the Rela�ed ❑ocuments is Trustvr's entire agr�ement
<br /> v�ith Lender concerning�he nnatters covered by this D�ed afi Trust. T❑ be�ff�cti�e, any change a� amendmen�t ta
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust mus�be in writing and must be signed by whae�er wif( be bvund or obliga'red hy the change or
<br /> �mendment.
<br /> Cap�ion He�d�ngs. Captivn headings in this ❑eed of Trust are far cvn�enienc� purposes onfy an� are nv# ta be
<br /> used ta interpret ar define the pro�isions of this �eed a�Trust.
<br /> �erger. There shall be no merger of the interest or es�ate creafied by this aeed of Trust with any other interest or
<br /> �sta�e in �he Property at any time held by ar fvr#h� benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the written �onsent
<br /> af Lender�
<br /> Go�erning Law. This Deed vf Trust will be gvverned hy federal law appli�ab�e tv Lender and, to the ex�ent not
<br /> �reempted by fQderal iaw,�he laws o�the Sta#e vf Nebraska wi�hout regard tv its conflicts vf�aw provisivns. This
<br /> Cleed af Trus#has been accepted by Lender in the 5tate of Nebraska.
<br /> Chflice of 1Penue. I�there is a lawsuit, Trustar agrees upvn Lender's request ta submit to the juris�i�tivn ❑f�he
<br /> cou��s vf Nall Gounty, State v#N�I�raska.
<br /> Jaint and Several Liabili#y. All obliga�ions of Borrower and Trustor under this Deed of Trust shaff be jvint and
<br /> se�eral, and all references t�Trustor shalf inean each and e�ery Trustor, and all r�ferences ta Bvrrawer sha�l mean
<br /> each and e�ery Borrow�r. This means that each Trustflr signing below is respansibfe fvr all abfigations in this ❑eed
<br /> a�Trust.
<br /> llto Vllai�er by Lender. Trustor under�tands Lender will nvt giue up any of L�nder's �ights under fihis De�d�#Trust
<br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The fa�t that Lender delays or ornits ta exercise any right wilf not rn�an that
<br /> Lender haS �iven up that right. If Lender does agree in w��ting to gi�e up ❑ne af Lender's rights, that does na�
<br /> mean Trus�ar wi!! nat ha�e t❑ cvmply with the o�her pro�is'rvns af this Deed of Trust. �rustvr als4 understands
<br /> �hat if Lend�r daes �onsent to a request, that dfles not mean that Trustor will not ha�e tt� ge� Lender's �onsent
<br /> again if the s�tuation happens again. Trustor further understands that just because Lend�r�vnsents to❑ne or mor�
<br /> afi Trus�or's reques�s, th�t does not rnean Lender will be required ta ct�nsent tv any af Trust�r's fu�ure requests.
<br /> Trustor wai�es presentrnent, demand far payment, protesY, and natice af dishanor.
<br /> Ser�erabilityd lf a caurt�inds that any pro�isivn o� this Deed �f Trust is not �afid ar shou�d not be enfar�ed, that
<br /> fact by itself wi�l nvt mean that the rest of this Deed of Trust will nat be�alid ar enfor�ed. Therefore, a caurt wifl
<br /> enfvrce the rest vf the provisians vf this Deed of Trust e�en if a�r�vis�an af this Deed vf Trust may be found to b�
<br /> irt�alid or unenfarcea�le.
<br /> Suc��ssars and Assigns. Subject to any limifiatians sta�ed in#his Deed of Trust vn trans�er af Trusto�'s interest,
<br /> t��is Deed of Trust shall be t�inding upon and inure to the benefi� o�the parti�s, their success�rs and assigns. If
<br /> auvnership a�the Prvperty hecomes vested in a person ��her than Trustvr, Lender, withou�na�ice ta Trustar, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trustor"s successors wath re�eren�e to this Deed o�Trus�and the indebtedness by way af for�earanc�or
<br /> extension without r�ieasing Trustar frarn the obliga�ions a�fih�s Deed of Trust a��iab�lity unde�the lndebtedn�ss.
<br /> Time is af�he Essen�e. Time is of the essence in the performan�e of this Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> l��ai�er o� F�omestead Ex�mptaon, Trus�ar hereby releases and wai�es alf rights and benefits af the hames��ad
<br /> exemp�ion faws of the State of N�braska as ta all �ndebtedness secured by this aeed of Trust.
<br /> DEF�N�T��IVS. Th�fal�owing words sha([ha►re the folivwing meanings�vhen us�d in�his❑eed af Trust:
<br /> Benefi�iary. The ward "Beneficiary" rneans Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borraw�r, 7he word "Barrower" means DAN�EL E RDTH and in�ludes all �o-signers and cv-makers signing Lhe
<br /> Credit Agreement and all their su�cessvrs and assigns.
<br /> Credit Agreement. The words "Credit Agreem�nt" rnean the credit agreement dated August �D, 2�15, �1�th
<br /> �redit ��t�'tlt of $�9,3Z�.�Q ��-orn Barrow�r to Lender, tagefiher with all renewals of, extensions o�,
<br /> modi���atians ��f, re�inancings af, cansvlidations of, and substitutians fvr the p�nmissary note ar agreement.
<br /> ❑eed v'� Trust. The wards "De�d of Trust" mean �his Deed af Trust am�ng Trustor, Lend�r, and Trust�e, and
<br /> ir�c[udes without lirr�itation all assignmen� and se�uri�y interest pro�is�vns relating to the Persvnal Prop�rty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> E�nvironmen�al Laws. The words "En�ironmental La►nrs" mean any and all state, �ederal and I�ca� S�a�[�1�@5r
<br /> r�gufations �nd ordinances refa�ing to the protec�ian v� human health vr th� en�irvnm�nt, including withou�
<br /> limi�atian the Carnpreh�nsi�e En�ironmentai Respanse, �ampensatian, and Liability Ac�of 1980, as arnended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5ectian 96��, et seq. �"CERCLA"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�harization A�� o� 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 4"SARA"�,the Hazardaus Mate��a[s Transporta�ion Act, 49 �.S.C. Sec�tion 1 S��, et seq.,the Resour�e
<br /> Canser�atian and H��a�ery A�t, �2 �.5.�, Section 59C�1, et seq., �r other app�i�abfe s�a�e ar federal �aws, rules,
<br /> ar regulations adopted pursuant thereta.
<br />